A stressful day can make sleep so difficult, especially if there are other distracting noises - barking dogs & traffic sounds. Rain noises can be useful by masking these noises. A good example of Pink Noise, rain sounds are characterized by louder sounds at low frequencies and quieter at high frequencies when compared to classic white noise. Pink noise is common in living organisms - animals naturally produce pink noise as part of their internal function. Heartbeats are a good example of...
Published 04/27/23
A stressful day can make sleep so difficult, especially if there are other distracting noises - barking dogs & traffic sounds. Rain noises can be useful by masking these noises. A good example of Pink Noise, rain sounds are characterized by louder sounds at low frequencies and quieter at high frequencies when compared to classic white noise. Pink noise is common in living organisms - animals naturally produce pink noise as part of their internal function. Heartbeats are a good example of...
Published 04/27/23
Fall asleep faster, sleep deeper, and stay asleep longer with our deep-sleep, slow-wave state white noise video. Don’t wake up exhausted and go through your day drained. Our WHITE NOISE DEEP SLEEP video will surround you with an ambient environment designed to filter out all the noises that keep you awake and distracted, and give your brain a much needed deep-sleep massage. Silence creates a sonic vacuum, amplifying all the distractions ( ticking clocks, traffic, loud music, noisy neighbors,...
Published 04/27/23
All the data is in! Sounds from nature can lead to a better mood and an enhanced sense of well-being, and flowing water sounds are a perfect example of restful sounds from nature.. Reports also show a deeper sleep, shorter times in falling asleep, less waking up during the night, getting back to sleep easier when you DO wake up, and a better overall quality of sleep. Don’t let a lack of quality sleep at night leave you drained throughout the day. This can have a negative effect on work,...
Published 04/27/23
Soothing background sound can help your baby get to sleep faster and stay asleep longer. Your little bundle of joy came into the world used to background sound in-utero - the beating of your heart and air moving through your lungs. Some think this is why so many newborns and babies find a low hum comforting and need their accustomed white noise to fall asleep. Silence magnifies all the background sounds that keep baby awake at night, while white noise masks and covers. One study of newborns...
Published 04/27/23
A healthy acoustic environment can reduce stress, increase attention and cognition, and have many benefits for better overall health. The sound of wind, rain, waves, waterfalls, and running water are a naturally occurring white noise and pink noise that can relieve stress and anxiety, and also bring us closer to nature at the same time, which has additional benefits for health and stress relief. Enter the waterfall, a classic example of restorative white noise and a healthy natural that will...
Published 04/27/23
Close your eyes, lay back, and let the world pass you by as all the distractions and frustrations of our noisy modern life melt quickly away and our white noise video coaxes you softly off to sleep. Lie back and drift peacefully off in the clouds while immersed in our ambient cabin environment designed to filter out all the unnecessary noise that can keep you up at night and leave you drained the next day. Get help with study, enhanced concentration and improved recall. Airplane cabin sounds...
Published 04/27/23
It’s important to remember that crying is one of the main ways that babies communicate, and their crying can mean lots of different things. If you're tired and can't sleep because of a crying, colicky baby, there is relief in the sound therapy of white noise. White noise is a distribution of sound at equal intensity across all audible frequencies, and is a very useful tool for masking the disruptive, distracting sounds that can keep you and your baby awake at night. Let the gentle white noise...
Published 04/27/23
View the full 10 hour video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/sQTIyjw-uAU Visit Us Online at www.TheArtOfTranquility.com If you have a sleepless, fussy baby, we have relief!! Colic is frequent, prolonged and intense crying or fussiness in an otherwise healthy infant. This can be especially frustrating because the baby's distress has no apparent reason and no amount of consoling helps. These episodes can leave parents sleepless and exhausted. Studies show that white noise, a balance of sound...
Published 04/13/23
COSMIC WAVES BACKGROUND WHITE NOISE | Stress & Anxiety Relief, Focus| 10 Hours BIG BANG SOUNDTRACK! Lay back, relax, and let go as TheArtOfTranquility releases another sonic stream to ease and lull you into deep sleep, Relaxation, relief from anxiety and stress, and better focus for study and work are the goals of this enhanced soundtrack, the musical score to the Big Bang, the Beginning of Beginnings, Our track is fashioned after the sound recorded by Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias at...
Published 04/13/23
DISTANT RAIN & THUNDERSTORM | Relaxing Sounds for Focus & Sleep | 8 Hours Listen as falling rain and gentle thunder in the distance lull you softly to sleep. The gentle sweep of frequencies in the pink noise of rainfall is a perfect natural sedative. The events of the day melt away as you fall deeper into meditative states and closer to the deep, restorative sleep you need. There is a lot of research that shows pink noise can be especially helpful to improve sleep quality for healthy...
Published 04/13/23
SUBLIME FAN SOUNDS FOR DEEP SLEEP | Help with Sleep, Relaxation, Focus | 8 Hours Fan Sounds For Deep Sleep produces a peaceful environment designed to bring deep, restful sleep. Because most people find the gentle hum of white noise to be pleasant, fan sounds are a perfect solution to help induce relaxed and meditative states, and also help to distract from anxious or intrusive thoughts. White noise masks and blocks other undesirable sounds, and makes it easier to shut out the rest of the...
Published 04/13/23
CALM YOUR CRYING INFANT - SOOTHING WHITE NOISE | Happy Baby and Needed Rest! | 10 Hours One of the most stressful, exhausting experiences for parents, especially new parents, is dealing with a crying baby who will not rest or sleep. Babies cry for all sorts of reasons, and it’s sometimes difficult to figure out why. One remedy that most experts agree on is using a “white noise” source such as running a vacuum cleaner or hair dryer to help lull the baby to sleep. Use one of our expertly...
Published 04/13/23
ZEN MEDITATION FOUNTAIN | Sleep, Focus, Concentration, Study, Productivity | 10 Hours Almost everyone will agree, there’s something transcendent and relaxing about the gentle sounds of water - water flowing and gently bouncing from stone to stone in a peaceful mountain stream setting. Close your eyes and let our Zen Garden transport you to a place of peace, rest and relaxation. #TheArtOfTranquility #WhiteNoise #Relaxation #SleepSounds #FallAsleep #RelaxingSounds View the full 10 hour video on...
Published 04/13/23
AIRPLANE CABIN SOUNDS - REST & RELAXATION WHITE NOISE | Sleep Focus Productivity | 10 Hrs Ladies and gentlemen, ArtOfTranquility Air is now boarding rows 1 thru Zen for a white noise sonic deep dive that will leave you rested, relaxed, and ready to rumble. Enjoy our 10 hour flight designed to gently lull you into deep meditative sleep states. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please assume a reclining position, unbuckle, and keep the aisles clear until we reach our deep...
Published 04/13/23
Maximize your effectiveness and improve recall with this White Noise Video. Studies abound showing sound therapies like white noise increase cognition and recall and make the perfect study time companion for increased success at school and work. white noise has also been shown to reduce stress levels. Feeling more relaxed during your study sessions can help you feel more confident about the material which can lead to better grades. White noise has also been shown to increase focus levels in...
Published 04/13/23
PURE WHITE NOISE WITH BLACK SCREEN | Relaxing Sound for Sleep & Concentration | 8 Hours Many who have problems sleeping prefer the comfort of gentle background noise rather than silence to mask sounds from the environment and help lull them to sleep. The soft spin of a fan or gentle hum of an AC are often the most soothing white noises. White noise is a combination of sound across all the different frequencies at equal intensities, and is the most effective sound for blocking...
Published 04/13/23
BOX FAN SOUNDS - WHITE NOISE | Sleep, Focus, Concentration, Study, Productivity | 8 Hours There are numerous sources of “white noise”, a large spectrum of sound across all audible frequencies. Some of the best sources are rain, the gentle whir of a room fan, radio or television static, a hissing radiator, or the gentle hum of an air conditioner. Use our expertly engineered White Noise sounds for needed relief. While some would say rain and fan sounds might be closer to pink noise, which has...
Published 04/13/23