The Aiki Dojo Podcast - What are the Best Qualities of a Martial Artist? In this episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast, we discuss which qualities are the best for martial artists. If you could only give a student one or two traits, which traits would you choose? Some might choose six pack abs while others would choose incredible strength. Ito Sensei would only choose determination. The Aiki Dojo Podcast goal is to translate traditional Aikido and traditional martial arts training into the...
Published 09/27/22
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - Is Aikido Real Budo? In this episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast, we discusses the concept of Aikido and Budo. Many think people think that for something to be a true Budo art that it has to involve killing and with that definition Aikido does not qualify. Ito Sensei discusses what it means to be “Budo” and how Aikido is in fact Budo. Budo is not the “art of killing” but rather the art of true self-development. Watch it here: https://youtu.be/RL3EJnsbYSI The Aiki Dojo...
Published 09/07/22
In this episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast, Ito Sensei and Glenn Yoshida Sensei from Aikido Renshinkan Hawaii discuss authenticity in Aikido. Many think that to be authentic the attacks and the techniques need to be contemporary. Ito Sensei and Yoshida Sensei debate this theory and discuss how authenticity is really in the intention. The Aiki Dojo Podcast goal is to translate traditional Aikido and traditional martial arts training into the modern world. The podcast is hosted by David Ito...
Published 08/17/22
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - An Interview With Glenn Yoshida, Aikido 7th Dan In this episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast, Ito Sensei interviews Glenn Yoshida Sensei from Aikido Renshinkan Hawaii. Yoshida Sensei started Aikido in the 1960s and is 7th Dan. In his youth, he spent over a decade training at Hombu Dojo. Over his 60+ years of Aikido training, Yoshida Sensei has had the privilege of studying with some of the most prolific Aikido teachers in history. Yoshida Sensei shares many great stories...
Published 07/26/22
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - The Two Most Challenging Ranks: 3rd Kyu & 3rd Dan In this episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast, discuss the phenomenon where students quit training at either 3rd Kyu or 3rd Dan. Typically, people tend to quit training around 3rd Kyu or 3rd Dan. This is because of doubt. 3rd Kyu students have been training for a few years and the movement hasn’t become second nature which makes them doubt their own proficiency. 3rd Dan students have been training for a long time and...
Published 07/12/22
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - Convincing People About Aikido In this episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast, we answer a listener question about how to convince other people about Aikido. For one reason or another, Aikido’s effectiveness and validity as a martial art comes into question. For beginners, defending Aikido is a difficult argument to debate. In this episode, Ito Sensei discusses how he deals with naysayers and those that would disparage Aikido. The Aiki Dojo Podcast goal is to translate...
Published 06/26/22
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - An interview with Andrew Blevins Sensei from Kiryu Aikido In this episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast, we interview Andrew Blevins Sensei of Kiryu Aikido. Blevins Sensei has been doing Aikido since 1985 and has studied many different styles of Aikido including Iwama style and Tomiki style and was the Chief Instructor at Nippon-kan for many years. Blevins Sensei brings over 37 years of experience to the podcast and we hope you find his interview interesting. The Aiki...
Published 05/03/22
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - The Difference Between Customers and Students In this episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast, we discuss the difference between being a student and being a customer. Having a student’s mindset is about educating oneself while the customer’s mindset is transactional. The student thinks about learning and improving themselves. The customer wants to get something for their money. However, the martial arts can’t be quantified or qualified by external measures because it will...
Published 03/23/22
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - What does it mean to be a good teacher? In this episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast, we discuss the teacher and what it means to be considered “good.” Does good mean having lots of students? Does good mean being solely technically proficient? In the past, a teachers only qualification used to be in how strict they were. Does that hold true today? If not, then what makes someone “good” and has the criteria for “good” changed? Watch this podcast on Youtube:...
Published 03/01/22
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - Should Teachers Hit Their Students? In this episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast, we answer another listener question. This question deals with teachers and whether or not they should hit their students as a tool to improve their learning ability or for any other reason. Ito Sensei weighs in on this controversial topic. The Aiki Dojo Podcast goal is to translate traditional Aikido and traditional martial arts training into the modern world. The podcast is hosted by David...
Published 02/15/22
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - Teaching Philosophies In this episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast, we answer a listener question about teaching philosophies and teaching at other dojos. The Aiki Dojo Podcast goal is to translate traditional Aikido and traditional martial arts training into the modern world. The podcast is hosted by David Ito Sensei who is the Chief Instructor of the Aikido Center of Los Angeles and he brings brings over 30 years of Aikido training to the podcast. The podcast is...
Published 01/25/22
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - Looking Back on 2021 In this episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast, we look back on not only 2021 but the entire pandemic and discuss how things have changed. This is our 14th episode and season 1 finale. We look forward to 2022 and many more episodes. The Aiki Dojo Podcast goal is to translate traditional Aikido and traditional martial arts training into the modern world. The podcast is hosted by David Ito Sensei who is the Chief Instructor of the Aikido Center of Los...
Published 12/26/21
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - The Art of Peace vs. The Art of War In this episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast, we again discuss a topic presented by a listener. This listener wants to understand how one should reconcile O’Sensei’s philosophy of peace and non-violence with certain Aikido techniques and movements which seem aggressive and contrary to his philosophies. Ito Sensei gives his take on what “peace” means and how it is more of an internal state of being rather than a physical action. The...
Published 12/07/21
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - The Art of Being a Student In this week’s episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast, we discuss another topic presented from a listener. Listener Chris asks, “What does it mean to be a student in a traditional art.” Ito Sensei explains that being a student is an art in and of itself. He discusses that to be thought of as a “good” student requires that the student not only be committed but also that they do the right thing at the right time. Just those two things alone require...
Published 11/19/21
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - Aikido in Your Daily Life This episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast answers a listener question. Listener Miriam references a passage from Furuya Sensei’s book Kodo: "Today, in our fast-paced world, I think students of martial arts need to plunge deeper into their training. It is not that training needs to be more intense, but that training should pervade our whole lives.” Miriam asks, "How have you applied this in daily life throughout your years in Aikido?” Ito Sensei...
Published 11/02/21
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - Learning Traditionally in Modern Times This episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast deals with the conundrum of training in a traditional martial art in the modern day. Ito Sensei’s view is that there is no distinction between the student of the past and the student of the present. The teachers of old gave the student little information while the student of today has a lot of information. Both create a sense of blindness that the student has to overcome in order to get good...
Published 10/12/21
In this episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast we discusses a question from one of our viewers. She asks, “Could you talk about body (physical) mind and spirit in Aikido? Focused more on back in the old days about how samurai took care of themselves and stayed prepared for war and chaos.” Thus, the basic answer is really more about the mindset that a warrior has which keeps them prepared and sharp at all times. The Aiki Dojo Podcast goal is to translate traditional Aikido and traditional martial...
Published 09/20/21
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - Weapons Training in Aikido In this episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast, Ito Sensei discusses weapons training in Aikido. Aikido movement, timing and spacing are based upon weapon’s movement, timing and spacing. Logically it would seem that weapons proficiency is required in Aikido. But, is that true? Watch or listen and make a decision for yourself. The Aiki Dojo Podcast goal is to translate traditional Aikido and traditional martial arts training into the modern world....
Published 09/07/21
The Aiki Dojo Podcast -  An interview with Santiago Almaraz Sensei In this episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast, we interview Santiago Almaraz Sensei of Salamanca Aikikai - Kodokai Dojo. Since the late 1990s, Almaraz Sensei has been coming to Los Angeles to train directly under Furuya Sensei. Almaraz Sensei has affiliated with the Aikido Center of Los Angeles for over 26 years. The Aiki Dojo Podcast goal is to translate traditional Aikido and traditional martial arts training into the modern...
Published 08/24/21
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - The Role of the Teacher in Aikido In this episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast, they discuss the role of the teacher in traditional training. The word sensei (先生) translates as “one who comes before” but does that every person who comes before is “the teacher?” What does it mean to be a teacher today. Everyone uses that title but more most qualified to be a sensei? The Aiki Dojo Podcast goal is to translate traditional Aikido and traditional martial arts training into...
Published 08/10/21
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - The Role of Creativity in Aikido This episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast discusses creativity and freedom in Aikido and what role it plays in Aikido’s practice. These just some of the questions discussed on this podcast. The Aiki Dojo Podcast goal is to translate traditional Aikido and traditional martial arts training into the modern world. The podcast is hosted by David Ito Sensei who is the Chief Instructor of the Aikido Center of Los Angeles and he brings brings...
Published 07/13/21
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - What Does Black Belt Mean? This episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast discusses what the meaning of black belt is today and in the past. Is black belt the end of the journey? Should people be pursuing rank? What does it even mean to attain a black belt? These just some of the questions discussed on this podcast. The Aiki Dojo Podcast goal is to translate traditional Aikido and traditional martial arts training into the modern world. The podcast is hosted by David Ito...
Published 06/29/21
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - Is Aikido Effective? This episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast delves into effectiveness and Aikido. Ito Sensei outlines what it means to be effective and answers the age old question, "Is Aikido Effective?" Let us know if you have a topic that you would like Ito Sensei discuss in his next podcast. The Aiki Dojo Podcast goal is to translate traditional Aikido and traditional martial arts training into the modern world. The podcast is hosted by David Ito Sensei who is the...
Published 06/08/21
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - The Role of Philosophy in Aikido This episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast focuses on the role of philosophy in traditional Aikido training. Ito Sensei discusses what the basic philosophies are and where they are applied at every level of one’s training. Let us know if you have a topic that you would like Ito Sensei discuss in his next podcast. The Aiki Dojo Podcast goal is to translate traditional Aikido and traditional martial arts training into the modern world. The...
Published 05/25/21
The Aiki Dojo Podcast - What Does Traditional Really Mean? This episode of the Aiki Dojo podcast focuses on traditional training in Aikido and Ito Sensei discusses what the true meaning of tradition is today. Let us know if you have a topic that you would like Ito Sensei discuss in his next podcast. The Aiki Dojo Podcast goal is to translate traditional Aikido and traditional martial arts training into the modern world. The podcast is hosted by David Ito Sensei who is the Chief Instructor...
Published 05/11/21