Episode Summary This episode of Sunny Side Up discusses revenue alignment at UserGems. Christian Kletzl, CEO of UserGems, and Trinity Nguyen, VP of Marketing, discuss how they align their sales and marketing teams to work towards shared goals and metrics. They highlight challenges like differing objectives but emphasize removing ego and prioritizing company goals. Champion tracking is also discussed as a way to focus sales and marketing efforts on key accounts and individuals. Setting OKRs...
Published 03/19/24
Episode Summary This episode of Sunny Side Up discusses finding balance in work and life for women in tech. The speakers share their career journeys and experiences maintaining boundaries while prioritizing demanding work. They discuss challenges like burnout and pressures to overwork without children or partnerships. The speakers appreciate Demandbase's supportive culture that values employees' well-being and personal lives. Flexibility, leading by example, and connecting with other women in...
Published 03/15/24
Episode Summary This episode of the Sunny Side Up podcast discusses strategies for unlocking B2B marketing growth through Account Based Experiences (ABX) with Jodi Lebow of Hexagon. Jodi shares her experience in B2B technology marketing and insights into how ABM strategies have evolved with the help of data and technology. She emphasizes the importance of remaining customer-centric and leveraging customer insights. Jodi also discusses challenges in aligning sales and marketing teams for ABX...
Published 03/14/24
Episode Summary Don McGuire, the CMO of Qualcomm, discusses marketing strategies and AI-powered growth. Some key topics covered included McGuire's career advice on staying true to oneself and being open to opportunities. He also discussed how Qualcomm has evolved its marketing structure and is adopting AI tools like Writer and Firefly to accelerate content development. McGuire emphasized the potential of generative AI to improve work-life balance by freeing up time. He also talked about...
Published 03/12/24
Episode SummaryThis episode of the Sunny Side Up Specials discusses overcoming impostor syndrome and cultivating inclusion for women in the tech industry. The speakers shared their diverse career journeys and experiences navigating the challenges of being women in tech. They discussed ways to challenge stereotypes through representation and open conversations. Advice was given on overcoming impostor syndrome through self-confidence, seeking help, and gaining experience. The speakers also...
Published 03/08/24
Episode SummaryThis episode of Sunny Side Up discusses the impending deprecation of third-party cookies and its impact on digital advertising. Gareth Noonan of Demandbase explains how the industry is transitioning from individual-level targeting to cohort-based advertising using signals like topics of interest. He reassures listeners that partners like Demandbase are prepared to guide customers through the changes. Some key takeaways are the importance of building first-party data and...
Published 03/07/24
Episode SummaryThis episode of the Sunny Side Up podcast discusses pricing and packaging strategies for business growth with guest David Vogelpohl. Key topics covered include prioritizing pricing as an iterative strategy, identifying moves for growth while navigating complexity, marketing misconceptions around pricing, optimizing free trials, ensuring sales and marketing alignment, and determining ownership of pricing decisions. David provides insights and recommends several individuals as...
Published 02/29/24
Episode SummaryBarry Klein of Talroo discusses leading through change and building alignment in hybrid work. He shares insights on balancing trust and accountability for remote teams through communication and addressing performance issues supportively. Klein stresses maintaining cultural alignment through in-person meetings for companies adjusting to remote work. He advocates treating people with empathy, dignity, and brevity when delivering difficult news like layoffs. Klein also fosters...
Published 02/22/24
Episode SummaryKerrie Jordan shares her perspective on how ERP systems are evolving from transactional systems to platforms that leverage data, analytics, and AI to drive better decision-making and insights. She discusses common challenges customers face with ERP implementation and offers best practices around change management, customization, and choosing a trusted partner. Jordan also provides examples of successful innovating companies, like the Formula One racing team Scuderia AlphaTauri....
Published 02/15/24
Episode SummaryThis episode features Taylor Sterling, CMO at MedBridge, discussing marketing in healthcare. Taylor shares insights on changes in the industry, like consumerization of care and the telehealth boom. MedBridge is adapting by improving the customer experience and launching new products while educating clinicians. Taylor discusses challenges like rebranding and expansion, emphasizing the importance of understanding customer needs and aligning marketing and sales. Predictions...
Published 02/09/24
Episode Summary This podcast episode features an interview with ABM expert Matthew Miller. Miller discusses his career progression in marketing and shares lessons learned. He stresses the importance of cultivating relationships when running sales enablement pilots to overcome resistance to new approaches. Miller emphasizes that successful ABM requires rethinking demand generation to focus on high-value accounts. He also covers common reasons ABM strategies fail and recommends multi-channel...
Published 02/06/24
Episode SummaryThis Sunny Side Up podcast episode features an interview with Erin Pryor, the Chief Marketing Officer of First Horizon Bank. She discusses how AI is transforming marketing strategies in the banking industry, focusing on personalisation, content creation, and fraud protection. Pryor explains how AI can enhance customer experiences while respecting privacy. She also shares lessons learned from her background in volleyball that relate to teamwork, communication, and...
Published 01/30/24
Episode Summary In this episode of Sunny Side Up, Michael Malone interviews Joy Milkowski on the evolving landscape of MarTech. Joy emphasises the importance of using MarTech tools effectively and introduces the GIVE Method for content creation. She underscores the necessity of understanding and segmenting target audiences. Joy shares valuable insights on starting with user-centric goals and ensuring content is personalised and relevant. We discuss the need for collaboration between sales...
Published 01/22/24
Episode Summary In today’s episode, Erik Charles emphasises the importance of understanding the difference between incentives and rewards in the workplace. His extensive experience across various companies, including his current role at Xactly Corp, has given him profound insights into effective revenue and incentive management. Erik's career journey demonstrates the value of adaptability, a keen understanding of market dynamics, and the significance of integrating sales, marketing, and...
Published 01/19/24
Episode Summary On today's episode, Ashley and Kyle demonstrate a deep understanding of the intersection between client needs, healthcare billing complexities, and digital solutions. She focuses on deriving product ideas from client pain points and the importance of aligning marketing strategies with these insights. She also shares how her experience at SoftTech, especially in developing and implementing comprehensive marketing strategies, is relevant as she discusses the challenges in...
Published 01/16/24
Episode Summary In this episode of Sunny Side Up, Tara Quehl interviews Harsha Chachadi on all things ABM. Harsha emphasises the role of strategy over technology in ABM, introduces the 5 “W” Framework, and shares insights from his journey with FM Global. He discusses the importance of understanding your audience, tailoring content, choosing the proper communication channels, and timing. Addressing the challenges of recent market volatility, Harsha champions a customer-centric approach in our...
Published 01/12/24
Episode Summary In this episode of Sunny Side Up, Alex Pavia interviews Ellina Shinnick to discuss key strategies to navigate the challenges of modern marketing and leadership. Ellina shares her extensive experience in managing complex roles, emphasising the need for focus, curiosity, and discipline in today's marketing environment. She delves into her approach to omnichannel strategies, team building, customer understanding, and leveraging generative AI while maintaining a crucial human...
Published 01/05/24
Episode Summary In this episode of Sunny Side Up, Katharine Noonan interviews Erik Kostelnik on thriving in the MarTech space. Erik underscores the critical need to build customer-centric brands, carefully balance marketing investments, and prioritise hiring skilled marketers for storytelling and brand development. He highlights the importance of creating a human-first brand strategy that values customer engagement and relationships. He advises marketers to cut through the noise of the...
Published 01/05/24
Episode Summary In this episode of Sunny Side Up, Corrine Kasman interviews Daniella Latham on the evolving landscape of product marketing. Daniella emphasises the importance of voicing customer needs from the outset of product development, advocating for oneself, and crafting compelling, data-backed narratives. Her approach to building strong, genuine relationships across departments, particularly between product marketing and sales, underscores the necessity of understanding and aligning...
Published 12/22/23
Episode Summary In this episode of Sunny Side Up, Chris Moody interviews Jana Eggers on explainability, trends, and tools in AI marketing. Jana emphasizes the need for transparency to identify and correct biases, urging the prioritization of user needs over technological capabilities. She argues that explainability should not be an afterthought but a fundamental aspect of AI. Chris and Jana discuss trends in AI-driven personalization in marketing, pointing out the need for more nuanced...
Published 12/20/23
Episode Summary In this episode of Sunny Side Up, Kelly Hopping interviews Jane Lee on her transition from B2C to B2B marketing. Jane discusses the significance of a strong brand as a sustainable competitive advantage, the necessity of aligning brand position with company vision, and the importance of building brand equity and customer connections. Jane emphasises adapting marketing strategies to support overall business goals, aligning them with sales objectives, and focusing on processes...
Published 12/20/23
Episode Summary In this episode of Sunny Side Up, Chris Moody interviews Dora Boussias on the nuances of developing a robust data strategy and balancing immediate data requirements with a long-term vision. She underscores the need to align teams, particularly sales and marketing, around a unified set of goals and metrics and foster an environment encouraging transparency and teamwork. Dora also stresses the critical balance between data-driven storytelling and emotional intelligence,...
Published 12/15/23
Episode Summary In this episode of Sunny Side Up, Kelly Hopping interviews Jane Lee on her transition from B2C to B2B marketing. Jane discusses the significance of a strong brand as a sustainable competitive advantage, the necessity of aligning brand position with company vision, and the importance of building brand equity and customer connections. Jane emphasises adapting marketing strategies to support overall business goals, aligning them with sales objectives, and focusing on processes...
Published 12/13/23
Episode Summary In this episode of Sunny Side Up, Chris Moody interviews Meredith on B2B marketing. She discusses the need to understand buyers' functional and emotional needs and stresses the importance of authenticity and empathy in marketing. Meredith greatly advocates for realistic communication and tangible evidence to support product claims. Her key strategies include developing detailed customer personas, engaging with sales teams for direct feedback, and continuously testing...
Published 12/11/23
Episode Summary In this episode of Sunny Side Up, Corrine Kasman interviews Helana Zhang on her role in shaping Atlassian’s ABM strategy. Helena delves into her career from the semiconductor industry to leading Atlassian's global ABM team. Helena shares her key strategies, such as aligning marketing with sales goals and focusing on top-tier enterprise accounts. She highlights the significance of differentiating between one-to-one and one-to-few strategies, particularly for global accounts...
Published 12/08/23