My alcoholic husband pushed me to divorce, so why do I feel so much regret? A man claiming to be a prophet just came to Antigua, is he a real prophet? I know Christ gives us what we can manage, but how do I overcome this feeling of God expecting more than I can manage? If Jesus had not yet ascended into heaven (John 20:17), then how could He commend His spirit into the Father's hands when He died on the cross (Luke 23:46)? Why did Jesus instruct His disciples not to tell anyone that He is the...
Published 11/29/23
Does Isaiah 45:7 teach that God created evil? Are Christians supposed to obey the government unconditionally? In the Matthew 13 parable, are the wheat and tares people in the church, and does it teach against church discipline? Can witchcraft hurt a Christian? What does Jesus mean in Luke 12, when He says He came to turn mother against daughter, etc.? Is it right for a church to sell alcohol and raffle tickets on its compound? How do you deal with the loss of a loved one? Can prayer help you...
Published 11/22/23
How can a Christian strengthen his faith? Can you explain Isaiah 37:3? Is Christmas pagan or Christian? What advice is there for a believer who has fallen into sin and repented but still struggles with accusing thoughts? Should a single man pray for the salvation of a woman he loves from a distance? How can an elderly person minister to young men who are going through periods of doubt or unbelief? Should a believer have anxiety or depression to such an extent that it makes them sick? Listen...
Published 11/15/23
Should fathers have devotions with their families, and if so, why is it important? Why are adolescents so stressed? What is anorexia, and what are the signs to look for? What does 1 Corinthians 10:24 mean when it says we should seek another's wealth - Is this verse teaching covetousness? With the integration of AI (artificial intelligence) into every day life, how do we guard ourselves against lies? Listen as Pastor/Dr. David Murphy discusses these and other listener questions.
Published 11/02/23
What do you think about the books by Neale Walsch called "Conversations with God"? What are the indications that a teenager might be facing a struggle or deep crisis? What is conflict? What are biblical sources of conflict? What are the core principles in dealing with conflict? How does a biblical peacemaker go about resolving conflict? Why are adolescents so stressed? Are there other worlds in the universe with living beings apart from us? Listen as Pastor/Dr. David Murphy discusses these...
Published 10/26/23
Listen as Pastor/Dr. David Murphy answers these and many more questions from a Biblical perspective: When you are quoting Scripture, can that be throwing-words at someone? I once had someone tell me that when I was sharing verses with them. Pastor, I know that the people of the nation of Israel are God's chosen people. I know that God has promised them to have the land of Israel and area much larger than they control right now. I love and support the people of Israel. I know that some of...
Published 10/20/23
Was Israel born out of Egypt? Should age difference be considered in a relationship? If one person in a relationship will not share their cell phone openly, is that a red flag or even a deal breaker? What was the contention between Michael and Satan over the body of Moses in Jude 9? Why did the Lord seek to kill Moses in Exodus 4? Please explain 2 Peter 2:15 in relation to the way of Cain, the error of Balaam, and the gainsaying of Core (Jude 11). What are the keys mentioned in Matthew 16:19,...
Published 10/04/23
Is there a discrepancy in Genesis 46:26 and 27, where one verse states Jacob's family was 66 souls and the next verse says 70 souls? Why was Esau not forgiven even though Hebrews 12:17 says he sought repentance carefully with tears? What was the difference between Abraham and Lot? Why does 2 Samuel 6:23 say that Saul's daughter Michal had no child unto the day of her death, but 2 Samuel 21:8 says that she had 5 sons? Can someone be converted by prayer that gives God praise? What is the...
Published 09/27/23
What is a balanced life? What areas in life need to be balanced? What is the process of finding balance? What are some practical ideas to balance the spiritual, physical, social, emotional/mental, financial, and professional areas of life? What are the key characteristics of a balanced Christian life? Listen as Pastor/Dr. David Murphy discusses this topic and other listener questions.
Published 09/20/23
When a baby dies, does it go to heaven? Isn't everyone born in sin, even a newborn baby? Is it ok for a pastor to be gowned or a church choir to be vested? What are the biblical grounds for the practice of ordination? Is it wrong for a women who became pregnant from rape to have an abortion? What does 'the destruction of the flesh' mean in 1 Corinthians 5:5? How can someone achieve self-control? What is the future state of those who have died without the opportunity to hear the Gospel and...
Published 09/13/23
What literary symbols, titles or names are used to describe the Bible and what are their significance? What does the Bible say about the shape of the earth? How do we congregate with family who like to drink and practice homosexuality? Is Jesus Christ going to be on earth in the flesh during the millennium period and is there going to be technology? Are we going to be in our glorified bodies on earth during this period? What is the believer's responsibility towards Scripture? What does Jesus...
Published 09/06/23
Are the thrones in Revelation 20:4 going to be for the saints or the disciples? If God knows everything, why did He allow Satan to create mischief in heaven and then allow man to side with Satan? Are there two meanings in Greek for divorce? How do you know what your gifts and talents are? When we repent of our sins to God, do we also have to give an account for all those sins on Judgement Day? Why does God allow our enemies to suffer in hell when He tells us to love our enemies? In Romans...
Published 08/30/23
On this episode, we had guest speaker, Pastor/Dr. Emanuel Elizée from the Villa Baptist Church in Antigua, discuss and answer questions about the problem of youth violence. What role should the state play in addressing youth violence? What is the church's role in addressing youth violence? To what extent should punishment be meted out to youth who commit violent crimes? Should parents be punished or even jailed for their children's crimes? How beneficial is counselling relative to youth...
Published 08/23/23
On this episode, we had guest speaker, Assistant Pastor Denfield Hastings from the Gospel Light Baptist Church in Antigua, discuss and answer questions about the topic of Youth Ministry and how to impact the next generation with the Gospel. How do you develop the right philosophy of youth ministry? What principles are needed? How do you navigate the challenges? What should a youth leader's relationship be with the youth's parents? Listen as Pastor Hastings discusses this important topic.
Published 08/16/23
On this episode, we had guest speaker, Pastor Osbert Joseph from the Trinity Baptist Church in Antigua, discuss and answer questions about the topic of Eschatology and Global Warming. What does the Bible say is going to happen in the future? What are some examples of climate events being used by God in the Bible? What is the Second Coming of Christ? How do you have a conversation with someone who refuses to believe in a God or that He is in control? What date and time will Christ return?...
Published 08/03/23
Again, this episode was full of listener questions, like: Was the curse on Ham passed down to his descendants? Was the black race descendants of Ham or Shem? Did Satan thwart God's plan for mankind? Did God know that Adam and Eve would sin, or was it His plan from the beginning? Why do people wait until old age to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of their life? What book is Pastor Murphy reading? Is it wrong to not desire to be in a relationship due to past hurts? Please explain...
Published 07/27/23
Is it wrong to ask God to die and come home to Him? Are there three heavens? Do Revelation 20:4-5 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 correlate with each other? Do they teach that there is no pretribulation or rapture? If a Christian man marries a Christian woman who says that she's a virgin, but in the marriage bed it is discovered that she was not a virgin, can the husband divorce her for the deception? What should be the heart of a counselor? Listen as Pastor/Dr. David Murphy discusses these and...
Published 07/19/23
Can you expound on Colossians 2:16? How could we love God, who makes us go through pain and hurt and does not take vengeance on those who hurt us? Should Christians be vegetarian? What are some warning signs that a married person is having an emotional affair? Should Christians use the Greek or Jewish words for the names of God? With all the different doctrines and religions, isn't today like the Tower of Babel, where they were confused and no one understood each other? Listen as Pastor/Dr....
Published 07/12/23
What is soul sleep and why do some people believe in it? What advice would you give to Christian couples contemplating marriage? Please explain Deuteronomy 22:5 and Habakkuk 2:15-16. How do people who have never heard the truth get an opportunity to go to heaven? Did Jesus die for sin alone? Listen as Pastor/Dr. David Murphy discusses these and other listener questions.
Published 06/30/23
How do you move on from rejection or betrayal? How do you deal with provocation? How do you suggest that I get my husband to agree to counselling? Is Christianity of God or is it man's religion? Are the Muslims right in referring to the "promised helper" in John 14:16 as the coming of Muhammad? If Jesus is the Son of God, why did He call Himself the "Son of Man"? How can couples reduce conflict in marriage? Listen as Pastor/Dr. David Murphy discusses these questions and more.
Published 06/22/23
The aftermath stages in divorce. Why is reconciliation important to the divorcee? How does love die in a marriage? How do you rebuild intimacy in a marriage? Listen as Pastor/Dr. David Murphy discusses this topic and answers other listener questions, like: Why do divorced people keep the last name of their ex-spouse? Is the devil able to read or know our thoughts? What is the difference between a Pastor and an Evangelist?
Published 06/15/23
What is your view on the recent spate of crimes; murder, rape and robberies in Antigua and the over-all moral break down that is happening globally? Is it right for a person to get married again when their spouse is still alive? What problems will couples face who have had sex before marriage? Where does your soul go when you die? Is it normal to have hard depressing days and feel like giving up -What can be done to overcome them? Listen as Pastor/Dr. David Murphy discusses these and other...
Published 06/07/23
Why is divorce so painful? What are the significant losses of divorce? What is the grief process of divorce? Listen as Pastor/Dr. David Murphy discusses this topic and answers other listener questions, like: Is there a difference between a saved person and a Christian? How can a person forgive someone who has done them wrong? What does the Bible mean by laying aside all malice and grudges in 1 Peter 2? Should a woman continue her relationship with her husband when she's living with another...
Published 05/31/23
Please explain what Revelation 3 means about the Church in Sardis. Please explain Deuteronomy 28:68, where the Lord is going to sell the people back to Egypt and no one will buy them. Is prophesying the same as preaching? Should there be deaconesses in the church? Why did God allow polygamy in the Old Testament but not the New Testament? Listen as Pastor/Dr. David Murphy discusses these and other listener questions.
Published 05/24/23
Why didn't God send Satan straight to Hell instead of allowing him to roam the earth? John 3:16 says God loves everyone; but Romans 8:38 says nothing can separate us from His love; are the lost souls who died loved of God since they are now separated from Him; are there really two kinds of God's love? Is the church a money-making business? Can a Christian get a tattoo? Is it Scriptural for churches to ordain women as pastors and preachers? Does faith mean complete absence of fear and doubt?...
Published 05/17/23