Published 04/10/21
John grew up with a secular Jewish father and new age mother. He never stepped foot into a church in his life except for weddings and funerals. He played college basketball in the USA and pro basketball for Hapoel Haifa in Israel and became an Israeli citizen. After returning to the USA, he reached a low point and overdosed on shrooms. He nearly died and experienced a glimpse of Hell, but Jesus saved him. He committed to a church during the pandemic, was discipled, and baptized in 2020.
Published 04/04/21
Joshua Carvalho was raised by godly parents who are missionaries from Brazil to the United States. His parents planted 8 churches in the USA and are incredible pastors, leaders, and evangelists. At 12 years of age, he had a radical conversion to Christ where he fully submitted his life to Christ by going on a 40 day fast. At 13, he had a six hour encounter with God that propelled him into a lifestyle of evangelism. At 19, he went on a six month faith journey across America. At 20, he founded...
Published 03/05/21
James Abraham lived through WWII as a child, began attending church at 11 and never missed a Sunday for the rest of his life. He was a member of the Anglican, Baptist, and Catholic churches in England, Hong Kong, Jamaica, and the USA without ever encountering God or understanding the Gospel. On the 10th week of an evangelism training program he attended at his Catholic Church, he received the revelation of the Gospel and was born again. He then founded a global evangelism ministry that he...
Published 02/19/21
Jennifer grew up in a nominal Lutheran family in Michigan. She went to church and Christian private schools her entire life. After being sexually abused by a relative at 4, she became sexually active. After having her first child at 17, she became a stripper for 7 years. Throughout much of this time, she was attending church. She moved to Florida with the hopes of turning her life around to no avail. After a nervous breakdown, she had an encounter with the Holy Spirit that changed her forever.
Published 01/29/21
Jeff grew up in a family of drug addicts. His mom gave him weed at age 5, he started taking LSD at age 9, and became a drug addict and alcoholic at an early age. After meeting some strange people who actually cared about him and showed him the love of God he started attending a Christian meeting. After a year of going to the meetings as an atheist, he gave his life to Christ and experienced the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
Published 10/12/18
Allen grew up nominally Lutheran in the Midwest. Although he identified as Christian his entire life, he was addicted to porn, sex, and drinking. He tried to be set free from his sexual addictions through religion, but religion did nothing. Allen married Jen, who was a stripper, and after Jen survived a traumatic experience she encountered the Holy Spirit. Through his wife's radical conversion, Allen's life and faith was challenged until he too had an encounter with the Holy Spirit and was...
Published 09/26/18
Alex grew up in a non-religious home, lost his father as a teenager, and grew up with very little exposure of or desire for God. When one of his close friends was completely changed by Christ, he attended church with him out of respect for his friend. There he was encountered by God and forever changed.
Published 09/03/18
Rodrigo grew up in a strong Christian home, but after being a part of several churches who fell into scandal after scandal he decided that God was not real and Christianity was a total hoax. He hated Christianity and became a staunch atheist who was filled with rage and a love for violence. Nevertheless, God drew Rodrigo back to Himself and one day encountered him face-to-face. He would never be the same after that encounter and ever since has lived a life completely abandoned towards God.
Published 07/23/18
Davon Johnson struggled to find his identity as he was raised by a single mother and was surrounded by Muslim, Christian, and Jehovah's Witness belief systems throughout his life. He was labeled gay at an early age and shares in detail his progression from being bi-curious to bisexual to gay. But everything changed when he encountered the Holy Spirit and discovered his new identity in Christ.
Published 07/12/18
Joe Yanok shares how God awakened him out of nominal Christianity into a life fully surrendered to Him. He also shares about how his marriage was nearly destroyed until God took full control of their lives and their marriage.
Published 06/03/18
Luca Grappoli was transgender for 30 years. She shares the details the abuse she experienced as a child, her desire to be a man, and how she became utterly convinced that she was a man and lived as a man for decades. Through a series of events God encountered her in powerful ways and completely transformed her life. Now Luca is a self-proclaimed woman who is no longer attracted to the same sex. This is her story.
Published 06/02/18
Luca Grappoli was transgender and later lesbian for 30 years. She shares the details the abuse she experienced as a child, her desire to be a man, and how she became utterly convinced that she was a man and lived as a man for decades. Through a series of events God encountered her in powerful ways and completely transformed her life. Now Luca is a self-proclaimed woman who is no longer attracted to the same sex. This is her story.
Published 05/29/18
Fabian Ancinez went from being a hypocritical, church going Christian to a world changing Christian who God is using to save countless souls, heal the sick, and bring transformation to those around him. Fabian's story is a beautiful story of rediscovering Jesus for who He really is.
Published 05/21/18
Eddie Santana was born into a family of Mexican gangsters in Los Angeles, but he barely knew his father because he was in prison for most of Eddie's childhood. At a young age he formed his own crew and joined a gang himself. Throughout his life he has several spiritual experiences that confirmed to him that God was real. After many twists and turns in his story he found himself talking to a street preacher and walking into a church service that changed the course of his life forever.
Published 05/12/18
Sexually abused as a child by his pastor's son, Evan Rogers was filled with anger and hatred towards God, church, and life in general. After seeing God transform his mom and sister he eventually opened his heart for God to transform his life as well.
Published 11/28/16
Valedictorian who finds life to be empty and meaningless. After searching for truth and meaning in academics, parties, and spirituality, she finds Jesus and is forever transformed.
Published 11/21/16
Midwest Catholic girl who's life spirals downward after having an abortion. Her heart grows cold towards God and life, so she travels the country with a band and lives a life of drugs and parties before being found by God and being transformed.
Published 03/10/16
Steven Uggen grew up in a nominal Lutheran family in Fargo, North Dakota. He chucked religion quickly and ran full throttle for the American dream. After experiencing everything the world had to offer and loving it, he experienced a season of intense shakings. With nowhere to turn, God encounters him through the prayers of his secretary's praying mother. His entire life is transformed and he is never the same. This is his story.
Published 02/08/16