On the final day of Paryushan, Acharya Shree reminds us to practice forgiveness. So as long as we hold on to regret, guilt, resentment, anger, ego, etc. then it will continue to block us for the rest of life. Clear your karma. Wake up so you don't keep collecting karma. Practice awareness. Block all of your open sources. Ask forgiveness from all living beings. Forgive yourself. When you forgive yourself and others, when you are friends with all living beings, you will be free one day. The...
Published 10/20/23
Often times we don't accept challenges because of fear of failure. Fear is one of the biggest blockages on the path - for society and the spiritual one. People need challenges in order to get stronger. Don't be afraid of the struggle. If it's only easy, then there is no joy. You must enjoy and value the path and that comes through the struggle. You can feel the win of overcoming your karma and ego, because you experience soul more. Always face and accept your challenges, especially the ones...
Published 10/18/23
Every day is a day of Paryushan. Every day is a celebration of soul. Acharya Shree reveals our inner enemies, which are the things we need to renounce: our mind, our five senses, and ego, greediness, anger, deceitfulness and anger. If you win over 1, you win over 5, and you win over 10. We are constantly bothered by the mind and so the mind needs to be renounced. Desires of the mind and senses never end. They keep you in illusion, fantasy, emotions and desires, which all lead to...
Published 10/16/23
Acharya Shree Yogeesh initially focused on the Namokar mantra, the power of it and what it really means with an-indepth dive into each line of the universal mantra. A mantra is a divine sound which creates spiritual, positive, healing and protective energy. Some mantras have the power to dissolve a lot of karma.  Start your journey where you are. Never try to be someone else. Do not get trapped into the illusion of beauty. Be happy with yourself as you are now, and as you are begin your...
Published 10/13/23
Acharya Shree continues his deep dive into soul and meditation. There are two things eternal, soul and matter. Matter has 5 elements and matter is also karma. Soul + Matter = jivatma (a living being); Soul - Matter = paraatma (God); thus Soul is God. An inner click and awakening are glimpses into the soul where you begin to realize the non-truth of the world and the truth of your soul. When the clicks are too strong, it's difficult to continue living in illusion because now you've connected...
Published 10/11/23
The har truth is: People continue to get lost over and over again. The real purpose of this human life is only one thing: to know who you really are. If you are focused on other things, then you are wasting your life. Are you wasting your life in desires or are you focused on your soul? To help you focus, Acharya Shree the one-pointed meditation and concentration technique of Tratka. When your thoughts and energy flow in one direction, without distraction, a lot of energy and focus power is...
Published 10/09/23
Paryushan is a  celebration that promotes and support spiritual strength, fasting, reflection, and deepened experiences of the soul. We forget how valuable, precious and priceless we are. We don't value ourselves and our soul, and we blame God for everything. People want spirituality, they want the easy path and they don't want to take responsibility for anything. Spirituality requires a lot of will, courage, confidence and strength.  Acharya Shree suggests that meditation is one of the...
Published 10/06/23
The biggest distraction of the spiritual path is the body, then the mind. When you discover your body, you will discover the whole universe. We have lost our instincts and realization of soul because of stress, tension and emotion. We need to reevaluate how we look at meditation, too -- is it to reduce stress, for peace of mind, or to realize who we really are. In the Paryushan Series of 2023, Acharya Shree will focus on Meditation and sharing tips, techniques and teachings to help you...
Published 10/04/23
The spiritual path is rarely the easiest.  You're not alone if you have experienced criticism or rejection from friends and family because of your new spiritual life.  In this episode, Acharya Shree shares how to rise above criticism and stay true to your spiritual journey. Being a truth seeker and real student requires courage and commitment, no matter what comes your way.  When people embark on a spiritual path, sometimes they face resistance and backlash from those closest to them. Why?...
Published 04/12/23
When someone says or does something that hurts us, we tend to feel hurt, angry, or agitated. In this episode, Acharya Shree shares his wisdom on calming our minds and body so that we are no longer affected by negative experiences.  It’s easy to say that negativity is everywhere. From the news on TV to hurtful comments on social media to being called names by someone you know, negativity comes in many forms and has many faces.  But there is a way to escape from it.  In a society where...
Published 03/29/23
Health and spirituality are two essential aspects of our lives that are often intertwined. In this episode, Acharya Shree explores the relationship between health and spirituality and how taking care of our physical and mental health can enhance our spiritual well-being. A healthy body is required for enlightenment.  When in good health, we can focus on our spiritual practices and connect with our higher selves more easily. Conversely, focusing on our spirituality and maintaining a positive...
Published 03/15/23
In this bonus episode, Acharya Shree Yogeesh is back on the air to discuss why some monks criticize the good works of others because of ego and jealousy. In this episode, Acharya Shree will be exploring the motivations behind why some people in spiritual positions use their power to belittle and discredit the actions of others. He will examine how ego and jealousy can influence these individuals to cast doubt on the good works of others and why it is essential to recognize and avoid these...
Published 03/01/23
Join spiritual master Acharya Shree Yogeesh as he sheds light on an important topic: how can the military practice nonviolence? In this episode, Acharya Shree will explore the concept of nonviolence and how it can be integrated into military practices. War should always be avoided, but when violence is necessary, he will discuss how this approach can lead to greater peace and understanding at home and abroad.  Listeners will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of nonviolence in...
Published 02/15/23
Acharya Shree reminds us that when there is a lack of awareness, karma is collected. On the last day of Paryushan, Acharya Shree reminds us of the importance of self-criticism on the path. It's very easy to point out someone else's shortcomings, but very difficult to see our own. "No one is worst than me," is Acharya Shree's suggested guidance. If we think we are the worst one, we are putting ourselves down, crushing our own ego.  Thinking this way is a fast way to burn a lot of karma -- it...
Published 02/01/23
Acharya Shree emphasizes the importance of living in a toxic-free environment. The more someone lives in a toxic environment, the more toxins (karma) can be collected. On the 7th day of Paryushan, Acharya shares 10 tips for healthier living. When a person is healthier, they are likely to be happier.  Acharya Shree Yogeesh Website Acharya Shree Yogeesh YouTube Instagram Facebook Siddhayatan Spiritual Retreat Sadhvi Siddhali Shree Website Sadhvi Siddhali Shree - Instagram
Published 01/30/23
Acharya Shree gives insight and knowledge about Indrabhuti Gautam, Tirthankara Mahavir's Chief Disciple. Because of Gautam, we have an enlightened master's teachings. Although he was already on the spiritual path, it was taken to great heights when he met his teacher, spiritual master. Afflicted with doubts and insecurities, Gautam gained courage, strength, and inner knowledge throughout his journey under Mahavir's guidance. The moment of his enlightenment came at the realization his master...
Published 01/25/23
Acharya Shree suggest to be wise so that you're not an enemy to people. And if by chance people criticize you, see if there's any truth to what they're saying, see if you have any shortcomings -- it is uncomfortable, but it's part of seeking out if there's any truth to what they're saying. That is how you grow. Even if someone criticizes you, it doesn't mean to become affected by it. Learn. If you're affected, you're weaker and crippled. Be strong, brave, and courageous to see...
Published 01/23/23
On the 4th day of Paryushan, Acharya Shree shares a new perspective on pain. Pain can be good for us. Why? Because if you're happy and live in luxury, you will never begin the spiritual search. Once someone tastes suffering, they begin to reflect, change, and inquire within. "In pain, people can follow the path." Acharya Shree Yogeesh Website Acharya Shree Yogeesh YouTube Instagram Facebook Siddhayatan Spiritual Retreat Sadhvi Siddhali Shree Website Sadhvi Siddhali Shree - Instagram
Published 01/18/23
On the third day of Paryushan, Acharya Shree talks about impermanence and 5 ways to break karma - both good karma and bad. Soul is free of karma, pain and suffering. Learn how you can also begin to take the steps towards inner and total freedom. Acharya Shree Yogeesh Website Acharya Shree Yogeesh YouTube Instagram Facebook Siddhayatan Spiritual Retreat Sadhvi Siddhali Shree Website Sadhvi Siddhali Shree - Instagram
Published 01/16/23
Acharya Shree Yogeesh discusses the six symptoms of the soul, the importance of taking care of one's body for the path, and how the spiritual path is the path of bravery. Those who are ready for the path are willing to leave everything behind, ready to crush their ego, and burn their home (NOT literally). Are you ready? Acharya Shree Yogeesh Website Acharya Shree Yogeesh YouTube Instagram Facebook Siddhayatan Spiritual Retreat Sadhvi Siddhali Shree Website Sadhvi Siddhali Shree - Instagram
Published 01/12/23
Acharya Shree Yogeesh begins his annual Paryushan series, which is the Celebration of Soul, with a wake-up call. For many lives, we've wandered in illusions, suffering, and pain and it's time to transform and move toward spirituality, enlightenment, and liberation. He reminds us that the path includes 3 main things: non-violence, discipline, and spiritual practices.  Acharya Shree Yogeesh Website Acharya Shree Yogeesh YouTube Instagram Facebook Siddhayatan Spiritual Retreat Sadhvi Siddhali...
Published 01/10/23
Too often in today's world, people are quick to judge one another because of differences in race, religion, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Still, Acharya Shree Yogeesh discusses meaningful ways in which we can live more lovingly towards one another.  Listen as he shares his deeply insightful beliefs and wisdom about the TRUE source of discrimination and prejudice and how humans have much to learn from animals and the natural world. According to Acharya Shree, society would improve if we...
Published 01/04/23
In this episode, Acharya Shree Yogeesh discusses the highly charged topic of racism, where it comes from, and most importantly, how we can heal from it and create a more loving world.  He dismantles the idea that anyone is superior to another. Still, due to humanity's ancient roots in tribalism and the role of the ego, the legacy of racism continues to plague society and instigate violence and discrimination.  How do we incorporate taking a stand against racism as a part of our spiritual...
Published 12/21/22
In this episode, Acharya Shree Yogeesh shares what he sees as one of the main causes of global warming and climate change issues.  We can't ignore the devastating effects of climate change worldwide. From increasingly more destructive natural disasters to the trillions of tons of plastic being dumped in our oceans, to rising seas putting the world's major cities at risk,  Acharya Shree shares how it's up to every one of us to combat climate change. But where do we start? Acharya Shree...
Published 12/07/22