Nobody wants to talk about shame. Most of the time we prefer to hide, remain silent, ignore the problem and hope that no one will ever find out what we are ashamed of. However, that's the worst we can do. Because the less we talk about it, the greater the shame. And in the end, it's shame that blocks us the most from our ability to connect. In this episode, I am going to talk about… ✨ how healthy shame can support us in our relationships if we use it as a catalyst for growth, forgiveness...
Published 09/21/22
The topic of boundaries is really, really important to us. As we’ve seen that in a lot of tantra schools, boundaries are not clearly stated or respected and leave participants feeling unsafe, we want to create sensitivity for that topic, that is so crucial for connection and sexuality. A lot of people are either not aware of their boundaries or allow them to be crossed - because they are afraid to say NO or fear that they might be rejected when they do so. But if we continue to play the...
Published 09/07/22
All people long for connection in the relationship. And yet it is not that easy to create this connection and, above all, to maintain it over the years. Most of the time, the feeling of connectedness is still very strong in the beginning phase. We constantly seek the closeness of our partner, have passionate sex, we talk about our dreams for hours until late at night and shower the loved one with small gestures of attention and love. Why can't it always be like this? Why does it often...
Published 08/24/22
We have been considering for a while what the essence of our work actually is. We want to help couples to have a fulfilling sexuality, we want to bring more love and consciousness into the world... but what is at the heart of it all? At the end of the day, it's all about connection. Connection with yourself. Connection with your partner. Connection with love. In this episode we are going to talk about specific tips on how to create that connection to yourself and to your partner - even...
Published 08/24/22
To be honest, for a long time I had the opinion that sex is just a lower instinct in men and I fooled myself into thinking that I don’t need this as I am spiritually already more developed 🙈 Today, however, I am convinced that a fulfilling sex life is an essential part of every love relationship and brings endless benefits to almost all areas of life. In this episode, I want to share how tantra completely shifted my attitude towards sex. I will talk about the role of sexuality and orgasm...
Published 08/24/22
What is Tantra actually? When we ask this question in our seminars, we often get wild associations of fancy sex practices or complicated Kamasutra positions, or that it’s all about open relationships or sex orgies… This is definitely NOT the essence of Tantra In this episode, we will give you an overview on the origins of Tantra, how it is currently practiced in the west and why we are so fascinated by these teachings. Because Tantra can show us a way to heal ourselves, give us tremendous...
Published 08/24/22
Welcome to the first Episode of the reConnect Podcast. We are so excited to have you here! In this episode we want to give you an overview about our own story, how we came to tantra and why we are so passionate about these teachings. Because, to be honest, some years ago, sex was still filled with shame and insecurity for us and we would have never imagined that one day, we will talk publicly about that topic ;-) And of course, we will also introduce you to the podcast and what you can...
Published 08/24/22