In this episode, we look at Matthew 7:1, a verse that is often taken out of context to use whenever it seems convenient. The verse is talking about how we are not supposed to judge hypocritically, but many make it out to mean that Jesus is saying we must not judge at all. We look at how that isn’t true based on context clues in the verse, and we look at 2 different types of judgment that are actually commanded throughout the Bible. Thanks for listening to this episode of buried treasure and...
Published 08/29/24
In this episode, we look at a couple of pro-abortion arguments that have been made recently to get people ready to vote. We look at the arguments they used, and see how they do not align with the Bible, or reality. I hope this episode provides some insight as election season draws even closer, and I hope this has prepared you with your own arguments for when this topic comes your way. Thanks for listening to Talking Truth!
Published 08/29/24
Welcome to Talking Truth! In this episode, we look at 1st Peter 2:17, and how it is an important verse to remember this time of year, especially with election season quickly approaching. The Bible tells us that we are to Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, and honor the king! Thanks for listening and make sure to come back every Tuesday and Thursday for an episode!
Published 07/24/24
This summer marks my first year of having a phone. In this episode, I talk about 3 different things that I have come to realize since owning one. Let me know what you have learned as well, and what you think about this episode! Thanks for listening to Talking Truth! 2024 total podcast episode plays: 2024 minutes of content: 328 minutes & 36 seconds
Published 06/20/24
In today’s episode, we look at the last remaining point in Allen Webster’s tract on how we can know that the Bible is true! Not only do all 4 of these reasons provide sufficient evidence to believe in the Bible, but all 4 make it impossible! We can be confident that the Bible really is God’s inspired word, and that it is true for all of us today. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/allyson-tanksley/message
Published 06/14/24
In this episode of my four part mini series, we look at the fact that the manuscripts of the Bible were put through many tests to determine their accuracy. The Bible passed all of them! Thanks for listening in, and leave any questions you have! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/allyson-tanksley/message
Published 06/12/24
This episode is the second of a four part mini series of reasons that we can trust the Bible and note its accuracy. We know that the Bible is true and will be relevant forever because God has said so throughout all of time. Today we have seen that the earliest copies ever found of the Bible are the same as the modern copies we have today. Thanks for listening in! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/allyson-tanksley/message
Published 06/11/24
This episode starts a mini series that will happen this week on Talking Truth. We will be studying a track by Allen Webster and looking at 4 different reasons to why we can believe that the Bible is true. Thanks for listening in! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/allyson-tanksley/message
Published 06/10/24
In this episode, we look at a track written by Allen Webster that is titled “Was Joan of Arc Really Noah’s Wife?” It talks about how there are many people who are misunderstood on what the Bible teaches, and we go over 5 of the reasons why. Why are there so many divisions and misunderstanding on what the Bible teaches? Some believe the Bible is impossible to understand. Some simply do not want to invest in reading and studying it. Some do not know how to rightly divide it. Others maybe do not...
Published 06/09/24
In this episode of Buried Treasure, we look at Samson’s wife and how she met him, lived, and died. Thanks for listening to this episode, and come back next week for some special surprises! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/allyson-tanksley/message
Published 06/06/24
This episode is where I discuss the questions that I was given in my q&a form. I answer 2 questions here, and I will be dedicating and entire episode in the near future to the last question I received. Thanks for listening to Talking Truth! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/allyson-tanksley/message
Published 06/04/24
In this episode of Buried Treasure, we look at a phrase that is commonly attributed to the Bible, but is actually not found in it. The phrase is, “money is the root of all evil”. But is that really what the Bible says, or is it a misunderstanding of 1st Timothy 6:10? Find out in this episode of Buried Treasure! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/allyson-tanksley/message
Published 05/30/24
Just as we in America celebrated Memorial Day yesterday to honor and remember those who have passed away during their service to our Country, Christians have a special time every first day of the week (Sunday) that they remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and all the things He went through for us. Just as the brave soldiers who have died did, Jesus died for us so that we can have a chance at something better. A chance to obey the gospel and spend the rest of eternity in Heaven with Him....
Published 05/29/24
Hello everyone, and welcome to Talking Truth! In today’s episode, we are resuming our Buried Treasure series and we are looking at the case of Cain and the mystery of where his wife came from. What do you think? Listen to this episode in order to find out what conclusions people draw, and then let’s look at the Bible together and see what it says about this mystery! Click on this link to watch the Apologetics Press video I mentioned today! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALm-_Gp6ztg ...
Published 05/09/24
Welcome to Talking Truth! In this final installment of my instrumental music series, we talk about 5 more arguments used in favor of instrumental music during worship and how to refute them! I hope you have enjoyed this series, and I’d encourage you to check out parts 1 & 2, as well as my Lads To Leaders Debate where the whole theme was on this topic. Thank you for listening, and below I’ll link the Google forms where you can submit your topic or questions for the big Q&A episode that...
Published 05/07/24
Welcome to Talking Truth! In this episode we look at Psalm 137:9, a verse in the Bible that is often used in the wrong way, and that is why I decided to make it a part of this series! It is often used by atheists to disprove the God of the Bible, but it does not in any way! Thank you for listening to this episode, and make sure to come back Tuesday for another! Check out the Apologetics Press video here! https://apologeticspress.org/video/did-god-encourage-dashing-babies-against-rocks/ ---...
Published 05/02/24
Welcome to Talking Truth! In this episode, we are continuing our look at common arguments used in favor of instrumental music in worship towards God. Make sure to check out last week’s episode where we go over a few of the biggest arguments for it! Talking Truth comes out every Tuesday, and don’t forget every Thursday as well for an episode of Buried Treasure, this year’s podcast series! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/allyson-tanksley/message
Published 04/30/24
Hello there, and welcome to Talking Truth! Today’s episode is a part of my 2024 podcast series, Buried Treasure! In this episode, we look at the story of Lazarus’ resurrection, as well as the next chapter where he is wanted dead by the chief priests. I think many know the story of Lazarus, but how many know that he was wanted dead? He was wanted dead because He was living proof of the great power of Jesus, and many were coming to know Jesus and believe in Him because of Lazarus’ resurrection!...
Published 04/25/24
Hello everyone, and welcome to Talking Truth! In today’s episode, we are going over some common arguments that are used in favor of instrumental music during worship. I have some prepared rebuttals in this episode that can be helpful to know when faced with these specific arguments. There will most likely be multiple parts of this episode, considering I had many rebuttals prepared for our debate. Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Talking Truth, and please make sure to come...
Published 04/23/24
Welcome to Talking Truth! In this episode, we look at Roald Dahl, an author whose children’s books were revised because people saw them as having offensive or sensitive wording and language. We also look at Thomas Jefferson and how he created his own Bible by cutting out pages and leaving out any mention of miracles, Jesus’ divinity, or the resurrection. All this goes to show that sometimes people like to add or remove words from things they do not like. Do people today do that to the Bible?...
Published 04/23/24
Welcome to Buried Treasures, the 2024 series for my podcast, Talking Truth! In this episode of Buried Treasure, we look at Luke 18:1-8, which is a parable that Jesus gives the disciples about prayer and not losing heart. Jesus teaches them this lesson by using the parable of a widow and an unjust judge, who finally allows the woman her wish, because of her persistence to keep coming to him. Thank you for listening to this week’s episode of Talking Truth, and make sure to come back next week...
Published 04/18/24
Welcome to Talking Truth! This episode contains my speech that I gave at the 2024 Lads To Leaders convention. This is not a recording of my actual speech presentation, but a recording I did after coming back from the convention. Thank you for listening to this episode of Talking Truth, and make sure to come back on Thursday for an episode of Buried Treasure, this year’s podcast series! If you would like another biblical resource to add to your collection, check out AddedSouls, a website by...
Published 04/16/24
Welcome to an episode of Buried Treasure! Buried Treasure is my special series for this year where we try and find Bible characters or events that aren’t talked about very much or are not as commonly known as others. In this episode of Buried Treasure, we look at a man names Gehazi in 2 Kings and the story of his greed and relationship with Elisha. Thank you for listening, and make sure to come back Tuesday for another episode! --- Send in a voice message:...
Published 04/12/24
Hello everyone and welcome to Talking Truth! This episode of Talking Truth is a very special one, because I got to talk to Emily Hatfield and ask her some questions about the Lads To Leaders program and also the theme for this year, which was “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ” (Romans 1:16). Emily Hatfield is the host of her own podcast, Wifey Wednesdays, and she also plays a role at The Light Network. The Light Network is a platform of multiple podcasts that aim to encourage...
Published 04/09/24