Published 05/06/21
When people ask me what a D/s relationship is like, my first response is 'it looks like any other relationship,' but that's not entirely accurate. All relationships are unique and personal to the people in them, making a sound basis for any D/s relationship. In this article, I’ll cover a few common misconceptions of D/s dynamics, what a D/s relationship is not, and some core traits you can use to identify a healthy dynamic. You may be surprised to learn that they aren't as foreign as you...
Published 05/06/21
Negotiation and consent are the primary ways BDSM is distinguished from abuse - they are essential parts of kinky play. But far too many people gloss over how important it is to be really good at negotiating so that you can have great kinky fun. And you...
Published 11/11/20
Anyone can learn to be a good service submissive, even if you don't feel you are a people pleaser, because the key traits are all ones that can be learned and refined. When you take steps to improve yourself now, you'll be able to tackle a variety of...
Published 10/28/20
We need to make sure we take an active role in submission to help open up the dynamic and not wait for our Dominant to come up with a command to give us. By taking on an active role in our submission, we not only have more opportunities to be...
Published 10/14/20
Using my experience as a service submissive, I'd like to share what non-sexual service is and help you figure out if service is something you want to explore. I'll talk about a few different styles of service you could learn. Then we'll cover how you...
Published 09/30/20
Sexual Power Exchange involves submissive partners who willingly and voluntarily relinquish control to their dominant partners, either in certain situations, for a specified period of time, or completely.  As long as you keep it fun and enjoyable, a...
Published 09/16/20
If you’re brand new to BDSM or even if you’ve got a few years under your belt, it’s good to sit down and figure out what submission means for you and how it works in your dynamic. Once you know what you need as a submissive, you can work with your...
Published 09/02/20
Whether you are kinky only in the bedroom or participating in D/s as a lifestyle, developing rituals for your BDSM play is an intimate and powerful way to connect. Using rituals will strengthen your roles, build dynamic scenes, and amplify your playtime...
Published 08/12/20