#1 - Permission To Be Happy
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  Style With Intention is all about using the small, ordinary choices in your life to bring you more happy experiences - and giving yourself permission to be happy. This is the most important thing you can do every day - and is actually a service to others!   The biggest takeaways from this episode: Why being happy is the most important job you have in life. How the experiences you have are inextricably linked to how you feel. How you can choose the happy feeling you want to have and then use your choices to intentionally create the happier experiences you want to have.   Hey there! I’m so glad you stopped by - this is our very first episode!   Being happy affects every aspect of your life. The way you feel inside matters and it always shows on the outside - and it affects other people too! Imagine if there were more people in the world who felt solidly good and happy inside...how much more forgiveness there would be, how many more win-win solutions we could find, and how much kinder people would naturally be with each other. Reaching for your own happy feelings can start a ripple effect of goodness in the world, so I say - have at it! Sing in your car, wear your favorite clothes (every day!), and for heaven’s sake - don’t wait until you’re moving out of your house to paint the walls a color you like! Listen in today as I explain how you can actually reverse engineer the experiences you want to have! As always, my goal is to make it quicker and easier for you to access more ease, joy, and intention in your life...because happy looks really, really good! Enjoy the show!   BONUS CONTENT Creating enough time and space in our lives to do the things that make us happy isn’t always easy...and sometimes, you even might feel a little guilty doing things for yourself...so, I want to offer you these simple, small changes you can make in your life right now to find more happiness! Click HERE to get the bonus content and we’ll send it out right away!   ________________ In case you'd rather read than listen, here's the FULL TRANSCRIPT OF EPISODE #1 PERMISSION TO BE HAPPY Hey there and Welcome to the Style With Intention podcast where we talk about how to use your personal style as a tool to create a life you love. We believe choice is empowering, complacency is boring, and happy looks really, really, good! I’m your host, Annie Kip, and you’ve found our very first episode! I’m so glad you’re here! This episode will fill you in on exactly what Style With Intention is and what you can expect from this podcast. So - what if there was one thing you could do every day that would make everything else you did better? What if that one thing also made other people’s lives better? That one thing would be pretty important to do everyday, don’t you think? Well --  I believe that one thing - is to find a way to be happy. I think being happy is your most important job. This isn’t something that people always feel comfortable with. In fact, some people might even feel it’s selfish to pursue their own happiness. I know it’s taken me a while to come to terms with even saying this out loud. But I believe this is true. With all my heart. So today, I’m going to share with you: how I came to the conclusion that being happy is your most important job the secret that ties it all together why I think doing your most important job well - is a service to others Of course, being “happy” is very subjective and it means different things to different people at different times. And I’m not suggesting that you should or would be able to make yourself happy by deliberately making other people un-happy. I’m also certainly not pretending that my life has been smooth sailing or I’m able to stay happy all of the time - but I try - and I do believe it’s worth striving for... and here’s why. I came t
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