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Taming the WILD in Your Dog
Dog ownership is supposed to add years to our lives by reducing our stress levels, lowering our blood pressure and increasing our desire to connect with others. However, achieving dog ownership nirvana is far more difficult than simply petting a dog. There are issues and questions ranging from the harmless to the potentially deadly, and when dog owners turn to the internet, veterinarians and professional dog trainers for answers, these sources fail to answer their questions with the accuracy and honesty that is required to establish a safe and harmonious relationship between them and their...
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Is walking your dog a dreaded activity? If it is, you're not alone. Aside from companionship, the desire to have a walking or running partner is the number two reason why most people choose to adopt a dog. However, the vast majority of dog owners abandon walking or running with their dogs because...
Published 04/22/20
Published 04/22/20
Is walking your dog a dreaded activity? If it is, you're not alone. Aside from companionship, the desire to have a walking or running partner is the number two reason why most people choose to adopt a dog.
Published 04/22/20
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