Since March, James O'Loghlin has spoken to Keith Bunker each month about what it's like to live when you know you're going to die. Keith is in his mid-40s, is married with two young girls, and was diagnosed with secondary liver cancer. He speaks frankly, honestly and movingly about his experiences. Since James' last chat, Keith and his family have moved to Edinburgh.
Published 08/31/14
Richard Clapton is an Australian musical legend. He's just penned a book 'The Best Years of Our Lives' which is also the title of one of his hit songs. He shares some of the key moments in his career with James O'Loghlin.
Published 08/24/14
What are the strategies charities use to get us to donate money? Do advertisements appealing to our emotions work more effectively than someone dressed as a koala on a street? Consumer psychologist Adam Ferrier talks with James O'Loghlin.
Published 08/17/14
Rachel Kunde has been a surrogate twice. Hear why she decided to carry another person's child and how she feels about surrogacy.
Published 08/10/14
A look back through Greg Combet's political career will tell you he hasn't been one to shy away from a fight. While he's left politics for now, the former Senior Labor Minister is no less sure of his convictions. He's proud of what he's achieved and he's joined James on Sundays to go through some of his old battlefields.
Published 08/03/14
You hear it all the time, "sex sells". The sex-factor might be a little more in your face these days but, it's always been there. So why does it work so well? To find out why sex is so good at making us hand over our money James is joined in the studio by Michael Gillings from the School of Biological Services at Macquarie University as well as consumer psychologist, Adam Ferrier.
Published 07/27/14
Claire Dunn became disillusioned with her urban life and decided to do something radical - leave civilisation and live in the bush for a year. She learned how to trap animals, start fire and live off her wits. She describes her experience to Jen Fleming.
Published 07/09/14
Belinda Neil used to work as a police negotiator, dealing with highly stressful situations. Years of this confronting and difficult work took its toll, and she began to experience post-traumatic stress. She's written about her experiences in the book 'Under Seige'.
Published 06/29/14
Keith Bunker was diagnosed with secondary liver cancer a year ago. In this third chat with James O'Loghlin, he describes some of the decisions he and his family have taken when every moment is precious.
Published 06/29/14
Why do we obey some laws and not others? People who wouldn't shoplift might say it's OK to speed on the road or illegally download internet content. James O'Loghlin speaks with Dr Rebecca Wickes, senior lecturer in criminology at the University of Queensland. James also chats with Prof Rick van der Zwan from Southern Cross University about whether listening to music as you work is a help or distraction.
Published 06/22/14
As Australia Post deals with a massive shift to its business model, James O'Loghlin speaks with two executives about how they've dealt with the digital disruption. Steve Cox is managing director of Dymocks bookstores and Deborah Thomas is a director of Bauer Media that publishes many magazines, including the Women's Weekly.
Published 06/15/14
With the FIFA World Cup taking place in Brazil, we ask a Brazilian living in Australia and an Australian who lived in Brazil to give their 10 reasons why they love their adopted country.
Published 06/15/14
How will higher education students learn in the future? How will technology influence the delivery of lectures and tutorials? To discuss this, Prof Pip Pattison, deptuy vice chancellor of Sydney University and Simon McIntyre from the College of Fine Arts.
Published 06/13/14
Each week, listeners ask questions they don't get, and other listeners answer them.
Published 06/13/14
Listen to James O'Loghlin talk to Scottish writer Irvine Welsh about his career, and the strange phenomenon of having his characters become their own Twitter accounts.
Published 05/26/14
Listen to James O'Loghlin speak to Adam Ferrier about his new book, The Advertising Effect: How to Change Behaviour.
Published 05/26/14
Listen to James O'Loghlin speak to Colin James - one of Australia's top corporate speakers - about his personal experience of recovering from prostate cancer.
Published 05/26/14
Jihad Dib is the Principal of Punchbowl Boys' High School - a school once considered to be the roughest around. In the years since Jihad becae principal there hasn't been a single expulsion, and the school has wont both a National Literacy and Numeracy Award nd Director General's Award.
Published 05/18/14
Following a listener query about why some people suffer fear of heights - a rational fear - more than others, Professor Ian Hickie, executive director of the Brain and Mind Research Institute, speaks to James O'Loghlin about why fears vary between people.
Published 05/06/14
After witnessing the mark that schizophrenia left on her twin brother's life, neurobiologist Professor Cyndi Shannon Weickert has devoted herself to finding a cure for schizophrenia.
Published 04/27/14
Ages of retirement, both official and effective, vary significantly around the world. So to does access to an age pension.
Published 04/24/14
After surviving a sky dive in the Swiss Alps that went awfully wrong, 21-year-old Canberran Emma Carey was told she was paraplegic.
Published 04/24/14
Irish comedian, Des Bishop, set himself the task of moving to China, learning Mandarin and then performing stand-up comedy in Mandarin. All within a year. How did he go? Find out in this engaging interview with James O'Loghlin.
Published 04/13/14
In movies, books and TV, we often see characters go from good to bad. But what about the reverse? Do we like stories about people who go from evil to good? Professor Rick van der Zwan is a neuroscientist at Southern Cross University.
Published 04/06/14
Last year, Keith Bunker was diagnosed with liver cancer. Since then, he and wife, Helen, and their two young daughters, have been living day to day with this terminal illness. What impact has it had? How has it reshaped their lives? This is a powerful and heartfelt interview about the importance of cherishing life.
Published 03/30/14