ये इस टप्री की आखरी कहानी है | आशा करते है कि आप घर पे रहकर खुद का corona virus से बचाव कर रहे होंगे | घर पे कई चिजे बदल रही है | वो क्या है? सुनिये इस कहानी मे | This is the last story on this tapri. We hope that you are at home, protecting yourself from Corona virus and reaching out to help. With this pandemic, the stories within the house are changing. What are they? Find out in this story. Thank you for being a part of this Tapri. We will be back with season.2 soon, hoping that we would...
Published 03/26/20
Published 03/26/20
चलो बचपन के इस खेल को खेलते खेलते टप्री के कुछ दिलचस्प किस्सों को सुनते है | मीना , वसावा , आरती ओर रोहिन्शा अपनी ज़िन्दगी के पेहलू सुनाते है इस चाय की चुस्की पर | Through this childhood game, women at tapri are here to share their tales. Let's join them as Meena, Vasava, Arti and Rohinsha get ready to tell you what these stories are with their cup of tea! You can follow Madhuri Adwani on her instagram handle: @mad_ad13(https://www.instagram.com/mad_ad13/?hl=en) You can also listen to other...
Published 03/12/20
चेतावनी : इस कहानी मे शोषण की बात की गई है | अद्रीजा को नींद मे भी सुवर दिखाई देता है | वो उसका पीछा नहीं छोडता | कौन है ये सुवर? शारीरिक ओर मानसिक शोषण से कोई कैसे बाहर आ सकता है ? सुनिये इस कहानी मे | Warning : There is a content on abuse in this story. Listen to it with a critical and open mindset. Adrija cannot sleep. The pig never leaves her alone. Who is this pig? How can one ever overcome the physical and emotional abuse? Find out in the story. Heartfelt thanks to Adrija for sharing...
Published 03/05/20
Dedicated to the labour of every woman in the kitchen. जब घर का काम किया तब पता चला की माँ की रसोईघर मे कॉक्रोच क्यू नहीं होते | छोटे छोटे कॉक्रोच से पिछा छुडाने के कई तरिके दर्शाती ये कहानी मे जानिये की बड़े वाले कॉक्रोच आखिर कौन है? Cockroach...and the first instinct is to scream. When we took to kitchen, we realized why there are no cockroaches in Mummy's kitchen. This story gives solution to the cockroach problems in our family as it also tells you about the big cockroaches that are raised...
Published 02/20/20
कई तरह के सपनो मे एक सपना देखा है सोफिया ने - एक छत का सपना | इसी सपने मे जाने अंजाने मे अपना जनुन लेकर जुडते है - जुईन और अनिशा | कैसे होगा यह सपना सच ? सुनिये इस कहानी मे | A story on a dream includes Sofiya's dream about roof. This dream is simultaneously being constructed by two passionate people- Juin and Anisha. How will all these characters meet under one roof? Tune in to the story to find out. Thank you Anisha and Juin Di for sharing your stories and trusting me with it. You can find...
Published 02/13/20
इस कहानी मे बातों का सिलसिला जारी रखते हुए कुछ दोस्त है जिनकी नजरो से हम कई किरदारो से मिलते है, जैसे की शुभो, वासु आंटी, खातुन और पक्कु | इनकी बाते सुनिये और किसकी कहानी है वो परखिये | Three friends talk about multiple characters as they meet for a cup of chai/ coffee. What do these conversations entail? Is there an exchange of a story as they tell us about Shubo, Vasu Aunty, Khatun and Pakku? Find out who are they. Special thanks to Sampada and Prakash for inspiring me with their...
Published 02/06/20
मंजुला टेलर की कहानी सुनो जिसमे ऊसकी ज़िन्दगी के कई पेहलू से हम वाकीफ होते है | इस कहानी मे बटन के फेशन के साथ ऊसकी दासस्ता का भी बयान है | Meet Manjula Tailor in this story as we get to see different stories of her life woven through the buttons she stitches on her daughter's clothes. This is a story about the new trend she starts in her neighborhood, from clothing to her personal choices. You can follow Madhuri Adwani on her instagram handle: @mad_ad13 You can also listen to other stories of...
Published 01/30/20
इस कहानी मे मिलिये एक घरवाली से जो किसिकी माँ है, किसी की पत्नी है और लोगो के नजरिये मे एक घरवाली | अगर उसे एक दिन बाहर निकलकर अपनी बेटी की ज़िन्दगी ज़िने का मौका मिले, तो वो कैसा होगा? क्यू है वो घरवाली ? सुनिये इस कहानी मे | Why is a 'gharwali' called thus? Why is someone enclosed within the precinct of four walls? One day someone's mother, wife and gharwali steps out in her daughter's shoes. What difference will that make? Find out in the story. You can follow Madhuri Adwani on her instagram...
Published 01/23/20
इस कहानी मे मिलिये पूजा से जो एक सपना देखती है - अपनी रेसेपी को लोगो तक पहोचाने का | क्या वो भी लिली सिंघ की तरह अपने बच्चो तक अपनी आवाज पाहोचा सकती है ? पर उसे YouTube कौन सिखाएगा ? Pooja wants her culinary skills to reach more people. How will she navigate that amidst all the household chores? Who will teach her the language of YouTube? Tune in to this story to know about this YouTube Window. You can follow Madhuri Adwani on her instagram handle: @mad_ad13 You can also listen to other...
Published 01/16/20
इस कहानी मे कथाकारा मानसिक स्वास्थ्य (Mental Health) की बात करती है एक ऐसे पात्र के माध्यम से जो देश मे घटती हर घटना से प्रभावित है | रोज हो रहे विरोध के चलते , मानसिक स्वास्थ्य का ध्यान कैसे रखे ? अपनी माँ को इसके बारे मे कैसे समजाये? सुनिये | Affected by the everyday happenings around the country and the world, the central character of the story feels anxious. How can she take care of her mental health? How can she talk to her mother about the same? Find out in the story. You can follow...
Published 01/09/20
इस कहानी मे एक छाते की बात की गयी है जो हमारे विषेश अधिकार का प्रतीक है | क्या हम इस छाते को दूसरो तक पहोचा सकते है ? कैसे? क्या इस छाते की किसिको भी ज़रुरत है ? A symbol of privilege- the white umbrella travels places to see more and become inclusive. How? Find out as you listen to this tale, talking to us when we sit on the edge of discrimination and violence. You can follow Madhuri Adwani on her instagram handle: @mad_ad13 You can also listen to other stories of Madhuri on her YouTube...
Published 12/26/19
इस कहानी मैं विरोध है देश मे चल रहे प्रशासन का, धर्म के नाम पर लोगो की नागरिकता पर ऊंगली उठानेका और लोगो से उनकी आज़ादी छिनने का | सुनिये विरोध के गीतो और कविताओं को ताकी आप भी सडक पर जुड सके l This story is a voice of protest against the existing government, it's dehumanizing Bills and Acts and it's discrimination on the ground of religion. Listen to the story to know these voices as they recite protest poetry and sing protest songs. Special Thanks to all the artists and friends who helped...
Published 12/19/19
इस कहानी मे मिलते है रेशमा के पर्स से | अपने पुरे महोल्ले मे रेशमा अपने पर्स के लिये प्रख्यात थी पर हर बार नया पर्स लेने पर सबकी अनुमती लेते लेते वो थक चुकी थी | क्या इसमे बदलाव आएगा? A woman's purse tells the story of her likes and choices along with the story of her economy. Will Reshma be able to buy this purse for herself without asking for permission? Tune in to find out why is this purse special. You can follow Madhuri Adwani on her instagram handle: @mad_ad13 You can also listen to...
Published 12/12/19
इस कहानी में मिलिये समीरा से जो हमे अपने आज़ादी वाले रूम के बारे मे बताती है | क्या एक ही रूम मे आज़ादी की जलक मिल सकती है? शादी के बाद इंसान को कितना बदलना पड़ता है ? सुनिये समीरा की झुभानी | Sameera tells us how to locate free and safe space with or without marriage. Why is marriage still made a center of our lives? Can a conversation between two friends tell you anything different? Tune in and find out what these characters talk about. You can follow Madhuri Adwani on her instagram handle:...
Published 12/05/19
इस कहानी में मिलते है आशा की माँ लीला से | लीला का सबसे मन पसंद वक़्त था शामको चाय पीने वाला समय | यह चाय उसे कौन बनाकर पीलाता है ? चाय कौन बनाता है वाली प्रथा को क्या हम तोड़ पाये है? This is a story about Asha's mother Leela. A story on Leela's favorite tea-time questions if we have been able to change the tradition of women serving tea or not. Tune in to the story to find out what happens to this tradition as women of different generations start asking questions about the same. You can...
Published 11/28/19
Welcome to our Hindi Storytelling Podcast where Madhuri Adwani narrates day-to-day stories and occurrences of women's lives across generations. Do you call yourself a new-age woman? What happened to women before you? Where and how do you trace your lineage and see the difference? On Tapri Tales, Madhuri tells you ordinary stories with layers of gender, history, class and caste laid on top of one another. All you need to do is grab a cup of tea at your nearest tapri and prepare yourself for an...
Published 11/18/19