EP212: 5 Habits To Fast Track Your Online Success
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We made it.  The final episode of season ONE of The Business of Becoming.  Don’t worry - We are kicking off season two on April 1st, 2021 and we are featuring Women Who Lead - you won't want to miss out! But in this final wrap-up - I chose to go out with a bang.  In this episode, I am summing up the 5 most important habits I’ve integrated into my life to help me fast track my success.  Let me start by saying that I did not nor do I still have it all figured out. There are days where I feel like I have no idea what I’m doing and when I have those days, I fall back on my habits.  You might not resonate with all 5 habits and that’s ok. My wish for you is that you make a commitment to establishing your own habits so that you can create structure in your day.  I can’t remember where I heard this quote but it’s worth repeating here: Structure gives you freedom. So I want you to commit to me that you will take the habits that resonate with you and make them work for you.    Habit # 1: Magic Time  When I first decided to take my business online in 2012, I was stretched to max capacity. I had two kids under 4, my program was being run in 9 locations, I was single, and I was trying to move my practice online.  I called my business coach, crying, explaining how maxed out I was. He was not impressed. So wake up earlier. Make time.  Earlier? How early?  5 am he said.  Ok, I said. 5 am it is. I’ve been waking up at 5 am ever since. Even on weekends. I don’t even need to set an alarm anymore.  Magic time doesn’t need to be at 5 am but you do need to carve out at least 60-90 minutes daily, 7 days a week to have focused time to work on the most important aspects of your business that will drive the business forward.  Not having time is one of the biggest challenges we all face. I eliminated that challenge by committing to my morning magic time.  So my challenge to you is to find 60-90 minutes a day, maybe not all in one chunk if necessary to work on the tasks that will grow your business and then fiercely protect that time.    Habit # 2: Create Content Daily  When I first started online I had no idea what I was doing.  When I started my online business I was overwhelmed by how much content I needed to create. I was building up a list which meant that I had to create emails to send to them plus I was in the middle of creating another signature program that I was going to launch in a few months. There was a lot of content to create and there still is.  What I realized is that if I am not showing up consistently, then my email subscribers wouldn’t show up consistently either. I wanted to be top of mind which meant that my emails had to appear in their inboxes multiple times a week with regularity.  So I used my morning magic time to write. I would spend 60 minutes and still do writing content that would be used to build rapport and educate my audience.  My morning magic time was used for creating content.  At first it took me way longer than 60 minutes to write an email but the more I practiced the easier it got and the better I got at it.  This habit of spending at least 60 minutes a day writing is powerful. I do it during my morning magic time but you can decide when you’re going to do it. The point is, if you want to grow your business, you need an audience who is engaged with you and the only way to make that happen is to consistently show up.    Habit # 3 Plan Ahead  I learned early in my business, and I learned the hard way that flying by the seat of my pants is a dangerous way to grow a business, especially when you start to bring on team members.  Even if you are just scheduling a meeting with yourself, do it.  Plan out your week, month, and quarter.  When I started to plan ahead something magical happened. I became more organized and was able to crea
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