What a fascinating business: Making your own handbag in New York. - From those first sparks of inspiration to holding your finished sample in your hands - They provide guidance and expertise - A women owned business lifting each other up.
Published 06/03/24
Published 06/03/24
Talking to the Founder and CEO of Smart Girls in Uganda | She is one of 14 children She is offering STEM education girls 14 years and older She offered 80% programs for girls, 20% for boys - inclusion is important Her BIG dream is to have a skill village not only a school.... Her favorite past time is watching: Zootopia, Frozen, El Canto
Published 05/27/24
Der Fertility und Family Building Benefits Partner End-to-end Kinderwunsch-Plattform, mit der Unternehmen ihre Mitarbeitenden auf dem individuellen Weg zum Wunschkind unterstützen können – durch Informationen, Beratung und finanziellen Zuschuss. In der Schweiz muessen alle Kosten selber getragen werden! 1 von 6 Personen ist im Verlauf des Lebens von Unfruchtbarkeit betroffen 10% aller Paare sind ungewollt kinderlos 10-20% aller festgestellten Schwangerschaften enden mit einer Fehlgeburt 48%...
Published 05/23/24
Onuava - Your Fertility und Family Building Benefits Partner | End-to-end Fertility & Family Building Platform, with which companies can support their employees on the individual path to parenthood – by providing information, advice and financial support. 10% of all couples are childless - not by choice 10-20% of all recorded pregnancies end in a miscarriage 48% of all LGBTQ+ millennials are planning to add a child to their family
Published 05/20/24
A topic that needs to be in the open and talked about: - Every 4th pregnancy ends in a miscarriage - 23 million miscarriages per year (this is only the official statistic) - You can provide support to someone you know with "I am here for you, I am sorry for your loss." - Nobody should be alone in that situation. - Pink Elephant offers online communities, emotional support resources and circle of support - In Australia, women who experience miscarriage, and their partners, are now entitled to...
Published 05/13/24
Learning about ShonaquipSE - ISO 13485 certified wheelchair design & production company in South Africa Understanding that with the right wheelchair this can be a way to communicate Create an ecosystem for parents Shorten the queue
Published 05/06/24
Topics we discussed: Life Coaching Create a health recipe for YOU that works for you Self-compassion & Gratitude Books to check out: Michelle Obama, the Light we carry Tara Brach, Mindfulness and Compassion Robin Sharma, the 5am club Body astrology The art of possibility, Zander & Zander Duchenne Smile Dr. Katy Milkman, How to change
Published 04/29/24
Main points: - Living and working in Singapore - Innovative ideas in Singapore - Diving, wreck diving
Published 04/22/24
Main topics: BOOKS, BOOKS - Daily blogging about a book - 4,500 books at home - surrounded by books and stories - walking 10 Miles Favorites: Long Winter, Laura Ingalls Wilder Sam, Bangs & Moonshine, Evaline Ness
Published 04/15/24
Main Topics: - Running gets you through difficult times - Running is freedom - Running is exploring - Running / Meditation / Photography - Enjoy the moment (maybe not so much the gym)
Published 04/13/24
Main topics: - Photography / Meditation - Short Film production - Residencies - Exploring, experiencing, being curious. - Enjoy the moment. James Turrell: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/james-turrell-visionary-artwork-arizona-desert-180977452/
Published 04/08/24
I am most grateful if people let me know they are happy with my products and/or my written patterns. I have nice cooperations with yarn suppliers and I publish in a Dutch crochet magazine. These cooperations are a result of investing in relations over the last 7 years. Yearly highlights are attending handicraft fairs where I meet people who use my patterns. I feel very blessed. For 2024 I would like to continue working with several companies, but I also want to stay close to my beliefs and...
Published 04/01/24
We talked about: OWIT, Brussels Blockchain | Diamonds | Traceability Work Life Balance as a Multitasker
Published 03/25/24
Afterthoughts: Right after we ended our called I realized that while I talked at length about my non-linear career path to Economics, to really answer your question about what does it take to study economics I would’ve and should have also added this - after teaching undergraduate economics here in the U.S. for a few years, I realized that in spite of being a non-major in economics back in India, I had as much a foundation in Economics as any Econ major here. All the content I taught...
Published 03/18/24
This episode will be in our native Swiss German language - Planning - Packing - Enjoying the Silence
Published 03/15/24
We spoke about her favorite books: M. Butterfly, David Henry Hwang Coraline, Neil Gaiman Her love of writing and potentially becoming a College Professor
Published 03/11/24
Traveling to Antarctica - It's all in the planning - You can only bring one bag and one carry-on - What will you bring?
Published 03/11/24
Troy McFadden serves as a coach, facilitator and mindfulness mentor with Wisdom Warrior Coaching, supporting his clients as they go deeper and move forward into a richer, fuller experience of life.
Published 03/04/24
Born in the northern of Italy where the sun is shy and so the souls, Cristina Bertarelli spent more than twenty years travelling the world, in the beginning not by choice. Then, embracing the beauty of the surroundings. Globetrotting inspired her journey, collecting stories and fantasies. Beneath the wanderlust, a creative flame flickered. It never turned off. At fifty, she embraced first the pencil writing short stories and finally the brush, surrendering to the vibrant whispers of her...
Published 02/26/24
We talked about FUNDRAISING - who will support her vision? Stefanie A. Engelhard is co-founder and CTO of Unleash Future Boats, a company focused on zero emission, autonomous boats and ships. They offer the ecosystem for retrofitting kits to decarbonize ship industry with innovative battery and hydrogen solution. For the autonomous task, Unleash Future Boats is providing the full ecosystem including, sensor systems, sensor fusion and interaction between manned and unmanned ships. Stefanie...
Published 02/19/24
Heike Pirngruber wuchs in der Nähe von Heidelberg auf und liebte die Welt bereits im Kindesalter. Sie machte eine Ausbildung zur Fotografin und kam anschließend zum ZDF und arbeitete viele Jahre als Kamerafrau fürs TV. 2013 schmiss sie alles hin und schwingte sich auf ihr Fahrrad und radelte einmal um den Planeten. Anschließend fing sie an zu wandern, adoptierte ihren Australian Cattle Dog in Mexiko und kaufte sich 2023 in Chile ein TukTuk mit dem die beiden derzeit in Südamerika...
Published 02/16/24
We talked about: - life on the road - her dog "Butch" is her best partner - how can I find fresh food? Lentils and rice are the best travel staples... Heike Pirngruber grew up near Heidelberg and loved the world even as a child. She is trained as a photographer and then worked with ZDF (a German TV Station) and worked for many years as a camerawoman for TV. In 2013, she gave up everything and got on her bike and cycled around the planet. She then started hiking, adopted her Australian...
Published 02/12/24
Robert Tighe has been working with words for 20 years, initially as an award-winning journalist and more recently as a storytelling consultant and number-one bestselling ghostwriter. Previously he was the New Zealand Country Editor for The Red Bulletin, an adventure lifestyle magazine published by Red Bull, before starting his own business to help people tell better stories. He works with founders, owners, entrepreneurs, business leaders, consultants, and speakers to discover their Origin...
Published 02/05/24
Bevin Mahon is a Passionate Leader, Entrepreneur and the Owner/CEO of Dentaltech Ltd. Dentaltech is a second generation business and a multi-award winning company that has grown to be the largest dental company specialising in removeable dentures and with several dental/denture clinics along the east coast of Ireland, they also provide a portable dental and denture service to nursing homes in their local communities. Dentaltech is now the largest manufacturer of Digital 3D printed dentures...
Published 01/29/24