Is Romans 7:19-25 just an excuse for people's laziness; if people loved God, wouldn't they just obey? Does the believer go to heaven immediately after death or at the resurrection? Doesn't Paul teach in 1 Thessalonians 4 that those who die will rise in the promised resurrection not that the dead were already in heaven? Isn't it clear that Elisha did not die before going to heave, but Moses died and would have been resurrected before his appearance with Jesus? Does modern Israel as a nation,...
Published 05/15/24
What can I do for my friend who is in the hospital? Is the African race a cursed race? Is it wrong to make the sign of the cross before praying? Is it wrong to delete chain messages that promise God's blessing if you forward it to others? What was Jesus' purpose for coming? Why does the Bible have such a low opinion of women? What does the Scripture mean when it says a woman should not speak in church but should wait until she gets home? Can you explain the relevance of Matthew 15:25-28 and...
Published 05/08/24
Published 05/08/24
Is there such a thing as untimely death? If so, where do the souls of those who have departed before their time reside? What about unnatural deaths or accidents? When children ages 1 to 5 die, where do their souls go? Can Satan be responsible for untimely deaths? Listen as Pastor/Dr. David Murphy discusses this topic and answers other listener questions, like: Can a person be baptized more than once? Is the Adventist church a cult? Is it right for a woman to preach to the whole church? Did...
Published 05/02/24
In Acts 20:7 are the disciples meeting on Saturday evening or Sunday? What did God say about Sunday? What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe about Jesus? Is the book of Jonah fact or fiction? Does Acts 15:20 indicate that it is a sin to receive a blood transfusion? Why did the Holy Spirit in Acts 16:6 forbit Paul to preach in Asia when Jesus said to go unto all the world? Is Christ the only way of salvation; isn't that a narrow exclusionsim? What about the sincere pagan or Hindu or Muslim who...
Published 04/24/24
What does Amos 8:11-12 mean when it says there will be a famine 'of hearing the words of the Lord'? Do you think that believers who speak in tongues are not Christians? Shouldn't our agenda be to reach the lost and not to fight over doctrine? Is it safe for a Christian to watch movies, like the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, which innocently introduce magic, witches, and wizards? Is it good or bad that my church teaches Calvinism? How can I honor my mother if she doesn't have Christian morals?...
Published 04/17/24
In this Episode of That's Truth, Pastor Dr. David Murphy answers a listener's question about the woman in Revelation 12:17. Other questions include: Why does God allow pain and evil? Did Jesus resurrect bodily or just in spirit? Is there historical evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ?
Published 04/11/24
In this episode Pastor Dr. David Murphy answers many listener questions, including: Please explain Acts 4:12. How would you advise believers, of both genders, in their pursuit of cultivating godly, respectful and pleasant relationships with siblings in Christ? Are there scientific facts in scripture that are supported by modern science? Is there really evidence for the resurrection of Christ? Revelation 12:17 speaks to the remnant people of God who keep the commandments. They will be...
Published 04/04/24
Is the Creation story in Genesis meant to be taken literally or was it written in figurative language? Does Matthew 18:15-18 prohibit public criticism of a pastor's preaching, teaching, and doctrine? Does Matthew 25:46 indicate that there is no eternal, conscious punishment for the wicked? Is the Bible and evolution compatible? Are there scientific facts in Scripture supported by modern science? Is it wrong to be baptized in the Name of Jesus instead of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Can a...
Published 03/20/24
Does God have a perfect will or plan for the believer? How can a person discover God's will for their life? Do my abilities play a role in knowing God's will? What role should music play in Christian worship? What is the difference between hymns and spiritual songs? Should a Christian listen to Gospel reggae or calypso songs? If a sinner sings a Gospel song, should Christians sing it? Is singing a spiritual gift? Should a pastor ask a member why they stopped giving tithes? What should tithes...
Published 03/13/24
What is the difference between healthy and unhealthy sex? How can you help the sexual addict from a biblical perspective? Is body piercing wrong? How broad should public confession be? Are some sins greater than others? What is the difference between the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Church? Does the Bible teach gender equality? Listen as Pastor/Dr. David Murphy discusses these and other listener questions.
Published 03/06/24
Pastor Murphy continued our conversation on Sexual Addiction with questions, like: Why do people become addicted to sex? What are some of the symptoms of sexual addiction? What is the cycle of sexual addiction? What core beliefs drive the sexual addict? Is sex idolatrous? Listen as Pastor/Dr. David Murphy discusses this topic and answers other listener questions, like: How long should courtship be for a middle-aged adult who desires children? How do you stop lusting besides prayer and...
Published 02/28/24
Does the Bible support social drinking? Where does the Bible say that the wine in Bible times was 2/3 water? Why did Peter say not to drink water only but also a little wine for the stomach's sake? If someone does not repent, do I have to forgive? Why did Saul ask 'Who are you, Lord?' if he already knew it was the Lord speaking to him? If Saul didn't know the Lord, how could he know the Lord was speaking? What color is God? What is meant by 'the soul is the seat of the emotions,' and what is...
Published 02/22/24
How can Psalms 5:5 and John 3:16 both be true? Why is the book of Esther included in the Bible when it never mentions God? Hebrews 7:19 suggests that the Law is imperfect, but Psalms 19:7 declares that it is perfect - how can these both be true? Hebrews presents Christ as a priest and then later as a sacrifice - which was He? Can 1 Timothy 5:23 be used to endorse social drinking? How should believers settle disagreements among themselves? What are some things that can happen in a marriage...
Published 02/14/24
Has the prophecy in Matthew 24 already been fulfilled? Is there any biblical basis for the rapture? Is there a place for Christian entertainment that is not strictly Bible stories? What is meant by 'the unity of the spirit' in Ephesians 4:3? What is meant by 'deliver unto Satan' in 1 Corinthians 5:5? What is the meaning of the different grades of offerings mentioned in Leviticus? Does baptism take the place of circumcision? What is meant by 'salvation is of the Jews' in John 4:22? What is the...
Published 02/08/24
How can we help the victims of rape? Listen as Pastor/Dr. David Murphy discusses this topic and answers other listener questions, like: Who are the true Israelites? Where should someone begin to study Bible prophecy? As a female, how should I go about sharing what I've learned with others? How do I tell others that they are sitting under a false teacher? Is it appropriate to pray for a false teacher to be exposed? What is the difference between the Jews and Gentiles? Please explain...
Published 01/31/24
How serious and how common is the problem of rape? What kind of impact does rape have on the victim? What kind of fears does the victim experience? Listen as Pastor/Dr. David Murphy discusses this topic and answers other listener questions, like: How can a Christian entrepreneurs navigate through the relationships that will be formed with unsaved clients? What if a church leader refuses to forgive a brother or sister in the church but still takes communion?
Published 01/25/24
What defines rape? What are reasons behind rape? Who are the most common perpetrators of rape? Where does most date-rape occur? How serious is the problem of rape? Listen as Pastor/Dr. David Murphy discusses this topic and answers other listener questions like: Does Galatians 2 talk about two different Gospels preached to two different groups of people? Is white culture based in racism? Does Christianity push white supremacy? How can we have true fellowship in our churches today? Where did...
Published 01/17/24
Are there other Gospels besides the four Gospels in the Bible? What is the Gospel of Barnabas? What evidence supports the Bible being the Word of God? Did Christian scientists lay the foundations of modern science? How can we be sure that Christ was the true Messiah? What everyday pressures and challenges cause marital dissatisfaction? How does Genesis 10:5 say, 'each with his own language,' but Genesis 11:1 says the whole earth had one language? Is there a type of significance to the several...
Published 01/10/24
Does Paul's Sabbath preaching in Acts 17 support the Adventist's view that the Sabbath is still binding on the church? Does Romans 8:17 indicate that one day we will become exalted as gods, as the Mormon church teaches? When Paul quotes a pagan poet in 1 Corinthians 15:33, can we consider that pagan writer as inspired? Does the use of non-Christian sources show that there are other inspired writings not found in the Bible? What is the Bible's perspective on the "accommodation theory"? Is it...
Published 01/03/24
What do you think about the recent news that the pope has endorsed priests to bless same-sex couples? What is the "Church of Christ," and why is the "Church of God" only found in the Bible? What is the difference between sun worship and Sunday worship? What is the significance of crowns in the Bible, such as the crown of glory? What advice do you have for someone who is co-parenting? Should we use reason in religious faith? Does John 10:30 prove that Jesus and the Father are the same person?...
Published 12/21/23
If a person practices a religion other than Christianity and says that they will pray for me, should I accept that? If abortion is wrong, would that make euthanasia wrong too? What is "the heritage of the heathen" given to the righteous in Psalm 111:6? What is the meaning of having doves' eyes in Song of Solomon 1:15? Is it wrong to visit the cemetery to visit a loved one's graveside, place flowers, and speak to them? If there are pastors and teachers in churches today, then why do you say...
Published 12/13/23
In Ezekiel 34, who are the shepherds who are not caring for their sheep? What are the core principles in bringing up a child? How should a Christian teacher handle a disruptive child in a school setting? Would you put out an adult child who is engaging in a bad lifestyle? What does Luke 14:26 mean when it says we should hate our family and our own self? Should ministers be called reverend? Will sincere people who hold erroneous beliefs concerning the Bible and salvation be lost because of...
Published 12/06/23
My alcoholic husband pushed me to divorce, so why do I feel so much regret? A man claiming to be a prophet just came to Antigua, is he a real prophet? I know Christ gives us what we can manage, but how do I overcome this feeling of God expecting more than I can manage? If Jesus had not yet ascended into heaven (John 20:17), then how could He commend His spirit into the Father's hands when He died on the cross (Luke 23:46)? Why did Jesus instruct His disciples not to tell anyone that He is the...
Published 11/29/23
Does Isaiah 45:7 teach that God created evil? Are Christians supposed to obey the government unconditionally? In the Matthew 13 parable, are the wheat and tares people in the church, and does it teach against church discipline? Can witchcraft hurt a Christian? What does Jesus mean in Luke 12, when He says He came to turn mother against daughter, etc.? Is it right for a church to sell alcohol and raffle tickets on its compound? How do you deal with the loss of a loved one? Can prayer help you...
Published 11/22/23