Business Energy
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Help your business to become the best version of itself“A healthy business is a collaboration of individuals with matching energies, directing that energy in to their individual passions towards a mutual goal.” – The Alchemy ExperienceConceptualising all elements of a business as energy and any interactions as energetic flow allows us to assess the effectiveness, and ultimately to improve, any business, regardless of age, size, geographic location or industry. In simple terms, as the statement at the top points out, all business energy should flow to support the ultimate purpose of the business. Any interaction between any element can either support or detract from that flow. In order for the business energy flow in the direction of the purpose unimpeded each element has to be optimised and calibrated to fulfil its function.  Some elements that make up a business: Stakeholders– employees– leadership– investors– clients– constituencies– communities (followers and detractors)– suppliers– collaborators– governments– earth (ecological systems and the environment)Supply linesBusiness systemsPolicies and rulesLocationsMission and purposeCommunications (marketing, PR, etc.)Data If we take out the people from a business we can understand that, the people inside the business are key to start generating the business energy and those people are the conduits for any element’s energy to support the purpose. If the people inside the business aren’t congruent with any of these elements, the energy flows away and reduces the support of the purpose. For example, the CRM (Contact Relations Management) system is antiquated and not set up properly for the business, which causes the employees frustration in their workflow. The system which is supposed to make their life easier, is in fact causing frustration and a lowering of the vibe of the user and thus reducing and obstructing the flow towards the purpose. PurposeFundamental to the business is of course its purpose for existing. If all stakeholders don’t feel any level of resonance with the purpose of the business, they will not be supporting the flow of energy towards the purpose, in fact, they will detract from it. This is where we see many start-ups with novel and innovative ideas do very well because everyone is passionately behind the purpose and will work tirelessly towards it. Unfortunately, in most cases, these start-ups become “real” businesses and start focusing on how to maximise returns to investors, i.e. the bottom line. Many business believe they have no choice because investors only care about their returns. However, in fact, the investor who only support the business for the returns become an obstacle and detractor of the healthy flow of energy. It is, therefore, important for any business to have purposes that support people, planet and profits so that any stakeholder is fully aware and resonate with the purpose of the business. This is also why [insert colour of choice] washing doesn’t work and actually detracts from the business energy flow, it is incongruent with the fundamentals of the business. If the business doesn’t have people and planet in their purpose statement, appointing a Chief Diversity Officer is going to be incongruent with the fundamental energy of the business (Business of Fashion).  “Value flows as blood in organisational culture. Only truthful values can...
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