#2 - Listening To The Whispers Of Your Heart
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  It can be super hard to settle down enough to hear what your deepest knowing has to say - but the info is there in the form of whispers from your heart -  you already have everything you need to choose what will make you happy!   Here are the biggest takeaways from this episode: We go a bit deeper into what the heck “whispers” are (hint: solid gold info). You’ll learn how your whispers are telling you what will make you happy—so listen up! You’ll learn how to tune-in and tease out the “whispers” in your own life. I share my own ups and downs with listening to whispers and ignoring these nuggets of info. You’ll discover how to create better experiences and feelings using the info your whispers have for you.   Hey there! I’m so glad you stopped by!   Today, we’re talking about something that’s crucial to your happiness - - the ability to listen to your heart’s quiet messages about what will make you happy! We call them "whispers"! There is so much noise and distraction in the world - not to mention whatever fears and baggage and anxieties get in our way (of course, I know nothing about this, myself…ha!). It can be super hard to settle down enough to hear what your deepest knowing has to say. But the info is there for you -  in the form of whispers from your heart - you have everything you need to know about what will make you happy! As always, my goal is to make it quicker and easier for you to access more ease, joy, and intention in your life...because happy looks really, really good!   Enjoy the show! BONUS CONTENT You have a whole deep well of info available to you...if you just listen. This week's free bonus content, “3 Simple Steps To Start Listening To Your Whispers,” will help you get started.  It will walk you through the simple steps to help you start listening in - so you can kick-start your journey to a life of more ease, joy, and direction.   This guide is perfect for anyone who wants more clarity and control over their thoughts. Download it now so you’ll have it anytime you’re looking for a little help accessing your own guidance. Click HERE and we’ll send it out right away! __________   In case you'd rather read than listen, here's the FULL TRANSCRIPT OF EPISODE #2 LISTENING TO THE WHISPERS Welcome to the Style With Intention podcast where we talk about how to use your personal style to create a life you love.   We believe that choice is empowering, complacency is boring, and happy looks really, really, good!   I’m your host, Annie Kip, and in today’s episode we are talking all about how you can figure out which choices are going to lift you up and make you feel amazing.   Last week, we talked about what it means to make intentional personal style choices and use them as a tool to design a life you love. We talked about how important it is to get really clear on how you want to feel first, and then make choices which will get you closer to that feeling. We talked about how your feelings and the hundreds of ordinary choices you make everyday will create the experiences you want to have in your life.   Today, we’re going to go a bit deeper into the how.  We’re going to talk about a way that you can figure out what works for you and what doesn’t work for you in your personal style choices.   When it comes to making personal style choices - we’re all different. Some people have very strong feelings and other say they don’t know what they like. I’ve seen that one person might like something that another person can’t stand. There’s no right or wrong or ultimate authority of style and taste. It all comes down to your unique preferences. These preferences come from a feeling within us. We can’t always say why - we just know.   If you think about it, whenever we are choosing what we want to wear or buy for our homes, it’s always bas
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