Nate DiMeo is the host of The Memory Palace. "I struggled a lot when I first got into journalism because I knew every Q&A I edited ... something would get cut. And that the person interviewed would not be entirely represented the way they wanted to be. ... So the best way to honor that person and to get at the heart of it was by writing really well. If their literal voice didn't carry and didn't get enough airtime the spirit of what they were saying was effectively and pointedly...
Published 05/05/15
Scott Carrier is an independent producer and the host of Home of the Brave. "It's what makes us human, is our storytelling ability. Animals can't do that. They can communicate. They can talk to each other. They understand, they know what's going on, and they can play. They have rules. They can make the rules, and change the rules, and break the rules, but it's always present tense for animals. But we can talk about the past, we can talk about the future, and that's what makes us so...
Published 04/29/15
Dana Chivvis is a producer at Serial. "I thought it was important to be really devoted to your medium. ... I thought I have to love video. And what I realized is that it didn't matter to me what medium I was working in. It mattered what story I was telling, and how I was telling it, and who I was telling it with."
Published 04/17/15
Lulu Miller, a former producer at Radiolab, is the co-host of NPR's Invisibilia. "I think there's this thing that goes hand in hand with journalism, or with radio, which is that professionally, you're an amateur, so you have to ask, and with not knowing, there's always discovery."
Published 04/02/15
Alix Spiegel, a former producer at This American Life, is the co-host of NPR's Invisibilia. "I always want to understand like why? What do you know that I don't know? What is your life? And how do you see the world? And that's it."
Published 02/27/15
Andrea Silenzi is the creator and host of Why Oh Why?. She's also the Senior Producer of Slate's The Gist.* "I listen to a lot of radio and there's so much of 'This person wrote a book.' 'This person has a project.' 'This person has been working on this for years.' And I just think that I much prefer conversations where people have a personal connection that's at stake. ... Like I always get the pitch of I want to do speed dating and it's like no one I've ever known has actually sincerely...
Published 01/22/15
Hillary Frank is the host and creator of The Longest Shortest Time. "I hate small talk, and it makes me very uncomfortable. I don't know how to do it well. I want to have a real conversation with a person."
Published 12/30/14
Lynn Levy is a producer at Radiolab. "Sometimes if you’re interviewing an author they’ve already worked out the best way to tell the story. They’ve been through all the options in their head, they figured out what to omit and what to get rid of. And often times, even though they’re not reading from the book, they’ll literally be saying the words that they wrote down. Like you’ll hear phrases from the book in what they’re telling you. … And it can be really seductive when you’re interviewing...
Published 12/04/14
Pejk Malinovski is a poet and a radio producer. "I feel like when I make structure it's not a traditional Hollywood storyline where there's a beginning and a middle and an end and a conflict and resolution I think it's more about tension and release. I think it's more about composing musically basically."
Published 11/03/14
Michael May, a Third Coast Gold Award winner, is a freelance radio and print journalist. He teaches radio documentary at the Salt Institute. "I'm not interested in doing stories where I just label somebody some clinical label — a misogynist, sociopath. It's so easy to dismiss people, it's much more difficult to understand them."
Published 09/29/14
Stephanie Foo, a former producer at Snap Judgment, is a producer at This American Life. "I think everybody has a story that is worth telling, but I think most people don't know what their best story is. At all. They'll think that it's their most life or death moment or that it's the moment that they feel changed them the most, but sometimes it's the most surprising little moments that really touch people. And I don't even know necessarily what those moments are in my life."
Published 09/11/14
Alex Goldman and PJ Vogt are the creators of TLDR. "The internet can feel like the same thing over and over again, and sometimes that's because the internet is the same thing over and over again. But sometimes it's because you've hemmed yourself to a boring internet by just paying attention to people who are much the same as you. So to the extent that we can get out of that, it gives our show more longevity."
Published 08/26/14
Tamara Keith is NPR's White House Correspondent. She also co-founded B-Side Radio. "There's drama in the human experience, and if people are willing to share that, there's a way to make it into a good story... says the person who only does stories about the White House and Congress."
Published 08/08/14
Ann Heppermann, a Peabody Award winner, produces Slate's Culture Gabfest. She teaches radio writing and radio drama at Sarah Lawrence College. "I don't think you want all crappy tape, but there's something about texture of crappy tape and Skype tape. If you think about sound as a palette, I kind of like phone tape and I like how it adds an element of grit to it."
Published 07/16/14
Jeff Emtman is the creator and host of Here Be Monsters. "You can think of your memory as a box full of photographs, like the ones your parents have in your basement. Just like old glossy prints. ... And unfortunately, when you pick up an old photo print, what happens is you always leave a thumbprint on it, and overtime your memories become more and more thumb-printed. So if you pull up a memory enough times, you’ll just be looking at your own unique thumbprint."
Published 07/01/14
Zoe Chace is a reporter for NPR’s Planet Money. "A lot of times people don't pay enough attention to their voicing at all. They don't realize that their story doesn't exist, unless people are grabbed by their voice. The story literally — like practically literally — is not happening. People are just missing it, so I always thought voicing is key, it's central. You have to grab people. And I had a real approach where I was almost trying to scream out of the radio, 'Listen now!' And, 'Listen...
Published 06/17/14
Ellen Horne is the Executive Producer of Radiolab. “When you’re trying to create something new, that kind of risk-taking has to happen in a low-stakes environment.”
Published 06/03/14
Eric Mennel is a producer for WUNC and Criminal. "People pooh-pooh the idea of logging like it’s the worst thing in the world. Some of the best techniques I’ve learned, in terms of interviewing, was from logging good interviewer's tape. ... Listening to Alex Kotlowitz conduct an interview was like it’s own class on how to make radio."
Published 05/19/14
Sean Cole, a producer at This American Life, has also reported for Radiolab, Marketplace, and 99% Invisible. "Journalism is a translation of madness, and poetry is a transcription of madness."
Published 05/05/14
Stan Alcorn, a freelance multimedia journalist, is a contributor to WNYC and NPR. “I love stories but I’m very interested in how they pertain to some larger truth that you’re not going to know without quantifying it.”
Published 04/23/14
Jennifer Brandel is the Senior Producer of Curious City. "I don't think that soft or fluffy news should be given such a bad rap. When you have a question that ignites someone's curiosity and gets them interested in thinking about the world in a different way or considering things they haven't done before, that is important. If you can accomplish that in your stories, they're not fluffy — they're interesting."
Published 04/10/14
Ben Calhoun is a producer at This American Life. "The nature of covering politics is one where often people don’t want to say to you the things that they are feeling or thinking. ... You can create the diorama of that action in a way that you couldn’t if you weren’t willing to make them a character — founded on things that they said and beliefs that you know they have — than they’ve done for you on tape."
Published 03/30/14