Alexander Bulkin speaks about combining social sciences with blockchain technology at CoinFund (which he co-founded), why crypto funds are becoming tech companies, the antifragility of cryptoassets, cryptoeconomic primitives and the challenges with developing them, why you don't need one blockchain to achieve network effects, how blockchain technology could enable decentralized marketplaces, the drawbacks for crypto businesses in the United States, the power of communities, and much...
Published 10/10/18
Trent McConaghy speaks about creating a data economy with Ocean Protocol, token engineering and design, bringing artificial intelligence to the blockchain, how Facebook could tokenize itself to melt into the user community, why AI researchers often miss the most mundane solutions, how we're moving from nature 1.0 to nature 2.0, smart decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), how DAOs could provide universal basic income (UBI), Estonia's blockchain initiatives, token engineering, ethics...
Published 10/03/18
Ryan Jesperson speaks about his journey to becoming the president of the Tezos Foundation, his outlook for Tezos and its technological innovations. He explains Tezos' on-chain governance and how it could solve the tragedy of the (digital) commons, how he organized the Tezos community in a petition to hold the foundation accountable, dealing with adversity and personal criticism, making sure the foundation stays decentralized, what makes Tezos a blockchain 3.0, Tezos' baking ecosystem and what...
Published 09/26/18
Cedric Waldburger speaks about being part of the team that later became Dfinity, leading growth at the company, why education might be the killer app for blockchain technology, his motivation and approach to storytelling, differences between Dfinity and other blockchain startups, starting his first company at age fourteen, why mentors are so important, measuring his life in quarters, productivity tools for entrepreneur, his investment theses, why he doesn't normally invest in ICOs, investing...
Published 09/19/18
Joey Krug speaks about how he evaluates investments at Pantera Capital, why healthcare, finance, energy, and government are ripe for disruption, why too much money is bad for entrepreneurs, why location matters for funds but less for projects, how incumbent tech companies deal with blockchain technology and tokens, why blockchains won't transform information, why people don't care about their privacy and how to overcome that, why progress is much faster than we notice, how Augur got support...
Published 09/12/18
Jesse McWaters speaks about analyzing the impact of blockchain technology on industry and society at the World Economic Forum, disruption vs. collaboration in the financial sector, why blockchain technology gives people a license to image a future without constraint, the role of established financial institutions in the cryptoasset space, why the road of blockchain entrepreneurs differs from those in the FinTech space, how the blockchain narrative changed in recent years, blockchain...
Published 09/05/18
Peter Hody speaks about his work as a journalist covering the financial sector, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, vetting crypto and ICO stories, staying objective, the role of marketing and PR firms in the crypto space, the role of advertising and paid content in the online media, quality of reporting on cryptocurrencies in the mainstream press, how clickbait distorts the story about cryptocurrencies, crypto news platforms, how the decline of Swiss banking helps market...
Published 08/29/18
Hubert Ritzdorf speaks about automatic auditing of smart contracts, why almost all smart contracts have bugs, specs of smart contracts, the hacks of the Parity wallet, skills necessary to hack smart contracts, why hacking smart contracts is easier than hacking web servers, GDPR and blockchains, challenges for smart contract platforms, being a blockchain entrepreneur in Switzerland, why he avoided an ICO for his own company, and much more. Hubert is the co-founder and CTO of ChainSecurity, a...
Published 08/23/18
Niklas Nikolajsen speaks about founding Bitcoin Suisse and its amazing journey, why "there will be no difference between crypto-finance and finance, it will only be finance", his early cypherpunk days and Bitcoin evangelism, the importance of timing in entrepreneurship, why he understands the hesitation of banks to work with new industries such as cryptocurrencies, how all assets will move onto blockchains, why "making decentralized exchanges illegal is like making gravity illegal", how the...
Published 08/20/18
Lars Thomsen speaks about how crypto and blockchain technology entered his work as a futurist, why it takes a long time to understand what new technologies can do, how futurists work, why blockchains will be at the core of everything, why most companies might miss the opportunity, use cases for cryptocurrencies, the future of work, techniques to imagine possible futures, future-proof skills, and much more. Lars is a leading futurist and founder of Future Matters. He has been working with...
Published 08/16/18
Saifedean Ammous speaks about his book "The Bitcoin Standard", why thriving economies need hard money, the concept of time preference, comparisons between bitcoin and gold, what bitcoin could do for the world economy, how Austrian economics and bitcoin go together, why it took years for him to understand Bitcoin, why he's a self-chosen outcast in academia, why bitcoin might not replace gold after all, and why Bitcoin is neither good nor bad but simply a technology. Saifedean is an academic...
Published 08/13/18
Ron Resnick speaks about leading the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA), how he goes about creating standards, specs and certifications for blockchain applications, why companies join and what they plan to do with Ethereum, why some companies "get" blockchain technology and others don't, how the wide adoption of blockchain technology could unfold, why there might be more than one forerunner in the blockchain space, how blockchain standards create new business models for developers, why...
Published 08/09/18
Daniel Doll-Steinberg speaks about how blockchain technology has changed entrepreneurship, London and Switzerland as blockchain hubs, the race of territories to become blockchain epicenters, advising companies to use blockchain technology, hedging legal risk in ICOs, assessing founding teams of ICOs, characteristics of successful blockchain entrepreneurs, misunderstandings of established industries of blockchain technology, the Atari Token, and much more. Daniel is the CEO of Blockchain...
Published 08/06/18
Dolfi Mueller speaks about the "Bitcoin Experiment" at the city of Zug in Switzerland and how it energized the local government and an entire region, learning lessons from the experiment, how banks (still) deal with Bitcoin companies, how the blockchain ecosystem in Zug is developing, why blockchain black boxes undermine confidence, a pilot for a digital ID on the blockchain, and how the city has changed over the last decades in the face of globalization. Dolfi Mueller is the mayor of Zug,...
Published 08/02/18
Luzius Meisser speaks about the early days of Bitcoin and the evolution of a thriving ecosystem in Switzerland, the professionalization of the ICO market, challenges in the foundation model for ICOs, the Swiss FINMA guidelines vs. other European guidelines, the Swiss blockchain taskforce, how the law around cryptocurrencies evolves, the question if bitcoins are data, Bitcoin's "eternal September", why there may be too many different blockchains, why many tokens will go to zero, how he...
Published 07/30/18
John Hargrave speaks about marketing basics for ICOs and blockchain companies, email lists, misconceptions of blockchain entrepreneurs about communications, creating good marketing content, "create once, use everywhere", video vs. written content, deciding on which channels to use and which ones to avoid, "talking points", how to avoid infomercials but instead create value, how to build trust, viral mechanics, and why the "white paper has to die". John is the CEO of Media Shower, a media...
Published 07/26/18
Luis Cuende speaks about the inspiration for his startup Aragon, raising over $100 million in his ICO, how he plans to create a digital jurisdiction that isn't bound to the borders of a single country, how governments manipulate citizens, how he explains the need for digital worlds, which narratives inspire people to reclaim their freedom, societal challenges in the Western world, why jobs are a thing of the past, why he thinks governments should try universal basic income, how blockchains...
Published 07/23/18
Mathias Ruch speaks about beginning his career in the dot-com boom, becoming an investor, enabler and facilitator of the blockchain ecosystem in Switzerland, leading the Blockchain Taskforce of the Swiss government, why blockchain technology presents the most important opportunity of his life and for Switzerland, how he screens investments in blockchain companies, entrepreneurial characteristics, why passion eats strategy for breakfast, what he would do differently as an entrepreneur today,...
Published 07/19/18
Tone Vays speak about his approach to technical analysis of the bitcoin price, why other cryptoassets can't reach Bitcoin, relevant time frames for analyzing the bitcoin price, which companies in the blockchain space make sense, ICOs (mostly why they don't make sense), Bitcoin as a working example of decentralization, proof of work, real assets on the blockchain, starting his own business, what would happen if Bitcoin went away, getting information about cryptoassets from podcasts and...
Published 07/16/18
Tom Lyons speaks about the importance of storytelling in the blockchain space, how to develop narratives for good stories about technology, how blockchain startups can go about communicating their projects, the meaning of "thought leadership", how to explain technology to people who have never heard of it, his work in a decentralized organization like ConsenSys, communicating the vision of a company, differentiating use cases and offerings, content articles vs. video, how blockchain...
Published 07/13/18
Michael Sidler speaks about how blockchain technology and ICOs impact venture capital, how he analyzes investment opportunities in the crypto and blockchain space, characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, why he prefers "movies to snapshots", the importance of a good network, which themes in the blockchain space he finds most interesting, tokenizing portfolio companies and VC funds, how VCs compete with ICOs, new business models that blockchains enable, what's missing in most white...
Published 07/11/18
Joe Lubin speaks about his vision for a decentralized world and the role Ethereum and ConsenSys play in it, what most people misunderstand about Ethereum, why it is hard to imagine what blockchain technology will do for us in 2025, why silos are coming to an end, how hierarchy and decentralization go together, what the blockchain space needs to become more trustworthy, which skills are relevant in the decentralized future, and what he would be doing if Ethereum and ConsenSys didn't...
Published 07/09/18
Thomas Naegele speaks about Liechtenstein's new blockchain act, how the country plans to become a global blockchain and crypto hub competing with Malta, Gibraltar, Singapore, Bermuda and Cayman, the blockchain startup scene in Liechtenstein, how blockchain companies from abroad can start a business there, how people can educate themselves about cryptocurrencies, bringing his experience as a software developer into his law practice, his PhD thesis about token economics, keeping current on the...
Published 07/09/18
Roger Wattenhofer speaks about how Bitcoin and blockchain technology entered academia, what we have learned in the ten years of the existence of blockchain technology, why the blockchain is an old idea, how companies collaborate with universities on blockchain research projects, voting on the blockchain, identity on the blockchain, why "nothing requires a blockchain", the challenge for Bitcoin sidechains, why many academic blockchain projects don't make the jump to the real world, things...
Published 07/06/18
Paul Meeusen speaks about bringing blockchain technology to the insurance industry, how a small insurance prototype on Ethereum led to a global initiative that involves the biggest insurance companies in the world, the ins and outs of running a blockchain pilot in a multinational organization and all the challenges that come with it, running the Blockchain Insurance Industry Initiative (B3i) like a startup, why he chose not to use an ICO for funding, how the insurance industry deals with new...
Published 07/04/18