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The Art of Prosperity
Discover the Art of Prosperity in a new series with Stuart Bocking. Chatting with Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand CEO Lee White, we look at the upcoming challenges facing Australian businesses. The four-part series highlights the importance of understanding ethics, big data, the future of work and how these issues are shaping our economic future. Listen in to find out how your business can prosper.
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Recent Episodes
Discover the Art of Prosperity in a new series. Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand CEO Lee White, looks at the upcoming challenges facing Australian businesses.The four-part series highlights the importance of understanding ethics, big data, the future of work and how these issues...
Published 01/23/18
Published 01/23/18
Discover the Art of Prosperity in a new series. Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand CEO Lee White, looks at the upcoming challenges facing Australian businesses.The four-part series highlights the importance of understanding ethics, big data, the future of work and how these issues...
Published 03/07/16
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