Send us a Text Message.Are you someone who LOVES taking a quiz or test to learn more about yourself? Or do you think it’s too prescriptive to be put in a box and told ‘how’ you should be?Either way it’s safe to say that personality tests aren’t going away anytime soon. And in this episode of The Ambitious Introvert® I’ll be sharing my own thoughts and experiences in using some of the most popular personality assessment tools out thereWhether it’s the MBTI, Clifton Strengths® or something more...
Published 06/03/24
Send us a Text Message.Being ambitious means doing things. And doing things means being busy - right?!I’ve had SO many conversations with clients over the years about their relationship to busyness, and how it shows up (good and bad) in their career, business or everyday life.The question is - are we in a healthy relationship with our to do lists?On this episode of The Ambitious Introvert® Podcast I’m sharing some powerful coaching exercises you can do to gain a clearer understanding of how y...
Published 05/20/24
Send us a Text Message.Us ambitious people LOVE the thrill of working towards something big. Having purpose in our actions. And of course looking forward to that much-desired result at the end.But what happens when all that hard work pays off and instead of fireworks it feels more, well… underwhelming?(As a coach, I can tell you I see this happen ALL THE TIME!)On this episode of The Ambitious Introvert® Podcast I’m sharing the reasons you may feel meh about your success, or struggle to feel p...
Published 05/06/24
Some might think ‘introverted leader’ is a bit of an oxymoron… However those of us who deeply understand introverts aren’t surprised at all that they excel in this type of role!After doubting his abilities for many years, an unexpected public speaking event set Terrance Lee on a path he could never have imagined. Today he’s an authority on introverted leadership, the author of two books on the subject with management and leadership experience in multiple Fortune 500 companies.I was lucky enou...
Published 04/22/24
Ever felt like doing something ‘crazy’? Something that ‘doesn’t make sense’ or is ‘bad on paper’? Often when we feel like that the energy that’s driving the decision can be just too hard to ignore, and impossible to logic our way out of. And as introverts, learning to trust ourselves when making big changes is vital. This week on The Ambitious Introvert® Podcast I’m sharing some different ways our energy guides us in life, and also how we can avoid getting ‘led astray’ by shoulds and...
Published 04/08/24
Having high standards is one thing, but if you’re aiming to make everything in your life and work ‘perfect' you're fighting an impossible battle.  This week on The Ambitious Introvert® Podcast I interviewed Leadership Coach, Women's Health Advocate and mom of four Chana Ross. She’s sharing her lifelong journey of perfectionism and the practices she’s implemented to overcome it. We chat about: How Chana developed perfectionism tendencies as a child, and the ways we’re conditioned by society...
Published 04/01/24
If you’re not thinking of yourself as a brand, you may be doing yourself a huge disservice - whether you’re an entrepreneur or an employee. Personal branding goes WAY deeper than colours, fonts and fancy photographs - and this week’s guest Marielle Legair is an absolute expert in the field.  Marielle is a Speaker, LinkedIn Top Voice 2023 and LinkedIn Learning Instructor. Her background as a publicity and executive visibility professional combined with her experience as an entrepreneur,...
Published 03/25/24
Habits are the foundation of success - unless the ones that are deeply ingrained are actually exhausting you. People pleasing became such an automatic response for this week’s podcast guest, Dr Clare Emma Wild, that it became hard for her brain to even recognize she was doing it! Clare is ​​an academically certified and internationally accredited coach who’s passionate about helping Quiet Leaders to overcome imposter syndrome and people-pleasing. She also happens to be a long term client of...
Published 03/18/24
How often do you TRULY take time alone? While the idea is blissful to most of us introverts it can also be tough to turn inwards and be honest about what you want from life - as today’s podcast guest Melissa Unsell-Smith discovered. Melissa is a serial entrepreneur, 2 x tech founder and most recently the brain behind Catalytic Icon, a community that helps women create ‘authentic connections and dreamy lifestyles’. It was one of Melissa’s ‘solitude retreats’ that enabled her to reconnect...
Published 03/11/24
If you’ve ever felt that traditional productivity rhetoric actually made you less efficient (and way more drained) you’re not alone! When Quiet and Strong founder David Hall dived into the topic he found that it definitely wasn’t catering to introverts. He’s since written a book on the subject and launched a podcast to support introverts in working in a way that works FOR them, not against. Tune in to hear us discuss: How David discovered his introversion over timeWhat he believes are the...
Published 03/04/24
It’s been far too long since I’ve shared what’s been going on for me personally, and behind the scenes at The Ambitious Introvert® - and the download stats tell me you LOVE these types of episodes! So here’s all the news… Listen in to hear about: What’s happened since I closed all my business programs down last yearMy anti-industry stance on private coachingWhy my November was very un-introvert friendly (and why I was totally ok with that)The health challenges that I’ve had since...
Published 02/26/24
Are you clear on your priorities? And, if so, are you protecting your time and energy to really focus on them? Whether you’re a busy exec or an empire-building entrepreneur, it can be all too easy to lose sight of what’s important during the day-to-day busyness of life. This week on the podcast I’m joined by Jordan Gill, founder of Systems Saved Me®, who has become an expert in creating a life and business to suit her limited energy.  As a chronic illness sufferer, a projector and a someone...
Published 02/19/24
When you have big goals and dreams and feel like they’re a long way out of reach, it’s hard NOT to get discouraged. The flip side of being ambitious is that we also feel frustrated when we feel like we’re failing (though as I remind my clients we never really are failing - we’re simply getting closer to the dream incrementally!) In this episode I’m sharing what I do when those thoughts creep in - and providing you with some actionable tips to flip ‘I’m failing!’ into ‘I’m a step closer...
Published 02/12/24
My inner child is delighted with the topic of The Ambitious Introvert® Podcast this week, where I’m joined by Amale Ghalbouni talking all things Serious Play® - and specifically, Lego! Amale is a former strategy and innovation consultant turned executive coach, and founder of The Brick Coach. She’s passionate about experiential play based coaching and facilitation, helping teams work better together by building trust, psychological safety, and alignment on a common vision. Who knew the...
Published 02/05/24
With SO many options available to help you reach your potential, it can be overwhelming to know the type of support is best for YOU. Hiring professionals is a big time, energy and financial investment, so it’s important to make the right choice. As an introvert you want to make sure your energy is being spent for the most ROI. That’s why I’m diving into exactly what you can expect from four of the most common methods of 1:1 support - therapy, coaching, mentorship and consulting. Tune in...
Published 01/29/24
Caring about others is a good thing - until it isn’t. But did you know that over-caring, and using too many of our personal resources worrying about others, can have a detrimental effect on our physical and mental health, and our own performance? On the podcast this week I’m talking to Executive Coach and Leadership Trainer Teresa Vozza about the fine line between empathy and compassion fatigue. As a fellow sensitive introvert Teresa is familiar with this herself, and she shares her own...
Published 01/22/24
Discovering and understanding your strengths is a pivotal step toward unlocking your full potential. In a world that often emphasises overcoming weaknesses, recognising and harnessing your innate talents helps you to truly ‘Own Your Energy’ as an introvert when it comes to creating your version of success. And in a competitive landscape, where leveraging your strengths is the key differentiator, it can have a massive impact on your career, business and life. My talented friend Marjan...
Published 01/15/24
Here at The Ambitious Introvert® I’m often talking about our energy in terms of leaky boundaries, mindset gremlins and not enough ‘me’ time to recharge. But our physiology also plays a huge part in how much charge is in our social battery, and this week I’m talking to an absolute expert in the field of biohacking and health optimisation, Kristin Weitzel. Kristin is a health and high performance coach, and certified fitness trainer, who supports her clients through the latest biohacking...
Published 01/08/24
Ready to set goals and feel confident you can achieve them in the next 12 months? This episode is for you! Forget vision boards, manifestation lists or ‘keeping everything crossed’ - while they absolutely have their place, in this episode we’re breaking goal setting down to its basics, and looking at the 3 components that are vital if you’re aiming for success this year. I’ll be sharing what they are, why they matter - so tune in to get the full lowdown and make sure your goals are set to...
Published 01/01/24
What’s more fitting for an episode airing on Christmas Day than the topic of rest and relaxation - something we should be prioritising all year round, but what the holidays gives us even more opportunity to lean into! Clients will often tell me they’ve taken plenty of time ‘off’ yet still feel tired - and a lack of these two states is often the culprit. Tune in to hear the difference between them, why they’re both essential for our long term success, and how you can cultivate time for...
Published 12/25/23
As a coach, podcaster and former air traffic controller, communicating effectively has been vital for me throughout my whole career. But communicating goes so much deeper than simply annunciating words clearly, and this week’s guest on The Ambitious Introvert® Podcast is explaining why compassion is often the missing piece. Kate Brown is a coach and the founder of Calm at Work, and she believes that human connection is the key to overcoming issues in not just the workplace, but also in...
Published 12/18/23
Covid shook up a lot of things, and the workplace was one of them. With proof of concept that remote and hybrid working don’t reduce productivity (in fact, quite the opposite), companies are now embracing flexible options - which is great news for those ambitious introverts with a severe case of wanderlust! This week on the podcast I’m joined by long-time digital nomad Lucy Bedewi, a messaging strategy and copywriter who runs her business My Write Hand Woman while travelling full time. Tune...
Published 12/11/23
With the new year approaching there’s so much talk of goals, resolutions and words of the year. If reaching your potential and creating life on your terms is important to you, you’re probably somewhere on your personal development journey already. And while growth, learning and new possibilities are all oh-so-exciting, there are some aspects of ‘doing the work’ that are a little less appealing… In this episode I’m breaking down some of the truths that aren’t always talked about front and...
Published 12/04/23
When you can’t find the perfect product for your needs, what do you do? This week’s podcast guest Carina Lawson, took matters into her own hands and designed it herself. The result? The globally recognised, award winning Ponderlily® Planner. And the best part? Carina built her business as a busy, introverted mum of young twins while working a 9-5 - proof that her intentional time management process works! In this episode Carina and I discuss: Why being intentional is key when making time...
Published 11/27/23