When you’ve deeply loved someone and that love dissolves or meets a sudden end, it can jolt you out of reality into a cloudy, confused state where you feel low, lost and alone. 😞 And, if you’ve ever suffered from self-esteem issues before, a breakup can make you particularly vulnerable to feeling unworthy of love from anyone (let alone yourself). 😥 When a relationship dissolves, it can alter the way we view our own identity. It has such a detrimental impact on us that we can even forget...
Published 12/04/21
In a world that convinces you to be different, being different and unique has become a scarcity in this world. It's easy to compromise everything you are and what you stand for just to make people feel warm... But doing so won't change ANYTHING, honey! 😉 In fact, you'll most likely lose yourself trying to fit in this world. Every person is unique and you can't try to be someone you are not. Just like a snowflake, you have distinct personality and characteristics that set you apart. 🤗 Your...
Published 11/26/21
When we lose ourselves and our passion for life within our partnerships, it’s time to cut the cord and run. Our relationships aren’t meant to be stagnant and burdensome affairs. They are meant to fill us with happiness and ease, while making our lives a more enjoyable experience. Relationships that are bogged down by heavy torment or endless regret and conflict are not relationships meant to stand the test of time. They’re an indication of two people who just don’t work. If you want to...
Published 11/24/21
Yes, it's perfectly okay to say "NO" without explaining yourself! 😊 Even if it hurts someone's feelings, give yourself permission to say NO to anyone or anything that drains you, makes you uncomfortable or causes you pain. ✋ Show up for what really matters without feeling mean, guilty or selfish! 💪 You have to set healthy boundaries and take care of yourself. ❤️
Published 11/18/21
Racine de la jalousie et poison pour l’estime de soi, la comparaison n’est sûrement pas une solution idéale pour se sentir heureux dans son quotidien. Cela a des effets néfastes sur la confiance en soi, la bienveillance, la gratitude, etc. Comment sortir du piège de la comparaison ? Écoutez ce podcast et découvrez les meilleures astuces pour arrêter de se comparer aux autres, être fière de soi et regagner confiance en soi ! 💋
Published 11/17/21
It’s not easy to heal after being cheated on—after all, everything about infidelity is powerfully painful. It doesn’t matter if it was a one-time indiscretion, a series of micro-flirtations, an emotional affair, or finding out your partner has a secret family. Whatever shade of infidelity you’re dealing with, it’s totally natural to feel a sense of betrayal, anger, and grief. There’s nothing like betrayal to throw your self-esteem for a loop. When your spouse betrays you, you are devastated....
Published 11/10/21
Failures are necessary for success in anything...they are learning opportunities that will propel you to the next stage. Instead of saying "I failed at my marriage", you can say "I had trouble communicating in my marriage and am learning to communicate better now." The first statement is anchored in the past that cannot be changed while the second has an eye to the future and is more empowering of what you can do now. So, switch your mindset from being a victim to a victor. When you feel like...
Published 10/22/21
“Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.” – Lao Tzu. It is human nature to want to be liked and accepted. However, this often leads to people worrying too much about what others are thinking about them. This kind of excessive worrying can have a negative effect on your life. It can be so debilitating that it interferes with your ability to feel at ease with yourself and around others. Do not let it prevent you from living your life to the fullest potential....
Published 08/24/21
If you do think from time to time that you’re stupid or not as intelligent as anyone else, listen to this!
Published 08/17/21
Do you say yes when you really mean no? Do you break promises to yourself or neglect your self-care? Is it hard to put yourself first? If so, it’s high-time to give yourself the most important gift ever: Self-Love. Self-love is your secret weapon to living a fulfilling life. That’s because your inner world creates your outer world. Before you can receive love and respect from others, you need to love and respect yourself. When you make decisions out of guilt, a need to please or to avoid...
Published 07/20/21
This Monday Get-Up-And-Go message: Be your best suitor. How you treat yourself sets the standard for how others treat you. Don't use all your pocket money on little gifts for everyone else... Start including YOURSELF! Don't save your best peptalks for everyone else and shrug your shoulders when you're struggling. You're your lifelong companion, you are your first CHAMPION. You don’t need someone else to come and save you. You can be your own damn hero, your own Santa. Be good to yourself.
Published 07/12/21
No matter how indulgent or fancy the term may sound, self-care is crucial for our physical, emotional and mental well-being. You shouldn’t neglect self-care at any cost! In the Part 2 of the "The Art of Taking Care of Yourself" series, I tell you all about the importance of caring for yourself!
Published 07/06/21
Self-care is something that many people struggle to prioritise. There's a misconception that self-care is selfish, but this could not be further from the truth. Self-care is a crucial part of looking after yourself, as well as others. When you practice self-care you produce positive feelings, which boosts motivation and self-esteem leaving you with increased energy to support yourself as well as your loved ones. Taking care of yourself starts with tending to your own needs. In this series,...
Published 07/05/21
Say it loud, and say it proud: Me, me, me! OK, maybe you don't want to shout it, but it is that important. Fitting in time for yourself is essential to do your healthy habits. Take charge of your health and happiness, and you'll lower your stress, become more productive, and have more energy. You may think "it's all about me" is selfish. But consider this: Other people benefit from your "me time," too. Do things that feed you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and you'll bring greater...
Published 06/28/21
Why is it so hard for us to take time for ourselves? We tend to put our work, kids, families, and other responsibilities in front of time for ourselves. Putting “me time” on the back burner, is a big part of why we feel overwhelmed, run down, and frazzled. Lack of self-care can make us ill-equipped to handle life’s stressors. People tend to see self-care as a luxury, rather than a priority. There’s this notion that if we take time for ourselves that we are being selfish, or perhaps,...
Published 06/21/21
Soyez sexy pour vous, à votre manière, selon vos critères. Sans essayer de plaire aux autres et en étant en phase avec vous-même. Portez ce qui vous fait plaisir, ce qui vous fait vous sentir vous. Accepte ton super body et sois en phase avec lui. Apprends à l’aimer et à l’assumer super haut et super fort. Alors tu seras au maximum du sexy et de l’acceptation de soi. Tu seras sexy, pour toi.
Published 06/08/21
Enjoying life and being successful starts with having a good relationship with ourselves and gifting us some well-deserved tender loving care. But don’t worry; solitude isn’t about being lonely, sad, or having antisocial tendencies. On the contrary, seeking solitude can be pretty healthy. Spending time with yourself, noticing your best parts and weaknesses is actually a chance to see the light within and around as well as move forward to what you really want. Well, in short, spending some...
Published 05/08/21
We are told non-stop to sit and wait passively for the love of someone else to come and make things better, to wait until it validates and beautifies and rewards us for having been so patient. But think of all the wonderful things we could be doing instead of waiting, the people we could be if we weren’t tempering our us-ness to impress someone else. Surely even a mediocre day lived fully is better than the best day which is spent in waiting
Published 05/05/21
Dans cet épisode, je te parle à quel point c’est important de passer du temps seule avec soi-même. Non seulement c’est nécessaire pour se connecter avec soi, mais surtout pour apprendre à se connaître de plus en plus. Si on ne se connait pas, comment peut-on créer des connections profondes avec les autres? Apprendre à se connaître est l’un des meilleurs cadeaux qu’on peut se faire. Si on apprend comment on réagit et qui on est, on peut travailler là-dessus. L’important, c’est d’ÊTRE. Qui...
Published 04/24/21
What does kindness mean to you? Giving a homeless person a dollar? Letting your partner have the last bite of cheesecake? Showing up at your best friend’s apartment armed with saltine crackers, chicken soup, and a week’s worth of their favorite rom-coms when she is quarantined with a stomach bug? BUT WHAT ABOUT BEING KIND TO OURSELVES? 😊 I associated kindness with all the above. It wasn’t until I stopped and became aware of my thoughts that I realized that all of those circumstances focus on...
Published 04/16/21
Bullies are everywhere, be it at school, work, or among family members! But have faith that no matter how hard they try to bring you down, these people cannot imprison your soul with their darkness! That's because you don't need their approval, blessing, or negative energy to shine and be happy! Just become your own sparkle and shine so bright that it burns their freaky eyes! ✨☀️😍
Published 04/14/21
Nous avons tous des idées bien définies de ce qui est sexy. Souvent, ces idées ont été façonnées par notre milieu et notre culture, ainsi que par les images de femmes prétendument idéales qui nous entourent depuis des décennies. Malheureusement, ces images ne sont pas très inclusives et l’éventail en termes de couleur, de sexe et de type de corps est plutôt minime. Ne laissez pas cela vous déranger. Reprenez le pouvoir et définissez ce que signifie pour vous le fait d’être sexy. Personne ne...
Published 04/08/21
Human lives are based on social connections. Friends are like a lifeline for us. We can share our happiness and sorrow with our friends. Friends can make us happy. They will support us whenever we are feeling low. Some friends act like they are your true friends but they are not interested in friendship. They only want to take benefit from you. These kinds of people are toxic and they will leave you when you need them the most. We call these people fake friends. It is really hard to spot this...
Published 04/04/21
S'aimer soi-même est le début d'une histoire d'amour qui dure toute la vie. Ne pensez-vous pas que si plus de gens s’aimaient eux-mêmes, notre monde se porterait bien mieux ? 🤔 L’amour de soi n’a rien d’égocentrique ou d’égoïste. D’ailleurs, ça n’a rien à voir avec l’égo tout court ! Pour moi, l’amour de soi, c’est un truc plus profond, un truc qui vient de l’âme et du coeur. C’est un process animé par l’amour et non la peur. S’aimer soi, c’est s’apaiser, se respecter, s’écouter. C’est...
Published 04/01/21
We have all had that one friendship or relationship that it seems impossible to get out of. No matter how many times you're hurt, you stick around for some unexplainable reason.. . You become broken down and lose yourself because you're so focused on giving and giving for someone who doesn't care how you feel. Then, one fine day you decide to break the toxic cycle, and I promise it's all uphill from there. ❤️
Published 04/01/21