Published 03/31/21
Mental wellbeing is something everyone should strive for, but how do we maintain good mental health? We talked with clinical psychologist Duska Tadic about what we can do to be mentally healthy through a holistic approach that includes the physical, emotional, psychological & social aspects of our lives. Learn how to build your own self-care plan now in this episode.
Published 10/31/19
We've talked about OCD before on the #BorakMindaPodcast, but now we've brought in clinical psychologist Duska Tadic to talk about the more clinical side of things. #AIASeeTheOtherSide
Published 10/24/19
What is Bipolar Disorder? What's the best way to learn about it? By listening to three people with Bipolar Disorder, of course! Join Zulaikha as she talks with two other bipolar buddies, Nia & Ammar, to learn their side of the story.
Published 10/17/19
Do you know someone diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder? In this episode, we interviewed Daneah Husswan about their experience living with MDD. We often hear health care professionals talk about mental health issues, what about people living with them? We invite you to see (or hear!) the other side. #AIASeeTheOtherSide
Published 10/11/19
We teamed up with AIA Malaysia for the #AIASeeTheOtherSide campaign to bring you some special episodes! In our first collaborative effort, Zulaikha talks about mental health stigma, what it is, how it looks like, its impacts and what we can do about it. Adakah anda bersama kami dalam #KelabHapusStigma? Sertai sekarang!
Published 10/03/19
In this episode, Zulaikha has a conversation with Filza Izzyan about her experiences with pursuing a masters in counselling. During her course, Filza interned at a women's prison in Kajang, as well as a community sexual health clinic under the PT Foundation. How is it like to be trained as a counsellor? Listen up to find out!
Published 08/02/19
Do you need help? Dalam episod ini, Zulaikha menerangkan cara-cara mendapatkan bantuan untuk kesihatan mental kita daripada pihak kerajaan, swasta dan juga NGO.
Published 07/09/19
In this episode, your host Zulaikha shares what it means for her to be in a stable condition whilst struggling with mental illness.
Published 07/02/19
Adakah anda mempunyai corak pemikiran yang negatif ini? All-or-Nothing Thinking adalah salah satu corak pemikiran negatif atau cognitive distortion yang boleh membangkitkan masalah dalam kehidupan kita. Dengarilah episod ini untuk tahu bagaimana untuk melawannya.
Published 05/20/19
Do y'all personally know a person with lived experience of OCD? Maybe no? In this episode, we borak with Khodijah Amin about her own experiences with OCD. Zulaikha & Khodijah discuss the misuse of the term OCD, how she got diagnosed, how she experiences OCD, her experience with treatment, and other things including some encouraging words for other OCD fighters!
Published 05/15/19
Korang tahu tak apa sebenarnya itu OCD? Kita selalu dengar orang guna perkataan ini. We discuss what OCD means, its symptoms and common experiences of this mental disorder - not personality trait! (cw: violent thoughts)
Published 05/07/19
In this episode, we discuss the importance of self-awareness in maintaining good mental health. Kenapa self-awareness itu penting? Macam mana kita nak improve self-awareness sendiri? Aku ni cukup self-aware ke? Macam mana nak deal dengan emosi? Listen to the episode to find out!
Published 04/29/19
Here's an intro about the podcast and why we decided to create it! Remember to follow us @mindakami on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Published 04/23/19