In the last session, I brought up the books Key Person of Influence and OverSubscribed both written by Daniel Priestley and one thing that these books have made is that the dream of the solopreneur is a pipedream. In fact, as a business owner, we need to seek collaborative teamwork as soon as possible.And, as I've been telling people in my day to day life, I think these books are as vital to someone's success as an entrepreneur as Rich Dad, Poor Dad and The E-Myth Revisited are. Sure, you can...
Published 07/25/21
A couple of books I've been reading recently are essentially about finding inner peace as a business owner. One is called Key Person of Influence, and the other is called OverSubscribed both by Daniel Priestley. One's about becoming someone who creates opportunities in life through relationships while the other is about making you and your brand something so desired that there's a waiting list. How are they about inner peace? Well, both of them are books essentially about anti-hustle. They're...
Published 05/23/21
One of the things I've learned in the last 10 years (and even more so since the start of the pandemic) is many of us, including myself at times, ask if we're worthy enough to level up and start living our dream. Scratch that - OUR DREAMS.See, here's the thing. Society has told us what's important and that's the magic dollar bill. How you get it is secondary to actually getting it. Because so many people focus on the end destination (which, hint... there is no end destination), it really...
Published 04/12/21
Often when we think about making millions of dollars, they think of three things. Primarily those things include building a business to a particular revenue level, creating a portfolio of real estate, or getting lucky in the stock market. That last one has always been something that I've struggled to believe - that you had to have luck to find the right top stock picks.Back in session 182, we learned from Jason Brown that it's possible to create a predictable revenue stream from stocks. So...
Published 03/29/21
For a good majority of the population, an online presentation can be a drag. Reason why is that most people are simply new to doing online business. They simply haven't heard all the tips and tactics which have been discussed in the digital marketing space for the last 10+ years.As of 2020, though, the game has changed. And just like how Facebook was once a place for college students to get together and discuss school and their favorite professors, things have changed for Zoom as well. What...
Published 03/15/21
When it comes to my work here at New Inceptions, one of the most often asked questions I've received is "JC, how did you find your why?" 10 years ago, I wouldn't have really known what they were talking about. I hadn't really thought about my motivators in life. Sure, I had thought about my personality and what I was naturally attracted to doing, but not what actually goes behind that thinking.In fact, when I first heard Simon Sinek's "Start with Why" presentation, it made since how he was...
Published 03/01/21
In 2020, using Zoom has become commonplace for businesses and schools alike. Since so many people have become familiar with the platform, it only makes sense that there are ways we should or shouldn't use the platform. Whether you're a business leader, a member of a nonprofit, or a teacher, no one wants to attend a zoom meeting where the presenters aren't engaging.In this session of the show, Andy and I have the opportunity to speak with someone who has made it his mission to help others...
Published 02/16/21
Self sabotaging behavior is a common theme when it comes to personal and business development (or the lack thereof). Whether it's the lack of willpower to get healthier, the determination it takes to go through college, or the focus it takes to build one's business, there's one thing that is certain when it comes to accomplishment: setting a goal is one thing - but actually achieving that goal is something completely different.In this session of the show, Ya'el Johnson and I get to talk to...
Published 02/01/21
As we're getting started in this second year of potentially a two or three year pandemic "clean up" plan, there's going to be plenty of time for us to really adjust and think about where we fit in the world. It's a great time to develop our skills for success.What do I mean by that? Well, it's a forced transition period for all of us. What might have been our identity in the past, might not work in the PAE.That said, one group of individuals who all have to go through this major life change...
Published 01/18/21
Welcome to 2021, everyone. What an interesting ride it's been... and we're not out of woods yet. However, if you're interested in building companies (and who isn't these days?), I'm really feeling hope in the air. Hope of a fresh start.If anyone knows about fresh starts, it's this session's guest Marek Zmyslowski. He's had a couple in his career - but one he's most notable for is the one he had to go through as he was writing his book Chasing Black Unicorns.In his book, Marek shares with us...
Published 01/04/21
As we're quickly hurtling towards 2021, many a young professional is finding it harder and harder to sync into the "real world" once they're out of college. For me, it's been over 10 years since I got out. And it took me quite awhile to get my bearings. I can only imagine what it's like now as the world is changing faster and faster outside the ivory tower of academia.Personally, I think 2020 has been a wake up call in more ways than one. Sure, we've been talking about pivoting all year since...
Published 12/22/20
As 2020 is coming quickly to an end, we're moving closer to favorable conditions to be creatively self employed. However, that might be easier said than done. For many, the pandemic has set people back in more ways than one. If we want to build confidence going into the new year and to be a player in the Pandemic Adjusted Economy (PAE), we'll likely need to rebuild and equip ourselves with new expectations of what's possible.Personally, I feel that 2020 has helped me reflect and improve my...
Published 12/07/20
In 2020, it's been relatively easy to put on a few pounds since we're all more prone to living a sedentary lifestyle. That's why the Quarantine 15 has become a thing. However, that's really a bad excuse to not take care of yourself. So, for the holidays, I wanted to make sure we released a conversation with someone who can help us work-o-holic creatives be a bit more mindful of how we're treating ourselves during the last stretch of the year.While our guest Sameera Khan typically works with...
Published 11/23/20
In the last five years, I've learned a lot of things from doing this show. If someone is looking, I really think it can help someone live the life they want. However, while I might have learned plenty since starting the show, I'd say a big part of that knowledge is simply developing new perspectives on what I already thought I knew.While I've had several changes of perspective, three have stood out the most this year.The first big perspective change I had was that it really does take awhile...
Published 11/09/20
Believe it or not, but there's a lot of people in this world who are afraid to think big. The reason for this is pretty simple... at least to them. Why think of making a huge impact when you can't even get your own life straight?What I've learned is that having big goals and dreams actually helps one deal with the now. If we have a worthwhile goal, it allows us to prioritize it. And that, allows us to not prioritize what's good now... or at least the actions that might self sabotage us in the...
Published 10/26/20
It's said that college can either teach you what to think or how to think. And in my case, I'd like to believe that it taught me how to think. But looking back, especially this past year, I've realized when it comes to creative thinking, my Purdue career might have failed me. Not because I didn't get anything out of it. I did. However, when I got out of grad school, I found myself trying to build staircases out of information.That's just not how the world works. Especially when you're trying...
Published 10/12/20
There's a lot to be said when it comes to having a personal breakthrough. In fact, having one might just change the rest of your life. However, when it comes to having a breakthrough through an identity shift, what does that actually mean? Shouldn't a breakthrough come before having a change of identity?Interestingly, according to today's guest, Rob Scott, you can find a way to change your perspective on who you are and how the world influences you. Not only that, but when you do, the world...
Published 09/30/20
When you're starting anything in the business world, it's a really good idea to know who your target audience (or avatar) is. Some businesses might have many options, while most actually have a handful or less.Generally speaking, when you're starting a podcast, it's no different. Sure, there's a few podcasts out there that practically anyone can listen to, but for the most part, shows need to be tailored to the audience. This is especially true if the host isn't well known.When this session's...
Published 09/15/20
When it comes to the stock market, the most knowledge people typically have is letting someone else manage their portfolio. Robert Kiyosaki strongly urges people not to do this because, generally speaking, those that do manage other people's money do so in whatever way they can earn the most commission. So, where does someone look if they're interested in finding out more about day trading for beginners?For me, this has been an answer I've not been able to find a solution to for the entirety...
Published 09/01/20
On the show, we've asked several of ours guests a particular question when we know they've had the answer. And that question is simply this "How did you get on TV?"Interestingly, there's been a few different answers. But the one thing which was common between all of them was that they had a compelling story. The other part was that they networked into the spot.Now, I get what that means. It means that you either found someone you knew who knew the person you were trying to connect with. Or,...
Published 08/17/20
For a lot of business owners, the pandemic has cost them their livelihood. For example, Yelp! recently shared that 55% of the businesses using their platform which closed down due to the pandemic aren't coming back. What's a business team to do when you're looking at those kinds of numbers? How can you avoid having to close down?The answer, I believe, is all about being able to make a pivot. And this is something we've been discussing in great detail on the show.Unfortunately, for some...
Published 08/04/20
Today, more than ever, videos play a large part in social media marketing. If you have a goal of becoming a social influencer, there's a pretty good chance you'll need to know how to not only make but produce good quality content to attract people to be part of your audience.Here's the catch, though. Not all business owners want to be social influencers. In fact, many business owners might prefer to stay out of that particular limelight because they feel that it would take even more time to...
Published 07/21/20
When we have the discussion about achievement and having greater success, many times we go straight to tactics and tools as the answer. Or, if we know better, maybe we'll take a look at our vision and mission and see if it needs to be tweaked a bit.Another thing we can do is change our mindset. As we've been learning in the show recently, there's a lot to be said about having the right mindset when it comes to achieving success. The main reason for this is because mindsets can be seen as the...
Published 07/06/20
During the civil unrest of 2020, there's been a lot of talk about how to create safe neighborhoods for everyone. However, this isn't a new topic by any means. In fact, it's an issue that many cities have been dealing with for a number of decades.For example, here in Indianapolis, we're way ahead of the curve when it comes to homicides for the year. It's only June and we have had over 100 people killed. This curve has been rising year after year.Add to that the frustration people have with law...
Published 06/22/20