In a matter of hours, the clock upon the wall will strike twelve, and we will find our way into 2021 whether we are excited about starting the year or not. In this episode, I recounted the story of Cinderella. When the clock struck twelve, Cinderella had to be ready to go. Will you be ready when the clock strikes twelve tonight to grab change by the horns? I know you may be feeling like the odds are stacked against you, but hope will move on your behalf. At the appointed time, what you have...
Published 01/01/21
Published 01/01/21
All the hard times and the dark places of our lives point us to hope and renewal; but only if we go through our process. If I remember correctly, all the dross must be scooped out of the gold to make it perfect. When the dross is all gone, the refiner knows the gold is ready. He can now see his reflection in the gold. Our lives are no different than this process. The path to your life’s higher purpose may be daunting and arduous, but only in the crucible of sacrifice real change happens. This...
Published 11/23/20
Imagine burning both ends of your candle, only to come to the end and discover that you have done nothing in the direction of your own pursuits and dreams. You have, out of obligation, carelessly given away too much of you. You have given others one hundred percent of your effort only to be left feeling a little drained, frustrated, and bitter. ARE YOU EVERYONE’S HERO, but your very own villain? Who do you go to when you feel depleted? In this week’s episode, I will talk about how to show up...
Published 10/12/20
Ever been in a hard place, a dry season, a time when nothing makes sense? Well, this message is for you. A desert place is the place where you face your problems, whatever they are, head on. It is the place where you find out your limitations, your strengths, who is with you for the long haul and who is not. It can be a very lonely place, where even well-meaning loved ones cannot travel with you. Do accept the call to action! Let patience have its perfect way with you. Do not rush through...
Published 09/14/20
Readjust, restart, realign, but don’t you quit. Don’t forego any opportunity to make lemonade from the lemons life throws at you.  Change begins in your mind. Begin your ascent to a positive mental attitude. I know you can, and I hope you know it too.  Be blessed.  Xoxo, Juniper
Published 08/17/20
Kindness never goes unnoticed. You may not get instance rewards for you acts of generosity and love; but somewhere deep inside the heart of someone you have touched lies the seeds of kindness. The world needs you in all your authentic expression. Be a beacon of hope, light and love. I am honored to share this story of how kindness has changed my life. May you be prompted to be a conduit of hope.  Let’s pay kindness forward.  Xoxo, Juniper
Published 07/08/20
When you are ready to fly, you will get your wings. You circumstances are tailor made for you. Listen in to gain some perspective on how to clear the grime from your mind and quit your stinking thinking. Every challenge is a treasure piece to take with you on the journey called life. Step right in.
Published 07/02/20
Have you ever had a deep cry for help? I am talking about an SOS. Are frustrations hanging a dark cloud over your head? I have created this episode to let you know that you will be sent all the help you need. More than you know, you have a reservoir of resolve and strength on the inside of you. Look to the people and the things which somehow help you to see that there will come a brighter tomorrow. Rest but don't you ever quit. Let endurance complete its perfect work in you. If this episode...
Published 06/16/20
Here is your big hug to help you navigate through these uncertain and chaotic times. The happiest thing of all is to know that you are not alone. It is my prayer that you ground yourself in faith, that your burdens are released, that your fears subside.  Let's create a ripple effect by paying this big virtual hug forward. Wishing you light, truth and wisdom for the days ahead. May hope become your friend. until next time, XOXO.  Meet on on Instagram at Juniper Promise. Let me know you have...
Published 06/08/20
Here’s your invitation to go beyond the weight of your fears and to walk upon the waters. Are you currently hard pressed with the cares of life? Revisit a fond childhood memory. In this episode I talk about my childhood escapades at the beach and the lure of the waters beyond the shore. The waters beyond the shores of your life is where you get your big fish. Get out of your boats of complacency, complaints and fear and walk upon the waters of hope. Step on over to Instagram at Juniper...
Published 05/27/20
Could this time be an opportunity to reset and to realign with your destiny pursuits? Face the hard times and pull up your sleeves. Hard times reveal the hero within us. Let me remind you that you will overcome this season like so many seasons before this. You got this! Let’s continue this conversation on Instagram at Juniper Promise. DM me your Ask Juniper questions and I will air my response in an upcoming episode to this podcast. Xoxo, Juniper
Published 05/18/20
We all have a lot of questions. Many people are anxious about tomorrow. Since we cannot see the road ahead of us, or even where it ends, we must trust in a power outside of ourselves to get us to our destination. It is this trust that will lead you down the right path. Sit awhile and catch your breath but continue on the path where the flowers greet you with its fragrance, where the breeze sings you lullabies, and where God guides you along moment by moment. We are all on a questioning path....
Published 05/11/20
Like you, I am wondering what life will be like after the pandemic pans out. How will it all come together to make sense? How you spend your time now will dictate what happens after the dust clears. Use this time to come up higher, to discover your heart's posture and to cultivate the hope of a greater life. May you find the good in ALL this.  As with many things you have faced before, things always seem to work out.  This goes to show that NOTHING IS EVER TRULY WASTED, xoxo.
Published 05/04/20
You are uniquely you. The truest expression of you is what you do when the camera isn’t rolling. It’s who you are when there’s no fanfare at the end. It’s your gifts and talents given as loans to you by God. You know what else is true about the expression of who you are? It is to be shared with the world. May you owe the expression of you and change the world one person at a time.
Published 04/27/20
Calamity calls us to go within when the outside is unsafe or unfriendly. May this short episode leave you with some encouraging nuggets. Be faith conscious and move forward in love. A little love practiced moment by moment can change the world. With all that is going on in the world today, we all need a little nudge. Step right in to this lesson cast. XOXO
Published 04/14/20
Published 04/14/20