Welcome back to the Balanced Dietitian podcast. Happy last day of May! How are we feeling, my friends? Today, on the podcast, we're talking about the reasons why food freedom doesn't work for you. This is a little bit different because I believe that food freedom CAN happen for everybody. I believe that we were all born intuitive eaters and we can all heal our relationship with food for the better. You can work towards having a better relationship with food and with your body, so that you can...
Published 06/05/23
Welcome back to the Balanced Dietitian podcast. I celebrated my birthday last week and I ended up taking the whole week off to celebrate! Growing up in a big household meant our house was always busy, so now that I’m a bit older, my birthday is an opportunity for me to spend the day doing things that I like, things that nurture my soul, and things that are fun and joyful; which meant getting out in nature this year. I get all of my best inspiration when I'm out in nature and connecting with...
Published 05/17/23
Hey everybody. Welcome back to the Balanced Dietician podcast. I’ve been feeling good the last few weeks! I always kind of forget how my mental health is impacted by winter until we get into spring again. Every spring I just feel like a different person. It's really interesting because most folks who do the healing journey, to have a better relationship with food and their body, will experience something similar. When you have a not-so-good relationship with food, we kind of know it's not...
Published 05/10/23
Welcome back to the Balanced Dietitian Podcast; The place where we talk about all things, food, body, mind, and the anti-diet. When I started to diet, I didn’t know the consequences of dieting. I didn’t know what would happen to my body, and to my mind. I didn’t know, because I was not informed properly. I was told that dieting was gonna make all my dreams come true and that I was gonna feel so good, and that's not actually what happened. Do you know what actually happens to our bodies when...
Published 05/03/23
Welcome back to the Balanced Dietitian Podcast! I’m so happy that you are here with me today. How are you doing, my friend? How are we feeling today? I was a little under the weather on this week’s podcast but I had to record this episode because it’s an important conversation! We’ve made it to the end of April and the end of this Canadian winter. It’s starting to actually feel like spring now and slowly moving towards the summertime, which is really exciting. I know that this...
Published 04/26/23
How many times have you found yourself sitting on the couch, watching TV with a bag of chips and the next thing you know they’re all gone? Does the term boredom eating mean anything to you? The first thing you need to know is that there’s absolutely noting wrong with boredom eating but on today’s episode I want to talk about how we can begin to relate to it differently, understand it better, and maybe choose to do something different when those feelings arise.
Published 04/19/23
Welcome to The Balanced Dietitian Podcast! I am so happy you are here with me this week.  I recorded this podcast episode IN THE DARK! We lost power for 26h last week which forced me to have many reflections such as : OUR ENVIRONMENT! This week, I want to talk about your environment and identify if it's setting you up fort success or failure!  .  In this episode, we discuss:  How does your environment impact you? What supports YOU in your journey What creates hurdles in your healing...
Published 04/12/23
Welcome to The Balanced Dietitian Podcast! I am so happy you are here with me this week.  I didn't post a podcast last week because, truly, I didn't want to! I know I know, the algorithm is probably upset with me BUT, I am leaning in to doing things that ONLY feel aligned and last week, it just didn't.  I have come to many realizations in the past few months regarding hustle culture... and honestly, I want to opt out.  I am curious, how do you feel about it? Do you see the similarities...
Published 04/05/23
Welcome to The Balanced Dietitian Podcast! I am so happy you are here with me this week.  I am starting to feel a big shift in my energy now that winter is starting to come to a close. Back in November, I shared how much of a negative impact the winter months have on me as I am truly a summer person so the change in temperature is certainly welcome.  I know that this time of year can be challenging for many of us because there’s a lot of pressure to be bikini body ready. We know that in the...
Published 03/22/23
Welcome to The Balanced Dietitian Podcast! Welcome back to the podcast. I am so happy you are here with me this week.    This week we’re running a replay of a solo episode I did a couple of years ago about 6 reasons why food freedom or healing your relationship with food has not worked in the past.    In this episode, we discuss:    [02:15] Reason #1: You are still restricting [03:21] Reason #2: You are just not eating enough [04:32] Reason #3: You have not addressed your internalized fat...
Published 03/15/23
Welcome to The Balanced Dietitian Podcast! Hello friends and welcome to the podcast. I am now back in Canada after our trip to Aruba.    Today I wanted to talk about why we overeat. This is a topic that I talk about with my clients and it often brings a lot of discomfort. Why do we continue to eat even when we are full and why do we have a hard time stopping?    In this episode, we discuss:  [04:23] Overeating is not necessarily the issue [06:22] Undereating is a big factor in...
Published 03/08/23
Welcome to The Balanced Dietitian Podcast! Hello friends and welcome to the podcast. Welcome to the month of March! March is officially Nutrition Month.    Today I wanted to talk about nutrition to honor Nutrition Month. I am going to talk about nutrition the anti-diet way. I am going to talk about the impact of nutrition and if it really is that important.    In this episode, we discuss:    [07:11] Nutrition is important but it is not the end all be all  [09:47] Consistency over time is what...
Published 03/01/23
Welcome to The Balanced Dietitian Podcast! Hello friends. If you are listening to this when it first airs (February 25, 2023) I am currently in Aruba with my husband and family really disconnecting and living my best life. I am so pumped that you are listening to this podcast episode.  As I was preparing for this trip, something I really wanted to talk about is body changes because our bodies are made to change however we were taught and made to believe that our bodies should never change....
Published 02/22/23
Welcome to The Balanced Dietitian Podcast! I hope you are doing so wonderful. It is already mid-February. Last week I got to host another workshop on emotional eating. It was so good. I love to be able to teach about emotional eating because it really bridges my love of psychology and nutrition together. I feel this is a topic that has a lot of shame and guilt around it.  One of the themes that came out a lot at the workshop that I wanted to bring on this podcast is the idea that if I know...
Published 02/15/23
Welcome to The Balanced Dietitian Podcast! I hope you are doing wonderful! If you are not doing well, I hope this podcast offers you a space to reflect on your relationship with food and your body.    Today I would like to talk about self-love. I think it is a big and important topic. It comes up often with my clients.    In this episode, we discuss:    [06:47] What is our self-love and where does it come from? [08:47] Acceptance instead of self-love [12:58] Living a different life [17:41]...
Published 02/08/23
Welcome to The Balanced Dietitian Podcast! I hope that you are doing so wonderful. Happy February! Today is February 1st! How are we feeling entering the second month of 2023? Oftentimes, as we come to the second month of the year, the high of January, has ended and it can be a really hard time. February can be one of the tricky months.    Today I want to talk about eating disorders because from February 1st-7th it is Eating Disorders Awareness Week here in Canada. Today I am going to talk...
Published 02/01/23
Welcome to The Balanced Dietitian Podcast! I hope that you are doing so wonderful now that we are almost done with the first month of 2023. This time of year can be really difficult for so many reasons. It is still cold and dark. We are all coming down from the hype of the holidays. Sometimes it can leave an emptiness or an empty feeling that can happen around this time.  Today I wanted to talk about the different signs or indicators that our relationship to food is not ideal. Some of these...
Published 01/25/23
Welcome to The Balanced Dietitian Podcast! Today is an awesome episode because I am talking with Trudi, a graduate of the Balanced Program. Today she is sharing her story with us. In this episode, we discuss:  [03:53] Trudi’s relationship to food and body before the program   [08:07] What made her decide to try the program [17:41] Trudi’s healing journey during the program  [22:43] Trudi’s relationship to food and body now [25:44] Her favorite part of the program Ready to heal your...
Published 01/18/23
Welcome back to The Balanced Dietitian Podcast! Today we are going to be talking all about health. We will be discussing health-promoting behaviors, healthy habits, and so much more. I am so excited to be joined by Jenna Waite. Jenna is a Registered Dietitian, Nutritionist, Christian Health Coach, and Intuitive Eating Coach.    In this episode, we discuss:    [01:10] Jenna’s story    [12:17] Life changes when not focusing on the body  [16:39] What is true health?    [28:43] Health-promoting...
Published 01/11/23
  Welcome back to The Balanced Dietitian Podcast! Welcome, 2023! I hope you had a wonderful holiday in general and here we are in 2023. How do we feel? There are so many parts of me pulling when I am thinking about a new year. I love the new year, goal setting, reflection, and new year vibes. There is also a part of me that hates how diet culture gets involved in goal setting and the unrealistic expectations that we put on ourselves for the year.    Today I want to talk about goal setting but...
Published 01/04/23
Welcome back to The Balanced Dietitian Podcast! Welcome to the last week of 2022. How are your holidays? I hope you are having a wonderful and calm time where you get to connect with yourself or maybe it is a busy time. At the end of the day, I just hope that you are doing well and that you have time and space for yourself to do the things that feel so good to you.    Today we are reflecting and I really want us to focus on the things that we love from 2022, things that happened, things that...
Published 12/28/22
Welcome back to The Balanced Dietitian Podcast! We are getting so close to the holidays. How are we feeling, my friends? We are visiting my husband’s family for the holidays. We are trying to take some time to disconnect, connect, relax, eat, and chill, all of the wonderful things we do over the holidays.  Every year when we get around this season I get very reflective and the biggest thing that comes back for me always is the idea of actually being able to enjoy the holidays. Growing up, I...
Published 12/21/22
Welcome back to The Balanced Dietitian Podcast! Happy December! I hope you are doing well! During my disordered years, this time of year was my most stressful time. Holidays became scary and full of anxiety. Having healed my relationship with food and my body it is so fun to find pleasure in the holidays again and really connecting to the experience of being with family and enjoying food.   Today on the podcast we have Summer Innanen who is here with us. Today we are talking about body image...
Published 12/14/22
Welcome back to The Balanced Dietitian Podcast! Happy December my friend! We are in the last month of 2022. The year passed by so fast! I hope that we are doing great as we are getting close to the holidays. I am getting really reflective on the year that has passed.  So much has happened this year. I got engaged, married, went on my honeymoon, and had my first trip with Anthony. The Balanced Practice grew, we welcomed three new wonderful people to our team this year, we had our first team...
Published 12/07/22
Welcome back to The Balanced Dietitian Podcast! How are you doing, my friends? I am super excited about today’s episode.    Today on the podcast I have Toni Marinucci who is a registered dietitian. I am really excited to have her on the podcast because today we are talking about how diet culture can be like an abusive relationship and when to know when to end that relationship. She wrote a book about this. I am really excited to talk about diet culture through this new lens.  In this episode,...
Published 11/30/22