We've said countless times (twice, probably) that "this episode is our most unhinged yet". Well, gang, this time we might actually mean it! The fellas don't even sniff the normal show segments and instead descend directly into The Discourse. But don't worry, Fact or Fanfiction didn't get left out. We know what y'all want, and we love you! https://www.patreon.com/40kBadcast https://40kbadcast.bigcartel.com/ [email protected]
Published 04/26/24
Published 04/26/24
Y'all are gonna find out within the first 5 minutes why we had to name it "Boston Creamer". It is also important that you know Campbell uttered the phrase, "Shout out to my boy DM for his BM!" Truly groundbreaking stuff over here. https://www.patreon.com/40kBadcast https://40kbadcast.bigcartel.com/ [email protected]
Published 04/10/24
Campbell and the Beef Thief are back, and this time ol' Beefy went on a lil' trip! Dan recaps Adepticon 2024 and Campbell lives vicariously. Make sure to wear ear protection for this one, gang, as the sonorous clacking of Dan's many medals might deafen you. https://www.patreon.com/40kBadcast https://40kbadcast.bigcartel.com/ [email protected]
Published 03/28/24
This is honestly supposed to be a Warhammer 40k podcast. How did we f**k this up so bad? Where did we go wrong? The good news is that if you like trucks, you're gonna be thrilled. The bad news is that we didn't use the soundboard even once in the entire f*****g episode. Seriously, what is wrong with us? https://www.patreon.com/40kBadcast https://40kbadcast.bigcartel.com/ [email protected]
Published 03/20/24
Truly it is a grand day for a bad 'cast! This time around the fellas coin several new terms: "The Irish Good-Die", "mouth-bored", and rebrand as the Porty-k PottyCast. Does that make any sense? Does anything? Who even cares?! https://www.patreon.com/40kBadcast https://40kbadcast.bigcartel.com/ [email protected]
Published 03/04/24
Hoo boy. The fellas return after a month hiatus, and their time off has clearly addled their brains. Things immediately go off the rails as Dan demands to actually talk about Warhammer 40,000 (what?!). Then, thihngs truly get wild. Topics include: werewolf boyfriends, saying Notann to Votann, the Vorelord Titan, and various media suppositories. Additionally Campbell introduces perhaps the dumbest segment possible, and then immediately follows it up by giving Dan a glance at The World That...
Published 02/18/24
Howdy friends! Dan was super sick during the recording of this show, so it appropriately went off the rails quick and pretty much stayed there. However, our two idiot hosts managed to chat about butts, faces, and a disappointing lack of gargants. Also, they randomly create the most terrifying mutant of all time and then immediately give him the dumbest name possible. Classic! https://www.patreon.com/40kBadcast https://40kbadcast.bigcartel.com/ [email protected]
Published 01/24/24
What's this?! Another Badcast?! O frabjurous day, caloo calay! In this double-wide, extra-thicc, girth-maxxed episode, Dan and Cam resolve last year's resolutions, make a bunch of new ones, and get a little silly on the way. Why is this one two hours long? Because Dan drank a 12% tallboy, that's why. Enjoy! https://www.patreon.com/40kBadcast https://40kbadcast.bigcartel.com/ [email protected]
Published 01/10/24
Could we have named this episode "Gregor Eisenbong"? Yes. Such are the rich veins of jokes you'll find here, on the 40k Badcast! Included in this totally-free, no ads episode are such other jokes like Kharn the Bogart, a discussion regarding the theoretical friendship between Trazyn the Infinite and Indiana Jones, and a whole lotta lasagna. Also, Campbell totally misreads the Irish Republican movement and Dan actually, litteraly, for real for real teaches people how to perform a gravity...
Published 12/20/23
Hello, dear listener! This episode got cut short because Campbell had to meet a "friend" for "dinner". So mostly it's Dan talking about his experience at the 2023 Chaos Cup! But don't worry, it's still full of that piquant badcast flavor you've come to know and love. Also Dan get's Campbell with an "It's Been" which hasn't happened in months! Hell yeah! https://www.patreon.com/40kBadcast https://40kbadcast.bigcartel.com/ [email protected]
Published 12/06/23
Hope y'all got a long drive or something queued up, because this one's big! Cam and Dan talk multi-level crossbows, both greiving and reiving, and nasty-ass farts. Also, Campbell doesn't know what dogs are, and Dan once again gets mad about relative humidity. Look, it's a bad stat. This post brought to you by Dew Point Gang. Bottom text. https://www.patreon.com/40kBadcast https://40kbadcast.bigcartel.com/ [email protected]
Published 11/02/23
Hello again, friends! Right this way for a fresh and hot 40k Badcast episode! Inside you'll find a 12-gallon toilet, the much-anticipated sequel to English, and something called "the ol' spicy pumpkin". Ominous! Also, there are reports of a brand new 30-second "stinger", so be on the lookout for that. Is it even a stinger if it's 30 seconds long? Who knows?! https://www.patreon.com/40kBadcast https://40kbadcast.bigcartel.com/ [email protected]
Published 10/18/23
Oh, hell yes! The Badcast has returned with another episode, fresh from the oven! NO! Don't touch it! It's too hot! You gotta let it cool for 5-10 minutes. Sheesh. Anyways, in this episode we ask: - What, precisely, is an ass-pull? - What is the most well-known bay in the world? - And who exactly is the nefarious figure known as...Doggy Daddy?! The fellas even talk about Warhammer 40,000 in this one which honestly seems like some sort of mistake. https://twitter.com/DB_Sleazy ...
Published 10/01/23
Well, the bois done did it again! Dan and Cam both attended this year's NOVA Open, and boy howdy, do they have a lot to talk about. Learn, with great detail, about where they went to dinner each night! Experience an extremely awkward public meltdown! And hear about which faction both bois can't stand in 40k right now (it's Eldar)! Also, which one did better in the GT? The trash goblin who got bodied by big bullies in Tacoma? Or the former GT champion and world's foremost Raven Guard player?...
Published 09/13/23
Did you know that if you went to NOVA Open 2023, you could have seen your favorite bois LIVE and IN PERSON?! It'a true! In this show, the fellas are recording live in front of a real and surprisingly large crowd in Washington, DC. Is the audio great? Not really. But are the vibes good? Pal, they're impeccable. This time around, Dan and Cam review the NOVA preview event, take live WMDKs, and ask the real hard hitting questions: "Are we talkin' 'bout f****n' gazongas?" Truly the hard-hitting...
Published 08/31/23
Hear ye, hear ye! The Baddest bois of them all, Dan and Campbell, will be hosting a LIVE Badcast recording at this year's NOVA Open gaming convention in Washington DC! At the same hotel Reagan got shot at! Did anyone think this was a good idea? Who's letting them get away with this shit? Where's Jodie Foster in all of this?! Go here to register: https://tabletop.events/conventions/nova-open-2023/schedule/463 See you at NOVA!
Published 08/29/23
Summer's on the way out, but the Badcast bois are busting down your door on their way in with a hot and fresh show for you to gobble up like the little ripper you are! This time the fellas talk ork genitalia (again), 40k bumper stickers, and whether or not it's worth it to paint for other people! This one's chock full of bits, so make sure those dentures are firmly attached! https://twitter.com/DB_Sleazy https://twitter.com/BrotherSRM https://www.patreon.com/40kBadcast ...
Published 08/22/23
After a short summer break, the bois are back with another episode! This time, Dan and Cam break down what they've been up to in the last month or so. Spoiler: it's a lot of gaming! Tune in to find out just how bad at 40k and Blood Bowl they really are! https://twitter.com/DB_Sleazy https://twitter.com/BrotherSRM https://www.patreon.com/40kBadcast https://40kbadcast.bigcartel.com/ [email protected]
Published 08/15/23
There's "dad" and "dumpster" in the title, so you know what that means! Campbell's old man returns to the show to settle an old score: that one time Campbell didn't do his homework! Truly, what a disappointing child. Also in this episode: Fusili Fusiliers, hittin' that Imperial backboard, and an intro to 40k 10th edition! Wait, one of those things is actually helpful! WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY PODCASTERS?! https://twitter.com/DB_Sleazy https://twitter.com/BrotherSRM ...
Published 07/12/23
We're baaaaaaack! The 40k Badcast is running ON SCHEDULE these days, and that is truly something to behold! This time the fellas are breakin' up the Campbell Ramble, introducing a brand new Primarch: Konrad Buzz, and saying "special balls" a whole lot. SOUNDS FASCINATING!   LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN...
Published 06/28/23
Da bois are back with a brand new Badcast! In this one, they delve deep into 10th edition salt, Thank John Blanche for an incredible career, and do what they do best: talk about Necromunda in their 40k podcast! What's old is new again! Time is a flat circle and all that horse shit! LISTEN!!! OR DON'T!!! WE'RE NOT YOUR DADS!!! https://twitter.com/DB_Sleazy https://twitter.com/BrotherSRM https://www.patreon.com/40kBadcast https://40kbadcast.bigcartel.com/ [email protected]
Published 06/13/23
The boys have returned, and their joined a by a guest host: Campbell's Very Sad Tummy! While the CVST has been only a sometime contributor to the show, it's had a large impact on both Campbell's and Dan's personal lives. Also, we meet Camstaw Wunnew, Campbell treats us to his rap skills, and we all ponder a tepid skull. Hell yeah! https://twitter.com/DB_Sleazy https://twitter.com/BrotherSRM https://www.patreon.com/40kBadcast https://40kbadcast.bigcartel.com/ [email protected]
Published 06/04/23
In what is almost certainly our longest episode ever, Dan and Cam go a little nuts! They talk WH Fest reveals, how to survive the wait for a new edition, and what to do when some jerk brings warm beer over for a game. We're not advocating for violence, but the honorable thing would have been for the guy to commit seppuku. https://twitter.com/DB_Sleazy https://twitter.com/BrotherSRM https://www.patreon.com/40kBadcast https://40kbadcast.bigcartel.com/ [email protected]
Published 05/13/23
Dan is at his in-law's while publishing this, so who knows if it will work?! He's also on his laptop, so will it sound good? Tune in to find out! https://twitter.com/DB_Sleazy https://twitter.com/BrotherSRM https://www.patreon.com/40kBadcast https://40kbadcast.bigcartel.com/ [email protected]
Published 04/23/23