The use of cannabis has increased over the last 10 years. This is in part due to the decriminalization in various areas of the United States as well as in other countries around the world. But what does the research say for pregnancy and breastfeeding? What do major health organizations recommend? What are some guidelines for safer usage? What are the risks to an infant? The Infant Risk Center in Amarillo Texas is currently doing studies on Cannabis (as well as many other medications)....
Published 03/19/24
Published 03/19/24
this is part 1 of 2 -- part 2 will focus on cannabis/marijuana and the THC component within the plant. Is CBD safe for breastfeeding? What do the professional medical organizations and the research studies say?  Here are the reference for this presentation: Centers for Disease Control https://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/breastfeeding-special-circumstances/vaccinations-medications-drugs/marijuana.html Wikipedia...
Published 02/01/24
Depression medications taken during pregnancy not only go to you, but to your baby as well. Sadly, babies will withdraw from these substances in those early days and may experience a wide range of symptoms. Lets discuss why, and what you can do to help minimize this effect and how to help your baby. resources: https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/perinatal-depression Newborn Babies Go Through Antidepressant Withdrawal: A new study finds that newborn babies experience antidepressant...
Published 01/18/24
One of the causes of low milk supply is IGT/hypoplasia. What is it, how to breastfeed with this condition. RESOURCES-- https://kellymom.com/bf/got-milk/supply-worries/insufficient-glandular-tissue/ Huggins, K., Petok, E., & Mireles, O.  Markers of lactation insufficiency: a study of 34 mothers.  Current issues in clinical lactation 2000; 25-35. Marasco, L., Marmet, C., & Shell, E. (2000). Polycystic ovary syndrome: a connection to insufficient milk supply? Journal of Human Lactation,...
Published 01/10/24
How does cyst removal, fibroma removal, breast lifts, breast implants and/or breast reductions impact breast feeding? Resources:: https://www.bfar.org/index.shtml  (being updated as of June 22) Making More Milk: The Breastfeeding Guide to Increasing Your Milk Production, Second Edition  by Lisa Marasco, MA, IBCLC, and Diana West, IBCLC Facebook has a closed group for BFAR - https://www.facebook.com/groups/458224110894529/ https://www.lowmilksupply.org/ If you found value in this podcast,...
Published 01/03/24
Parents choose to induce lactation or relactate for many reasons -- providing breastmilk to an infant is always a wonderful choice.  Why choose to induce or relactate, expecations, storage of milk and more... Here are resources I reference in this podcast: Dr Jack Newman's website    -      https://ibconline.ca/ Wamboldt R, Shuster S, Sidhu BS. Lactation Induction in a Transgender Woman Wanting to Breastfeed: Case Report. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2021 Apr 23;106(5):e2047-e2052. doi:...
Published 01/01/24
Why contracts are important within a gestational carrier and intended family's contracts -- what are some types of contracts or problems when contracts don't cover all the bases for breastfeeding/breastmilk. If you found value in this podcast, and want to support my mission to bring evidence based breastfeeding advice to families all around the world - feel free to "buy me a coffee" :-) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/TheBoobCoachPodcast
Published 12/20/23
Causes and treatments of prenatal breast infections and engorgements.   Always check with your care provider if having infections during pregnancy as miscarriage, stillbirths, birth defects or premature labor can result as infection complications. To reference the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine protocol: "The mastitis spectrum"  BFM-2022-29207-kbm-ver9-Mitchell_2P 360..376 (bfmed.org)
Published 12/13/23
nipple piercings are common -- do they affect breastfeeding? What to expect, problems you may encounter. 
Published 12/01/23
So many changes in your body while growing a baby - and especially with the breasts! The development of the tissue from your gestation through the birth of a baby is covered, the Tanner Scale is discussed also. All the things your breasts do to be able to make milk 
Published 12/01/23
Being the first in your family, at your job or at your daycare provider to be breastfeeding or pumping breast milk. 
Published 12/01/23
Exclusive pumping of breastmilk - what you need to know for providing milk this way for your infant. references for this podcast: 1) exclusivepumping.com    2) “Exclusive breastmilk pumping: A concept analysis:,Kimberly A. Rosenbaum MSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, IBCLC, Nursing ForuM, Volume 57, Issue5 September/October 2022  Pages 946-953    3) “ Pumping Milk and Nursing Are Not the Same”, Annie Lowre, The Atlantic, July 24, 2019    4) Keim SA, Boone KM, Oza-Frank R, Geraghty SR. Pumping Milk...
Published 12/01/23
Everything you wanted to know about colostrum harvesting from week 36+ in your pregnancy.
Published 12/01/23
Colostrum - what is it? Is it really milk? Is it enough for my baby? 
Published 12/01/23
All about me, this podcast, what to expect from this podcast! Lets all talk about breastfeeding. I plan to be uploading new episodes each Wednesday. 
Published 12/01/23