Things start becoming addictive when we start chasing the want and not the like. Yes, you want something... but are you enjoying it for the sake of enjoyment... or are you numbing something you don't want to feel instead? Following our full episode, the Neuroscience of Pleasure, this mini episode shines a giant light on our nervous system and its key role in managing pleasure and avoiding addiction. For more ways to get involved with the Brain Blown Community, head to...
Published 05/02/24
Published 05/02/24
The balance of pleasure and pain is on an ever-swinging scale. (Cause they use the same receptors!) And encouraging others' pleasure enters us onto a whole new playing field. Following our full episode, the Neuroscience of Pleasure, this mini episode starts to steer us away from our own experiences of pleasure, and towards how our feelings (and actions) can affect others. __________________________________________________ For more ways to get involved with the Brain Blown Community, head...
Published 04/17/24
If dopamine isn't pleasure (like we all think it is)... Then what is pleasure? Following our full episode, the Neuroscience of Pleasure, this mini episode dives more into dopamine's role while also highlighting a key neurotransmitter that doesn't get enough attention and might be the key to truly enjoying life's pleasures. Lastly, we look at some common pleasures - sex, food, etc. - and discuss how to enjoy them to the fullest. __________________________________________________ For more...
Published 04/10/24
Pleasure is what drives us to do anything and everything in life. So how does our brain decide what we enjoy? What does too much pleasure look like, and how can we make sure the pleasures we pursue in life are healthy? Tune in to learn more, and look out for a few more mini-episodes along this topic next month. ______________________________________________________ For more ways to get involved with the Brain Blown Community, head to ⁠⁠⁠⁠www.patreon.com/brainblownpodcast⁠⁠⁠⁠ to learn...
Published 03/28/24
In January we learned about the Neuroscience of Decision Making, and in this episode, we're taking a closer look at long-term decisions. So... how's that New Year's resolution coming along? Is it feeling like a wishful dream these days? Or maybe you've fallen off the wagon so many times, it seems easier to quit than keep at it? Your brain likes to make sticking to long-term decisions (like resolutions) feel as difficult as it seems... but what if there are ways to "cheat the system" and...
Published 02/29/24
From the everyday to the extraordinary, our decisions shape the course of our lives. So how exactly do the choices we make every day, and the people we come in contact with, change that course? And how can knowing more about our brains lead to better decisions -- ones that we can feel confident in and that match our strengths and values? Tune in as we uncover the secrets to better decision-making by understanding the inner workings of our...
Published 02/01/24
In light of our focus this season on mental health, we leave you with this tool to help ground your mind, activate your whole brain, and ease your body into a more relaxed state. Stay tuned for Season 3 of The Brain Blown Podcast coming in the new year! www.brainblownpodcast.com
Published 11/22/23
Let's celebrate the holiday season with TWO EXTRA episodes to round out Season 2 of The Brain Blown Podcast! Following Part 1, this last shorter episode dives back into the neuroscience of trauma and specifically examines the body's role in storing trauma. Laine also highlights some brilliant takeaways we can all use to try and manage the stress in our lives and be prepared to take on everything life throws at us. This will be the final episode of the season, and we look forward to...
Published 11/22/23
Introducing our capstone episode of the season, and arguably one of the most important topics we've discussed to date. As it turns out, trauma is proven to play a much more direct role in our lives than we may have realized (as you'll hear around the 22-minute mark). In this episode, as Laine walks us through some of the science most noted from neuroscientist Bruce Perry, we discover just how impactful trauma -- both "capital T" and "little T" -- can be. In my experience while recording...
Published 10/25/23
As humans, we prioritize sight more than all other senses. But how does it work? How does our brain take light (and the absence of it) and turn it into the most vivid, detailed, and extravagant images and experiences of life? No surprise -- there's a lot more to it, and Laine tells us all about it in our final mini episode of the season. Listen in for a preview of what next season's mini-episodes could cover! REFERENCES The Science of Sight -- Scrippts Research Jean-Paul Noel, Mark...
Published 10/12/23
If you've never had, or never known someone with an eating disorder, you might not feel like this episode applies to you. We promise you, it does, it applies to all of us. Because when it comes to eating disorders, it just feels so simple. Why can't this person just start (or stop) eating? But what if we told you it has very little to do with eating, and everything to do with how the brain sees the body? In this month's deep-dive episode, Laine walks us through the science behind the...
Published 09/27/23
A little longer than usual, this mini-episode is a great follow-up to last month's topic on smell! (If you haven't given that one a listen, we recommend it but it's not required listening.) Prompted by a listener question: What's happening in our brains when we smell or taste, and what can we learn from it regarding losing those senses from COVID-19? Laine walks us through another surprising & brain-blowing topic! If you have any topics you'd be interested in learning more about,...
Published 09/13/23
It's easy to assume that the brain functions differently for someone with schizophrenia... but you'll never guess why... And in this month's episode, Laine reports it to us short and sweet. (If you want to learn more about the extent of the science on your own time, be sure to check out the reference list below for more details.) But in addition to our usual content rundown for season two, Laine and I share space to discuss some of the uncertainty and fear around this disorder how we...
Published 08/30/23
Covid-19 has had wild effects on our sense of smell and taste... and for some, it completely blocked those senses altogether. So... how do we smell? Or equally important, why do we smell? What's going on in the brain that allows us to turn molecules from the air into a recognizable scent, that can even trigger memories? Learn the answers (and more next month) on this month's mini-episode! Visit our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BrainBlownPodcast REFERENCES Understanding...
Published 08/17/23
Sometimes when we can't stop scrolling, we will joke that it's like we are addicted to our phones. Are we? Addiction is so prevalent both in numbers and in casual conversation, to the point where 'Wine Mom' and 'Beer Dad' are big box store t-shirts. But what is addiction? Is it a feeling that we crave, or is it more of an escape from something else? What keeps someone addicted, and why are addictions so hard to break? In this month's deep-dive episode, Laine walks us through some of...
Published 07/26/23
Endorphins -- a naturally-produced drug your body (and brain) can't get enough of. Legally Blonde fans know what we're talking about. ;) Enjoy this month's mini-episode where Laine continues to wow me with what our brains are capable of and how we can use its functions to better our lives. Our last two episodes in June were leading up to this, so if you haven't given those a listen we highly suggest it! RESOURCES: Rashad Roberson Nicholas A Kerna John Flores Kevin D Pruitt -- "Neuronal...
Published 07/12/23
Throughout history, sexuality has been important to the continuation of our species. During this month of pride, we explore when we've turned sexuality into a diagnosis and where expressions of sexuality can be harmful or feel shameful. Cultural influences such as Rihanna's song "S&M," TikTok's 'book-tok' community's love of books with dominant characters, and "50 Shades of Gray" have all continued to bring more diverse sexual practices into the mainstream. Research has shown about 20%...
Published 06/28/23
We all know how it feels to be in pain. But WHERE you experience it may surprise you! In the Neuroscience of Pain, we'll explore how our brains process pain signals, how that process varies with different types of pain, and what you can do with this new knowledge to prepare and work through pain in the future. As mentioned at the beginning of this episode, we've also started a Patreon! We genuinely love sharing these brain-blowing facts and stories with you every month, and if you're...
Published 06/15/23
Bipolar Disorder has been listed as one of the leading disorders of the Global Burden of Diseases... Yet the amount of research and funding put towards it is abysmal. Laine and I share that during our clinical education, we were taught almost nothing about the experience of mania, diagnosing, or treating the disorders like Bipolar. This episode share's what we know so far (from the MANY articles Laine went through to try to make sense of it) and what's happening in the brain -- referencing...
Published 06/01/23
Fitting for this time of year, this mini-episode is all about the birds & the bees... kind of. In the Neuroscience of Orgasm, Laine walks us through the research of what's going on (or not) in our brains during that peak moment of pleasure. But don't worry, as we mention at the beginning -- we keep things science-forward and professional (as best we can). And because there's SO much to talk about, we opted to make this episode a touch longer than our usual 15 minutes... Hope you don't...
Published 05/17/23
Have you ever noticed how many more cases of Autism there are in the world today? In 2023, the World Health Organization predicts 1 in 100 people will be diagnosed with Autism (and USA Today predicts even more...) But if you go back a few decades, there are dramatically fewer cases reported. So what is causing the increase? Are we just more aware of the symptoms, or have our brains begun to develop differently? In this month's episode, Laine walks us through findings from Molden,...
Published 04/27/23
We've all experienced it before: enjoying a delicious cold beverage or ice cream cone when suddenly... Gah! Brain freeze! Ever stopped to wonder what's actually going on to cause the pain? Or curious about what remedies will actually help relieve a brain freeze? Learn about it all in this month's mini-episode! REFERENCES Ho, Przkora, Kumar - "Sphenopalatine ganglion: block, radiofrequency ablation and neurostimulation - a systematic review" Michael Sinkin, DDS - "7 Ways to Stop Brain...
Published 04/13/23
ADHD is one of the most common diagnoses for kids, and many adults today claim to have it. But what if we told you we don't know enough about it to cure it... or prove it exists at all? Research shows that over 9% of children are diagnosed with ADHD, but considering how common it is you'd think we understand a lot of what's going on and why certain therapies or medications help to relieve symptoms. Yet what we know (or don't know) about it will shock you. So what DO we know about...
Published 03/29/23
This episode is a tribute to all who may be inclined to enjoy an extra drink or two this St. Patrick's day - Or for anyone who's enjoyed a night out but can't remember it thanks to too many drinks. So what actually happens to those memories during an alcoholic blackout? What's happening in the brain, and what can we learn from it? Enjoy this month's mini-episode and find out... and have fun (while being safe) this holiday! REFERENCES Min, Kim, Lee, etc. - Difference in Cognitive...
Published 03/16/23