In this podcast, renowned men's dating coach Matt Artisan delves into the controversial world of dating advice as he reacts to Andrew Tate's "How to Be a Top G" video. With years of experience helping men improve their dating lives, Matt brings a unique perspective to the table. Drawing from his extensive background in psychology and social dynamics, Matt offers practical advice on how men can improve their confidence, communication skills, and overall attractiveness to women.
Published 05/01/24
Published 05/01/24
In this enlightening audio podcast, renowned dating coaches Matt and Lynn, from The Attractive Man, share their expert insights and reactions to Mr. Beast's recent YouTube video on approaching girls. As two leading authorities in the realm of men's dating advice, Matt and Lynn break down the strategies proposed by Mr. Beast and provide their own unique perspectives on what works and what might need tweaking.
Published 05/01/24
In the ever-evolving landscape of dating and relationships, the question of whether to approach women remains a topic of debate. Join us for an enlightening discussion on Chris Williams as we explore the nuances of approaching women in 2024 and beyond. From the impact of social media and online dating platforms to shifting societal norms and cultural attitudes, Matt and Lynn delve into the complexities of approaching women in the current era. We address common challenges and misconceptions,...
Published 04/18/24
Join us as we explore the mindset shifts and behavioral changes that can transform your interactions with beautiful women. From cultivating self-assurance to embracing vulnerability, we offer actionable tips to help you exude masculine energy and magnetic charisma. Through insightful analysis and real-life examples, we delve into the root causes of neediness and provide effective techniques for overcoming it
Published 04/17/24
Eric Mattson's experience with TAM
Published 04/17/24
Matt Artisan here, your go-to dating coach! If you've got a solid six-figure bank balance but still find yourself flying solo in the dating game, you're not alone. In this audio clip, we're diving deep into why having a fat wallet doesn't translate into relationship success.
Published 02/25/24
I'm unveiling the strategies and techniques to create that irresistible connection from the get-go. Whether you're in a social setting or approaching a high-value woman, these secrets will give you the upper hand. Get ready for some mind-blowing insights, actionable tips, and a dash of that Artisan charisma to spice things up. From body language cues to the power of genuine compliments, we're covering the full spectrum of sparking instant chemistry.
Published 01/16/24
I'm laying out the roadmap to attracting and connecting with those incredible, high-caliber women you've always dreamed of. From mastering the initial approach to building a genuine connection that goes beyond surface level, I've got you covered. Get ready for practical advice, real-world examples, and the kind of insights that will set you apart from the crowd. We'll explore the mindset shifts, communication strategies, and the undeniable charisma that will make you irresistible to...
Published 01/16/24
I'm breaking down the secrets to overcoming approach anxiety and making those initial interactions smooth as silk. From the mindset shift you need to the tactical strategies that work in any setting, I've got the keys to unlock your full potential. Get ready for real-world examples, practical advice, and a sprinkle of that signature Artisan charisma to fuel your journey. Whether you're in a bustling city, a quiet bookstore, or anywhere in between, these three steps will have you approaching...
Published 01/16/24
Today, we'll be dissecting the body language, verbal cues, and those electrifying moments of tension that reveal she's ready for that magical connection. From the lingering eye contact to the playful touches, I've got you covered with the ultimate guide on how to spot these signals and take the leap confidently.
Published 01/16/24
Say goodbye to mundane chit-chat and hello to engaging, meaningful conversations that leave a lasting impression. From powerful openers to steering clear of the conversational dead ends, I've got the playbook to turn you into a magnetic conversational maestro. Join me as we dissect the art of connecting on a deeper level, ensuring that every interaction becomes an opportunity for genuine connection. I'll be sharing real-world examples, actionable strategies
Published 01/16/24
I'm breaking down the do's and don'ts of workplace flirting, providing you with the ultimate guide on navigating those tricky waters. We'll explore the fine line between adding a dash of charisma to your professional interactions and crossing into no-go territory. I'll be dishing out practical tips, sharing real-life scenarios, and offering insights that'll keep you sharp, professional, and socially savvy in the workplace. It's all about striking that perfect balance between friendly banter...
Published 01/16/24
I'm sharing practical, actionable steps on how to get over a heartbreak and reclaim your happiness. From understanding the emotional rollercoaster to building a solid foundation for self-love, we're covering it all. Get ready for genuine advice, personal anecdotes, and the kind of insights that will guide you through the toughest times. Breakups are tough, but this video is your roadmap to not just surviving but thriving after heartbreak
Published 01/16/24
I'm laying out the roadmap to attracting and connecting with those incredible, high-caliber women you've always dreamed of. From mastering the initial approach to building a genuine connection that goes beyond surface level, I've got you covered. Get ready for practical advice, real-world examples, and the kind of insights that will set you apart from the crowd. We'll explore the mindset shifts, communication strategies, and the undeniable charisma that will make you irresistible to...
Published 01/16/24
Say goodbye to shallow conversations and approaches that don't go anywhere. Even when you get her number, she won't reply back if you never made a deep connection. Is creating a deep connection with anyone you meet for the first time even possible? Well, Matt shows you simple steps to follow to establish a connection with almost anyone you'll meet. These are all based on psychology and behavioral studies. Adopt these and you'll definitely improve your social skills while taking the necessary...
Published 11/21/23
Being High-Value DOES NOT mean having looks, money, or fame. Nowadays, it takes a man that is far from average to find success in life and in dating.  Do you feel like you're stuck in a rut and don't know what to do to become a high-value man? In this episode, I'm going to teach you how to become a high-value! I'll share with you the secret to being a high-value man that is attractive to both women and men. Exponentially increasing your success rate and chances to get opportunities. By the...
Published 12/23/22
Women don't respect "nice guys" so you should stop doing THESE common nice guy mistakes! Matt explains why showing and doing these nice guy mistakes tend to repel women away from you rather than attract them.  One of the biggest problems with "nice guys" is that they think they are doing the right thing. And sometimes, even grow resentful of women for not acknowledging their effort...  News flash - the saying that nice guys always finish last is true. And Matt will show you why.
Published 12/07/22
In today's episode, we'll give you the best advice on how to know when it's time to kiss her. The sings that a girl WANTS you to KISS HER! We'll discuss the subtle and obvious signs that she wants to kiss you, as well as dating advice on when and how to make the jump and seal the deal. If you're having trouble determining when it's the right time to kiss her, we'll give you some solid tips on how to identify the signs and how to make the advance so you won't creep her out or get slapped...
Published 11/26/22
In today's episode, we're going to give you some advice on how to prepare for the date so that it's a success from start to finish!  Whether you're a guy looking for ideas for a first date, or you're someone who's been on a lot of dates, this video is for you. We'll cover topics like what to wear, how to prepare for the date, and more. After watching this video, you'll be ready to go on your next date with confidence and poise!  ..we're going to discuss some important things you should always...
Published 11/21/22
Matt shows you his best techniques and examples of how to text a girl you like..   ..A lot of guys don't really know even the basics of how to text a girl, let alone texting girls to get them to like you.  Students are always asking "How to text a girl you just met?" after getting their number or social media.  The Inception Text works so well when you're texting a girl you like, unlike some cheesy or copied text messages to make her want you, this (along with all the other texting advice for...
Published 11/10/22
Matt shows the best signs she wants you to approach her and exactly how to approach a girl to make her like you. Follow more of these dating advice for men; it will make your dating life a whole lot easier. We'll share some tips on when and how to start a conversation with a girl and how to know when it's the right time to approach her. Strtinng with the best signs she likes you (so you haave to approach her!)  There's no need to struggle with approaching a girl. We're going to show you the...
Published 11/01/22
Don’t wait days, weeks even months – this is the best way to get a girl to like you in 24 Hours (or less!) This is what you do..
Published 10/12/22
Whether you're a single man looking for the right woman, or just need some general guidance, listen to these tips to jumpstart your love life today..  Now are you struggling to find success with women? Do you feel like you don't know where to start? In this video, I'm going to share the three most important dating tips for single men. These tips will help you attract more women and get more dates. So if you're ready to start getting better results with women, we've got you covered. In...
Published 09/27/22
What do you say to women and how do you say it?  Approaching Women is not rocket science! But it isn't a walk in the park either - at least for guys who haven't been on the dating scene for a while or guys who haven't really put much thought and effort into approaching girls..   Now, this isn't one of those "get rich fast" advice or "say this and you'll get the girl" tips related to how to approach women. Modern Dating is about experience and application. Knowing the things a girl wants but...
Published 09/13/22