There will be lots of tips for you to try in your own business. Advice on marketing, selling and making your jewellery, using tools and materials for you to become a better jeweller. Learn about our mistakes and how we overcome them.
Andrew is a leading authority on jewellery tools, techniques and the world's local jeweller having spent the last 35 years in jewellery retail, repair and manufacturing and he really knows a thing or two.
Louise has a long background in retail and healthcare management which means she has plenty of stories and loves sharing her experiences to empower others.
In today's fast paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget to take care of ourselves. But just like physical health, mental health is crucial to our over all well-being.
Attitudes and awareness have improved vastly in recent years but there is...
Published 05/29/23
Do you accept and undertake jewellery repairs, commissions, melting down clients gold or silver to make jewellery? If you do then you need to listen to Andrew and Louise talk all about the take in procedure.
This is a crucial customer interaction that will give you the opportunity for you or...
Published 04/08/23