Do you consume apple cider vinegar regularly? Do you consume other types of vinegar regularly? If you consume apple cider vinegar for weight loss you may want to reconsider. This episode discusses all the things that vinegars do to our bodies, like causing digestive issues, acid reflux, and more.
Published 07/21/21
In this first episode of a series that looks at a few specific foods each episode I discuss the health benefits of papayas, oranges & tangerines, plums, and peaches. You may learn some surprising facts about these foods you didn't know! I also discuss tips on ways you can incorporate more of these foods into your diet.
Published 07/14/21
In this episode I discuss why protein doesn't need to be the cornerstone of your diet. I explain why protein isn't as important as we once thought when it comes to building muscle and strength. Also, when you eat a high protein diet you are simultaneously eating a high fat diet, which strains the liver and deprives the brain of what it really needs: glucose. I point out what foods are better at helping build lean muscle, strength, and improving brain function.
Published 07/07/21
In this episode I talk about how you can keep your health on track while traveling, especially if you are coping with a chronic illness. I discuss the anxiety that can accompany traveling when you have a chronic illness, as well as tips that can make traveling a little easier and ease that anxiety.
Published 06/30/21
In this episode I discuss why celery juice is so amazing for you from its antioxidants, vitamin C, to its naturally occurring salts. I also discuss all the conditions that will improve by incorporating celery juice into your daily routine. I even talk about tips to keep in mind when juicing celery to get the most out of it!
Published 06/17/21
In this episode I discuss the emotions around dealing with a chronic illness. The sense of isolation that comes with dealing with symptoms of chronic illnesses or even with not knowing what your diagnosis is. I also provide tools to help cope with your emotions during stressful times especially when it comes to chronic illness specifically.
Published 06/09/21
In this episode I discuss my personal journey with Lyme Disease. I also discuss what causes Lyme Disease and the various triggers for Lyme. I also discuss the foods and herbs that help heal Lyme as well as foods that fuel/feed Lyme.
Published 06/02/21
In this episode I discuss what adrenal fatigue is, what causes adrenal fatigue, and how to avoid adrenal fatigue. I also discuss foods and herbs that help heal adrenal fatigue, in addition to foods to avoid.
Published 05/20/21
This episode is all about what triggers a migraine and foods to cut out of your diet if you do get migraines. I also discuss foods you should eat more of to help prevent migraines, as well as some supplements that may be helpful.
Published 04/28/21
In this episode I discuss the pros and cons of intermittent fasting. I also discuss who should NOT practice intermittent fasting. I also talk about juice cleanses and water fasting.
Published 04/14/21
In this episode I discuss the underlying cause of chronic acne. I also talk about urinary tract infections and how they are linked. I discuss foods that feed acne and UTIs, as well as foods that help improve acne and lessen UTIs.
Published 04/07/21
In this episode I discuss what leads to diabetes, ways you can help yourself reverse pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes, and what to avoid if you have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes. I also discuss foods that are helpful when you have diabetes, as well as herbs that may help.
Published 03/31/21
In this episode I discuss all other hidden toxins that are in our food, and why these toxins are harmful.
Published 03/24/21
In this episode I discuss plastic and all the sneaky ways it gets into our body. I also discuss why plastic is toxic to us, and foods that can help the body detox plastics.
Published 03/17/21
In this episode I discuss toxic heavy metals, what they include, how they enter our bodies, the harm to cause, and ways you can help your body detox heavy metal build up inside us.
Published 03/10/21
In this episode I discuss what chronic inflammation is, what things feed inflammation in the body, and how you can reduce inflammation. I also discuss why chronic inflammation is bad for our health.
Published 02/24/21
Here is a list of anti-inflammatory herbs that are beneficial when struggling with chronic inflammation. These herbs are great for so many other things, which is why I did a mini episode on the herbs themselves.
Published 02/24/21
In this episode I discuss why fruit sugar is not the same as processed or refined sugar. I also discuss all the incredible benefits of eating fruit, and what diseases and illnesses it protects us from.
Published 02/18/21
Why is sugar so bad for us? In this episode I discuss the adverse effects sugar has on the body, and ways you can crowd out sugar with healthier foods.
Published 02/09/21
In this episode I discuss probiotics, what they are, why they are important, and what to look for when choosing a probiotic supplement.
Published 02/09/21
What is gut health? Why is it so important? Why does it seem like everyone is talking about gut health these days? I answer all these questions and more in my first episode of my podcast!
Published 02/09/21
Introduction to my TD Nutrition podcast! Learn more about me!
Published 02/09/21