Published 03/11/21
The debate about whether you need an MBA as a PM rages on. Here's when you may want to consider making the investment and when you should pass.
Published 03/11/21
Is the ambiguity and stress of product management getting to you? Here are 5 roles you may want to consider that have nothing to do with managing roadmaps.
Published 03/04/21
Getting the ax, dealing with a PR nightmare, and losing key team members stink, So how can you plan for, deal with, and learn from crappy situations? Let's talk about it.
Published 02/25/21
How do you research & design new features? Let's chat about the steps and some exercises you can use in each of them
Published 02/11/21
You've done all your customer discovery and now need to hand a completed product spec off to engineering. What should you include in your spec to make sure you get the implementation done right?
Published 02/04/21
It's easy to overlook possible red flags when you just want to land a PM gig already. Here are some questions to ask and gotchas to avoid taking a PM you'll regret.
Published 01/28/21
Customer surveys are a great way to gain insights into your user base. Here are 7 questions to consider including in your next user survey.
Published 01/21/21
Working with overseas dev teams can save a bit of money, but comes with its own unique set of challenges. Here are a few tips to help you get the product you envision from a team you'll probably never meet.
Published 01/14/21
If your product growth is stalling or not even getting started, here are a few questions from Cliff Lerner's book "Explosive Growth" that can help you break through to the next level.
Published 01/07/21
MoSCoW is a prioritization method great for figuring out which of your stakeholder's "top priorities" are true top priorities and which are really "should haves" and "could haves". Here's how to use it.
Published 12/31/20
I'm breaking from the informational podcast episode cast and having a little fun for this Christmas Eve episode. What's on your wishlist?
Published 12/24/20
An MVP needs to be built quickly while still allowing a user to accomplish their goal. Story mapping is an excellent way to figure out what should make it into the MVP and what can wait.
Published 12/17/20
The Kano model can help you figure out what to build that will put you in a whole 'nother league. Here's what it is and how you can use it in your own work.
Published 12/10/20
Feature bloat is real. If you're feeling the pain, here's a step-by-step guide to turning off unused, complex, or high-maintenance features.
Published 12/03/20
The DIE prioritization framework scores items on Demand, Impact, and Effort to gauge where things should fall in the pecking order of what to build next. Here's how to use it.
Published 11/26/20
Don't let your CS and sales teams find out about an update through a customer or a demo. Keep them up-to-date with one of these 5 methods.
Published 11/19/20
Leadership has decided on a path you don't agree with. What do you do now? Do you raise a ruckus or do you disagree and commit?
Published 11/12/20
Data is great, but stories? Well — stories are what get people excited about that data. Telling a good one can get people excited about your idea. Here are four simple steps to constructing a basic one.
Published 11/05/20
If you're the first product manager a company has ever had, you need to hit the ground running. Here's a 5-day plan to get cozy with your team and show your new manager that you're ready to take the initiative.
Published 10/29/20
Need to write a value prop? Here's a simple formula you can use to quickly describe why people should buy your product.
Published 10/22/20
The tasks and responsibilities are the same....but the world views and mindsets between B2B and B2C product managers?!?!? Well, they're quite a bit different. Let's talk about the differences between the two.
Published 10/15/20
Product managers spend all their time writing requirements, managing the roadmap, and talking to customers, right? Well, TBH...not really. Let's talk about how most product managers spend their time and how to cut down on some of the less fun tasks.
Published 10/08/20
We've come to know some of the challenges of remote PM'ing - like less in-person magic and camaraderie. But in many ways, remote PM'ing is better in multiple ways. Let's discuss.
Published 10/01/20
What's important? What's urgent? These two simple questions form the basis of the Eisenhower Matrix and can help you group your to-do list tasks into one of four buckets - do, delegate, schedule, or eliminate. Here's how to use it on your own to-do list
Published 09/24/20