Leslie is one of those women that you sense authenticity, beauty, and inner stillness. She helps women and men in the spotlight that find themselves having to stay strong at all times- but needing their own support and strength. How did she get into this profession? Listen to her own story of feeling alone in the spotlight. 
Published 07/17/19
Three short months after her son took his own life, the courageous Lark Galley is already trying to make sense out of the senseless by trying to help others understand this horrific epidemic. Whether you are reaching for help or have friends that need support- please share this special episode to keep the connection and love strong so that others don't feel the need to take the step of finality. 
Published 06/28/19
Scott Sherman is a man living life intentionally. Listen as he shares his story about how he attained the "American Dream" but chose to leave it all behind, take early retirement and open up his own door to opportunities that help him live in his purpose. 
Published 06/11/19
Tammy is a powerhouse influencer, speaker, conference planner, and businesswoman. However, she wasn't always like this. At one point, she was a meth addict digging a deep dark hole of despair and self-loathing.  Listen as she shares how the very depths of despair helped her to have all of the skills and tenacity to push through anything! 
Published 05/14/19
You've done everything that they told you to do in order to be happy- went to school, found that amazing job, got married, had children......so why aren't you happy, fulfilled, and finding joy? Cathy McKinnon wondered that too, and through her own breakdown, she found her ultimate breakthrough. 
Published 04/26/19
How many of you feel a gentle pull? That pull that says, "It is time". It is time to use your gifts to benefit the world. But right after you think, "what would I do, how would I even begin?" Today our guest Lisa Taitelman takes us on her journey to find her own trail in life and used her gifts to start a life-changing movement for women.  She shares incredible insight for "finding your own trail."
Published 04/18/19
Have you ever felt like it was hopeless? That there was no way out of your situation? Well, Jenny Layton once felt that too. However, she was able to see her way out of the darkness and into the light. Now she spends her days helping others use organizational methods to get themselves into a place of more peace, satisfaction. As a regular on Channel 2's Fresh Living, she helps others find ways to cut through the clutter both internally and externally. 
Published 04/10/19
This episode unfolded into a message that is meant for someone. Someone who is tired and doesn't know if they can do it one more day, one more hour, one more minute. Someone that is caring for another and is tired of worrying, caring for someone that is suffering so much.  We go there. We talk about the thing that no one wants to discuss- the big "S" word. Suicide.  The only thing I know is that this episode was inspired by a much greater force than myself and my friend Ganellyn Condie.
Published 02/14/19
Do you find yourself hitting a glass ceiling in life? Do you feel like you self-sabotage or get in your own way from the very thing you desire? Maybe you do everything they tell you and you still don't get the results you believe are yours to claim.  Maybe the only thing standing between you and what you want is discovering the results gap. Angela Bell- is going to tell us what this secret ingredient is that will make all the difference in your business, health, and personal power. 
Published 02/14/19
There are times in life that it seems unbearable. That there is no way out and happiness and joy seem like a fading memory. What do you do? How do you heal?  Elsebeth Green has lived this story. She found ways to rise above it and is now the owner of the Green House Center for Growth and learning and teaches over 550 people per week how to do this as well.  Are you ready to learn how to find happiness again? 
Published 02/08/19
Lisa Crofton was the poster child for stress at one point in her life. So stressful that she experienced her first seizure at a restaurant. Over the next six years, she decided to find the answers to living a joyful life- one without disease and anxiety/depression.  She found some answers- and is now sharing them with the world. Are you ready to find Joy in your Journey?
Published 01/17/19
Ricci is one of those people that radiate good health and well being. She is confident, beautiful, and feels at her best when she is serving others. However- she wasn't always like this. At one point, her family built their new home with the anticipation that she would be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.  Listen as she shares her story of making amends with food, her body, and most importantly with herself. 
Published 01/03/19
Have you ever wondered if you have anything special or of value to share with the world? Well, guess what- you do!  This podcast is all about how to find them, how to use them, and how to get out of your way in using them to shower the world with something only you can give to the world. 
Published 12/18/18
No one is short on challenges and we all have adversity at one point or another. It's how we deal with those challenges that exposes our true character.  Jana is no exception and has been hit with incredibly challenging health problems- some that many people would have found debilitating. But not Jana- she has learned to "pivot" when things get tough and as such miracles show up in her life every day.  Want to learn how to "pivot"? Listen to this very special episode. 
Published 12/13/18
Sometimes you simply need to press reset and start all the way over. That is where Taunia Terry was at one point in her life. She had just gotten divorced from her fifth husband.....depressed, shamed, and completely broken. She then realized in order to create the life and relationships she wanted, she had to clean the slate and as she said, "divorce herself" in order to claim who she really was. Ready to press reset? Don't miss this episode!
Published 12/07/18
As a comedian- making fun of life is what Megan Bryant does best. She has learned to laugh when life gets down.  But what happens when your whole life turns upside down? When you are faced with divorce, becoming a single mother to four littles, and learning to navigate the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur? That is really when our true grit is tested.  Megan will talk about her recent experience with all of these challenges and how she can still laugh, love, and create despite the chaos. 
Published 11/29/18
We can often get stuck in life because of our "money stories" in our lives. We don't grow our businesses, we don't live our dreams, we make excuses because we don't have the revenue to support it- do you relate?  Connie is going to show us how to get past those money blocks. As an accountant for 18 years- she now has a massive business that not only helps people manage but develop a mindset around money that will take their businesses to the next level. You ready to go beyond revenue? 
Published 11/21/18
What happens when you do everything "right" but everything goes wrong anyways? You play life the way you are supposed to- you get an education, you are kind to others, you get married and get the fancy house and cars and right at that moment- everything falls apart in front of you?  Well if you are Cledra Gross- you discover that everything has to completely fall apart to truly find and discover yourself and trust God to lead you to a higher power, purpose, and way of life.   
Published 11/15/18
Have you ever had an idea and wondered how to put it into creation? My guest Lisa Bearnson has mastered this concept and as a result is a massively successful businesswoman who has created millions in revenue. She shows us how to take that idea and turn it into something magnificent. Along the way- Lisa talks about her own "failures" and balancing work and life and family. She is a beautiful soul that will help you reach the next level in your life. 
Published 11/08/18
Have you ever wondered how successful women do it? Do you ever wonder if you have that something special?  As I have considered all of the incredible women that I have interviewed, met with over the past decade, I have realized that there are common themes that dictate whether a woman finds success in life.  The good news? All of these things can be learned. All of these things can be received by anyone that has a desire to improve their lives. Ready to learn the secrets?
Published 10/26/18
With the recent "me too" movement, it is apparent that so many women have been victimized, violated, and hurt in their lifetime. While it is fantastic that we acknowledge that it exists and to break the silence- it's even more important to know how to move past it and to live a life of incredible peace, joy, and success despite our circumstances.  The incredible Ms. Leta Greene will show us how in any circumstance from divorce, death, or any type of abuse. Become a victor!
Published 10/16/18
Do stress and anxiety sometimes seem to rule your life? What would you do without it looming over your head? Would you show up differently in life? Would you feel lighter, more peaceful and confident?  This week's episode is all about my personal mental health journey. You'll hear how anxiety and depression have had its hold on my life up until 5 years ago and how a recent episode allowed me to finally make complete peace with anxiety. 
Published 10/09/18
Cherie is an influencer-she has an incredibly successful business leading thousands of people to their own success. She has five kids a wonderful husband, and former Mrs. Utah. She feels that her reason for being here on this Earth is to help empower women and that is where she finds some of her greatest joy.  Favorite quote? "The Universe is waiting.....it's waiting for you to remember who you are and to step into your birthright. When you do- miracles start happening."
Published 10/04/18
Quinn is a "branding expert" and helps thousands learn how to bring their message or product to the masses. How did she end up in this incredibly creative, impactful career?  Well- it was through those lessons, the challenges, the dark periods of life that led her to create a life of her own design. A life that might be different than the status quo. A life that includes finding joy each day as she lives in her "genius zone" and brings her gifts to the world. 
Published 09/27/18