A short introduction to this album.
Published 02/09/10
A short introduction to this album.
Published 02/09/10
How Ireland's built heritage is being rapidly reshaped.
Published 09/03/08
How Ireland's built heritage is being rapidly reshaped.
Published 09/03/08
How the new government abandoned certain buildings but chose to preserve others after the rebellion and the civil war.
Published 09/03/08
How the new government abandoned certain buildings but chose to preserve others after the rebellion and the civil war.
Published 09/03/08
How the Irish free state restored ancient sites to consciously reconnect with a more glorious past.
Published 09/03/08
How the Irish free state restored ancient sites to consciously reconnect with a more glorious past.
Published 09/03/08
How nationalists were quick to see the power of cultural symbols for political ends.
Published 09/03/08
How nationalists were quick to see the power of cultural symbols for political ends.
Published 09/03/08
The ancient monuments at Cashel provide a sense of a romantic past without oppressors.
Published 09/03/08
The ancient monuments at Cashel provide a sense of a romantic past without oppressors.
Published 09/03/08
Why the big estates symbolised the old regime, and so were burned, stripped and redistributed.
Published 09/03/08
Why the big estates symbolised the old regime, and so were burned, stripped and redistributed.
Published 09/03/08
Appreciating the stately home as a monument to Irish craftsmanship and acheivement.
Published 09/03/08
Appreciating the stately home as a monument to Irish craftsmanship and acheivement.
Published 09/03/08
St Mary's church becomes a trendy bar: how Ireland has moved on.
Published 09/03/08
St Mary's church becomes a trendy bar: how Ireland has moved on.
Published 09/03/08
Anne Laurence, a History Professor at Open University, explains the significance of Ireland's built heritage to the reconstruction of its national identity.
Published 09/03/08
Anne Laurence, a History Professor at Open University, explains the significance of Ireland's built heritage to the reconstruction of its national identity.
Published 09/03/08