Have you ever been in the middle of a conversation and thought “can we just cut to the chase?”   For some people small talk seems like a complete waste of time, a painful variation of the verbal headlock.  There are other people who seem to naturally flow through these conversations using them to build relationships with a diverse group of people, while simultaneously keeping their finger on the pulse of what’s happening in their communities. In today’s episode, we dive deep on these surface...
Published 04/29/24
Published 04/29/24
You have to admit, it happens a lot.  You’ll be doing something mundane and BOOM, an amazing idea hits you that you’ll want to remember for later.  Only you don’t, and all of that potential slips away…   The amount of books that go unwritten, keynote speeches undelivered, businesses or products not developed - the list is endless.  High-performers recognize the power of capturing these thoughts and have a system for seizing and converting them into something tangible that can add value to the...
Published 04/15/24
"What a letdown! I expected more…" We’ve all felt this way when something fails to meet our expectations.  It’s one thing if it’s a product we bought off Amazon or an over-hyped movie, but what if it’s something bigger?  What if a misstep in communication hurts us professionally or negatively impacts a personal relationship?   Today’s episode is your how-to, practical guide to setting and managing expectations.  If done well, we can preemptively address potential misunderstandings and...
Published 04/08/24
The influx of new information is relentless.  It never stops coming.  It never will. How can we fight back against this onslaught?   What principles can we use to guide and harness our focus? Our guest today has an uncanny ability to absorb, analyze, and apply vast amounts of information across diverse subjects.  Andrew Coates is a coach, writer, and speaker.  He’s written for several publications, including Men’s Health and Muscle and Fitness, and is the host of The Lift Free and Die Hard...
Published 04/01/24
We’ve heard it all before.  Stay calm. Relax. Carve out some time for yourself. But let’s face it - stress is part of the human condition. Is there anything we can realistically do to manage this force that has the potential to wreak havoc on our lives? Our guest today has fought this battle and emerged a better version of himself.  Taylor Somerville spent 15 years in the investment business, but the stress and anxiety of it left him deep in burnout .  So, he left that all behind, and in 2018...
Published 03/25/24
Have you been dying to build a business in Coaching or another passion, but have no idea where to start?  If you don’t take action, will it turn into a regret that you’ll never forgive yourself for? Our guest today has helped countless people reach business success they had never thought was possible.  Donald Miller is the CEO of Story Brand and Business Made Simple.  He’s also the Host of the Coach Builder youtube channel, and the author of several best selling books including: Building ...
Published 03/18/24
Imagine approaching a vehicle or entering a building, not knowing if the people inside wanted to do you harm.  The ability to maintain composure in high risk situations like this can be the difference between going home to your family or being rushed to the hospital. That statement isn’t just hyperbole, it’s woven into Tyson Shumway’s daily life.  Tyson has worn a number of hats along with his body armor over his 16 year career as a police officer.  He began his career on the Southside of Los...
Published 03/11/24
“Just stay positive!  You’ll figure it out.  Stick with it!  Keep grinding 💪  Don’t forget to practice gratitude. 🙏” These are just a few of the commonly used phrases we hear from those who pound the positive leadership drum over, and over, and over again.  Though well-intentioned, messages like these perpetuate the myth that a leader should always be positive, putting an immense amount of pressure on people to live up to a heroic ideal.  In the real world, we’re all just human, and embracing...
Published 03/04/24
Have you ever heard someone deliver a captivating message that seemed to use all the right words in just the right way?  Whether it’s in casual conversation, at work pitching a new idea, in front of an audience, or in the way we write, we want our message to seamlessly flow from one point to the next and be easy to understand.   Fluency and articulation are unquestionably important if you want to be persuasive and project confidence and competence. Being able to communicate with precision is...
Published 02/26/24
How can you keep self comparison from becoming a negative force in our lives?  We’ve all heard phrases such as “comparison is the thief of joy,” and have been bombarded with negative stories and statistics about social media and its magnification of self comparison.  While we don’t dispute the destructive effect it can have, comparison can also be harnessed for good and boost our self worth.   Today’s episode will cover the history of self-comparison - the innate human behavior that can help...
Published 02/19/24
Have you ever been in a tough conversation with someone who just withdrew or shut down?   Relationships and communication are a lot like an iceberg.  There’s often more going on beneath the surface that we can’t see or prepare ourselves for, eventually leading to an unexpected and harmful crash.   Today’s episode will improve your knowledge and understanding of why people shut down AND give you tools to navigate the crash.  Tune in for: What stonewalling is and key behaviors to look out...
Published 02/12/24
What strained relationships are you currently facing or have you faced in the past? As long as other people are involved, strained relationships can exist in any context and often are exasperated at the worst possible times, only to make things exponentially worse.  So how are you supposed to deal with them? Today’s episode gives several examples of strained relationships, and is packed with ways for you to improve the ones you’re looking to reconcile.  Tune in to this quick hitter for The...
Published 02/05/24
“The key to leadership is being vulnerable.”   Although this concept has been trending for more than a few years now, there is still plenty of ambiguity around what that actually looks like in the real world.  We know this because as a leadership development company, we consistently get questions about it - What do I need to be vulnerable about?  How much is too much?  When is the best time to share? Today’s episode answers these questions and several others, to help you become a better...
Published 01/29/24
In the pursuit of being a better communicator, leader, coach, teammate, spouse, or friend, it’s easy for us to get caught up in our messaging - that is, WHAT we are saying. And as ambitious individuals, we dive into the research.  With a bit of education, reflection, and feedback, we then realize that it’s not just the words themselves, but also HOW we say them, that matters.  Afterall, studies have shown that the actual words said only account for 7% of the perceived meaning! But even when...
Published 01/22/24
If you’re a first time listener to the Art of Coaching podcast,  it’s important for you to know that the focus of our work is to provide you with pragmatic solutions to real world problems;  to have real conversations about the messy realities of life and leadership that often get swept under the rug; to avoid simply giving short term band aid solutions, and to equip you with the tools you need to address the root causes of the problems you’re working to overcome. That’s why we are excited to...
Published 01/15/24
There are a lot of negative stereotypes surrounding “sales.”  Everything from the “sleazy car salesman” to the “lifestyle lush” to the “credibility crackpot” - there’s no shortage of these! So it makes sense why so many of us have some level of discomfort when we think about selling something. But the truth is that “sales” is an every-day part of our lives - whether it’s at work, at home, or in our social circles, selling is unavoidable. So to help ease any insecurities you might have about...
Published 01/08/24
The brands we wear, the foods we eat, the people we associate with, the way we act in public… These are all ways we consciously (and often subconsciously) control others’ perception of us.  But we don’t have just one “authentic self” to portray. We are like actors playing many roles, in a constant state of flux depending on our context.  Awareness of this outward expression, or as we like to say, impression management, can help us understand how our public image is tied to our ability to...
Published 01/01/24
If you’re like me, you often reflect on the things your parents, grandparents, or mentors have taught you.   But have you ever asked them what they’ve learned from you?  The answer may surprise you. The life of Marsha Bartholomew has been no cakewalk.  From the challenges she faced growing up with a no-nonsense family, to a young female professional in a male dominated work-force, to motherhood, and beyond - the lessons she’s learned along the way provide insight and value to people in every...
Published 12/25/23
“What hills are you willing to die on?” This probably isn’t the first time you’ve heard that question, but it’s one worth revisiting time and time again.  Why?  Because it’s a key factor in deciding when and how to communicate in sticky situations. In today’s episode, our guest Missy Mitchell-McBeth shares what she has learned first hand about being authentic - and sometimes even “painfully honest” - throughout her 20 year career, and provides valuable insight about how and when to adapt your...
Published 12/18/23
Comparison is the thief of joy, and FOMO is the enemy of you really valuing your own time, your own experience and your own perspective. It can be so easy to get caught up in what we think we SHOULD be feeling during the holiday season - especially with the way it is promoted in all the cheesy movies, TV shows and social media. So if you’re someone who struggles with this, or you know someone who does, its important to know you aren’t alone.   In fact, you fall into the majority. Because...
Published 12/11/23
The pursuit of personal and professional growth can be exhausting.  It requires consistent open-mindedness, regular introspection, daily accountability and a willingness to challenge our own beliefs and opinions. And let’s be honest - admitting you’re wrong is never fun or easy. So, to help you in this pursuit, we want to share a list of 10 of our favorite reflection questions.   We’ve not only used ourselves as a self-awareness tool, but also with our staff, family and friends to spark...
Published 12/04/23
“True genius, in strategy or anywhere, lies in self-control, self-mastery, presence of mind, and fluidity of thought.” - Robert Greene  When it comes to the study of human nature, power dynamics and social intelligence, there’s perhaps no one more knowledgeable than Robert Greene.  Collectively, his 7 (soon to be 8) books have sold more than 20 million copies, and along the way he’s consulted countless world leaders, athletes, politicians and celebrities.  By scouring human history to...
Published 11/27/23
“There just isn’t enough time in the day.” Whether you’re a parent, a business owner, lead a group of people, or are simply a busy-body, we all experience times where we just can’t get it all done.  There’s too much on our to-do list and not enough hours to knock it all out. If this sounds like you, listen in!  Today’s episode provides a tactical framework and strategy to help you quantify where and how you’re spending your time and energy, allowing you to analyze and prioritize your tasks in...
Published 11/20/23