There are more billionaires than ever before. This comes at a time when the poor are getting poorer. In ‘Loot’ comedian Maya Rudolph‘s character gives away all her billions and helps save the world and her soul. So why don’t we do this IRL and banish billionaires? Cutting their economic and political power is a popular idea among plebs like us, but how could it be done? And would innovation and employment suffer as a result? This week we put the likes of Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Gina Reinhart...
Published 06/12/24
Published 06/12/24
Big news and a significant win this week in Antoinette Lattouf v Australian Broadcasting Corporation. The development is being beamed over TV and online here and abroad, but how does it feel to be at the centre of such a public legal feud? And is Antoinette celebrating this win? Azure Antoinette takes over as journalist in charge, and for once is the one handing out the tissues to her co-host. Click here to subscribe to The Antoinettes. SYDNEY LIVE SHOW tickets here. Keep the chat going...
Published 06/05/24
There have been widespread and prominent failures of western media in its coverage of the October 7 attacks and the unfolding genocide in Gaza. From the meek reportage of the killing of journalists in Gaza, the circulation of unchecked war propaganda to punishing and muzzling of journalists who raise concerns about unfair reporting. Truth is often seen as a casualty of war, but has audience trust also been obliterated? Can it ever be regained? For months, millions have watched the...
Published 05/29/24
If you’re struggling to find happiness given the state of the world or even the state of the economy -- you’re not alone. So what can you do to elevate your mood? How much control do we really have over emotions? Azure thinks the person who said money can’t buy happiness, simply doesn’t have enough of it. While Antoinette has read a bunch of research papers on the science of happiness, because she finds briefs and data soothing in times of sadness and chaos.  We also hear from our...
Published 05/22/24
The default patient in medical research has typically been a white, heterosexual man from Pennsylvania. Let’s call him Andrew. So where does that leave everyone else in medicine? There’s increasing evidence of the way women’s symptoms and conditions are downplayed or ignored in healthcare. But move over medical misogyny - medical gaslighting is here not only to borrow therapy speak, but to broaden the even more overlooked populations in healthcare. This includes POC, the poor, people with...
Published 05/15/24
What was meant to be a funny hosting gig, spiralled when one of The Antoinettes joined two renowned feminists and television pranksters The Inspired Unemployed. Let's talk about it. Before the Daily Mail uses the over the top cliche, we want to get there first - Antoinette Lattouf has 'broken her silence' over the prank that didn't go as planned. (insert dramatic music!) WTF happened? Was it really a shock that some audience members weren't happy? And what do you do when intention doesn't...
Published 05/08/24
Commissioned poet and the more teary half of The Antoinettes - Azure - studio recorded the poem she wrote and performed at the No More Violence Against Women rallies in Melbourne and Sydney. It's a rallying cry for boys to be raised to respect women. It's a plea for the killing of women from shopping centres to refugee camps to stop, Azure also shares her experiences as a three time sexual assault survivor, and how violence even kills those who are still alive. It is heartfelt. It is...
Published 05/02/24
We are living through a golden age of public protest. So, what do protests achieve, if anything? In many arenas, it seems inequities and injustices are getting worse, not better. Recent anti-protest laws are also making mass assembly harder. Tens of thousands of Australians took to the streets demanding #NoMore violence against women. University students in cities across Australia set up encampments in solidarity with American counterparts who have been arrested and demonised for demanding...
Published 05/01/24
In a special live recording, The Antoinettes talk terrorism and somehow manage to punctuate this dark terrain with plenty of laughs.  In the immediate aftermath of Sydney’s two violent, public attacks, the masses are quick to think (and ask) is this terrorism?  Authorities quickly labelled one attacker a terrorist, but the other had mental health issues and according to his father “just wanted a girlfriend”.  How do we define terrorism, and who does it apply to? What role does the media...
Published 04/24/24
The troubled and polarised times we live in, and the rise of social media, have created what feels like an age of endless conflict. Rather than fearing or avoiding disagreement, do we need to embrace conflict and try to get really good at it? Conflict is entirely necessary for intellectual, emotional, and even moral growth, but technology and social media has changed how we fight and who we fight with.  Drawing on their own conflicts (with each other!) and others, The Antoinettes hash out...
Published 04/17/24
What do Johnny Depp, the former Disability Discrimination Commissioner and our very own Azure Antoinette have in common? They’ve all had run-ins with travel authorities because of their dogs.  Getting from A to B is a freedom most people take for granted. But for people living with disabilities, Australia still lags behind other western nations, in its accessibility. No matter how high profile you are or how many times it makes headlines, airlines keep stuffing up their treatment of people...
Published 04/10/24
All is not well in the house of the mouse. There's a vicious and public fight over Walt Disney Co.'s board, and late last year its share price hit an almost decade low. Did Disney 'go woke and go broke' as culture warrior rhyming wordsmiths like to suggest?An 82-year-old billionaire who is vying for a seat on Disney's board has criticised Disney’s “woke” film strategy with ‘Black Panther's’ all black cast and ‘Marvels’ all female cast. So is Disney’s fairytale shine finally dimming? In this...
Published 04/03/24
Fast fashion is very alluring. It’s cheap, accessible and appears to come in endless designs, sizes and colours. We’re looking at you Shein, Temu, Zara, H&M, ASOS and the like.  However, the cost to the environment, people, and animals is catastrophic. It dries up water sources and pollutes rivers and streams given 85% of all textiles go to dumps each year. Australia is now the second highest consumer of textiles per person in the world, after the USA.  In this episode, one Antoinette...
Published 03/27/24
'Trigger warning - this episode contains references to violence, colonialism, racism and trauma which some individuals may find distressing.’  For more than 160 days, we’ve watched human rights atrocities in Gaza live streamed on our phones. Can we unsee what we’re witnessing? In addition to grappling with vicarious trauma from an endless stream of images of death, injury and starving of Palestinian children and other civilians -- there’s growing anger at western leaders for not doing more...
Published 03/20/24
Despite the attempted insurrection, being impeached (twice), loads of current lawsuits against him, Donald Trump is the Republican candidate and could be President again.  Should anyone be surprised? Is he the leader the U.S needs? And do we need to accept that Trump is simply an authentic reflection of modern America?  In this episode of The Antoinettes, one Antoinette argues that political mayhem is the only way forward, while the American Antoinette has a very different, very personal...
Published 03/13/24
From Woody Allen to R. Kelly, JK Rowling to Chris Brown -- a creator’s behaviour can stain the books, songs, films and artworks we once loved. What do we do if we abhor their crimes and transgressions but adore their art? How do fans navigate this without an online moral calculator to assess the atrociousness of the crime versus the greatness of the art? The Antoinettes are here to help! This episode was produced by DM Podcasts. Want to support our show? Why not leave us a review and maybe...
Published 02/14/24
Two smartasses tackle one problem each week. Nothing is off the table, and they won’t always break bread. Welcome to the bin fire! Welcome to the shit show! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Published 12/21/23