This is the final episode of the Business of Becoming podcast. In this episode, I share the biggest lesson that I've learned over the last 10 years of growing my business.  I hope you'll join me for the new podcast The Empowered Practitioner kicking off in 2022. 
Published 12/13/21
I have Andrea Owen with me today to discuss mental blocks that can really impact individuals, women in particular, in the workplace.  We see so many clients come into The Wellness Business Hub that has insecurities being the biggest factor holding them back from finding success online, and if you are someone that feels like they are being held back, this one is for you.  Andrea Owen. Speaker. Life coach. Author. Hellraiser. Andrea Owen is creating a global impact on women’s empowerment with...
Published 12/06/21
My guest this week is Amber Romaro, who is the owner of A Creative Co and someone I follow on Instagram for strategies and advice.  If you're looking for practical and lasting strategies to help you grow your Instagram, then this episode is a must listen.     
Published 11/29/21
Dr. Kylie doesn't work with people 1:1 and as a Functional Medicine Doctor, that's unheard of. My guest today is Dr. Kylie. She is the lab expert who turns "normal" labs into answers, healing, and hope. She runs a successful online functional medicine membership as her goal is to be a mother first, doctor second while helping as many as possible. If you're struggling with your message and your niche, this episode is right for you. 
Published 11/22/21
If you've ever wondered what it really takes to make it in the online fitness and coaching space, this is the episode to listen to. Sean Garner and I share all of the 'real truths' when it comes to online success.  You can catch everything we talk about over on the shownotes page at thewbh.com/250 
Published 11/15/21
How do you pick a niche when you can help everyone?  If you’re an energy healer, Reiki Practitioner or a hands-on professional this is for you. One of the biggest struggles is picking a niche when you can help anyone and feel responsible for helping everyone.  In this episode, you’ll hear Rebecca’s story about how niching down helped her business to grow.  More About Rebecca Poole Rebecca is the founder of The Enriching Relationships program and helps women reconnect to themselves so they...
Published 11/08/21
What does it take to build a successful online practice? Don’t just take my word for it.  Today I am interviewing two of the 10K Online Success System clients, who have been building their very own online business, and are here to give you all the juicy info.  This interview is the real deal. No glossy ads, or funnels.  It is important for me to show you the raw and truthful reality of what it is like to build an online business, and to show you what is possible for you, if you make the...
Published 11/01/21
Today we talking 💲💲💲 Your relationship with money goes way further than the question of if you have it or not.  Your  relationship with money is impacted by many factors that you might  never have considered.  However your learned relationships with money may be holding you back from advancing to the next level of wealth.  ..If you are on a journey of seeking out money or wealth, this episode is for you.  Jennifer Love, CEO of The Living Wealthy Institute is here with me today to chat...
Published 10/25/21
Your online business is your baby. You’ve put your everything in your business; time, sweat, tears, money..  … So how do you now protect your intellectual property when it's released into the world? Romesh is here today to discuss just that.  Have you considered: What goes into a privacy policy What terms and conditions are Due diligence on lead magnets  Hiring contractors vs employees Protecting your content Romesh is providing practical tips that you can implement into your business...
Published 10/18/21
Let’s talk about boundaries.  How many of us have said “yes” to an event, or a meeting, or an activity that we really didn't want to do? … and how many of us have repeated that process again and again, to the point that we feel stressed out and burnt out? Why is it that boundaries are so difficult to set, especially when not being able to set those boundaries will be detrimental to your happiness and success? This episode is all about learning to speak up, even as a people pleaser by...
Published 10/11/21
Its easy to assume that because you are an introvert, that you are not going to feel comfortable showing up online.  I hear that all the time.  That is why this conversation needed to happen, because that is just a misconception. Being introverted and being fearful of showing up online is indeed two different things.  Your fear of showing up online stems from a deeper rooted fear.  It could be a fear of: Failure Being embarrassed Other people's opinions People not relating  Whatever...
Published 10/04/21
Today we are talking about the top mistakes that practitioners and coaches make, and how you can avoid them.  Laura Wood, CRO of The Wellness Business Hub and co host on the L&L Morning Show, joins me to dish the mistakes that we see clients make, but that we have also made ourselves as well.  … But we don’t stop there. We are here to give you all the remedies to these mistakes, and how to avoid them in the first place.  Want to hear more? Join us every Monday and Thursday where we go...
Published 09/27/21
If you have been in my world for any length of time, you already know my passion for marketing.   As a personal brand, connection and communication is everything.  Finding different strategies to authentically connect with my audience, and finding ways to foster genuine relationships as a personal brand has been the highlight of my career.  So bringing Destinee on the show was a no-brainer. I just knew the conversation would be *fire*! Destinee Berman, Launch Strategist and log time...
Published 09/20/21
Talking about productivity just fuels my soul.  We hear often from our clients that prior to the 10K Success System, they were on the verge of burnt out from trying to build their businesses alone.  They were working their asses off, yet they were not moving the needle.  All of the effort that was going in, was not being directed into the tasks that would propel them forward in business.  We see a lottttt of time wasted on things like websites, logos, and branding, and little effort being...
Published 09/13/21
Today we are diving head first into a juicy conversation about business fundamentals.  Regardless of the audience your business serves, or the type of company you may have; there are fundamentals in business that flow across all industries. Today, Stephen Somers is here to discuss just that .  Stephen has helped thousands of people to create multiple income streams through Amazon selling, and he provides so much insight to what it takes to double or triple your income.  .. Not to mention,...
Published 09/06/21
This is the second part of this conversation, so if you haven't heard the first part, I would highly recommend you jump over to thewbh.com/236 to get all caught up.  All caught up now?  Great, Lets go! Welcome back to the Business of Becoming where I am taking you on a journey of where I have been, where I am now, and where I plan on going in the years to come.  This two part extravaganza was really special for me to record, as my goal was to have an off the cuff conversation, at this...
Published 08/30/21
This is a conversation that I was so happy to have on The Business of Becoming.  While I was growing and scaling The Wellness Business Hub, and while I was going through the phases and growing pains, I noticed that there was a lot of advice that would come my way, however only a fraction of what was said was actually true or helpful.  I found that everyone likes to give their opinions and advice, even if they have never been a CEO. Or even if they have never scaled a 6 figure company to 7,...
Published 08/23/21
These types of conversations charge me right up.  It's 2021. The way you show up online, especially as a personal brand, is the reason that your clients will either be drawn to you, or decide to pass on what you have to offer. .. And thats even before they understand what you have to offer. Your clients decision on whether or not they want to work with you happens before they look into your offer, credentials, or education. That's where this conversation comes into play.  Figuring out...
Published 08/16/21
This is the kick off episode to the LAST season of The Business of Becoming.  *tear* It’s a bittersweet moment for me, but ultimately, bigger things are in the pipeline and I am looking forward to sharing it all with you.  In 2022, there will be a new podcast, with a new website, and brand new goals and objectives to bring you the content that you are looking for, in our quest to become the best version of ourselves.  So to send off the last season of The Business of Becoming, I am...
Published 08/09/21
It's been a minute since I’ve had a candid conversation with you all, so I thought, no better time than for the finale of Season two! … and don’t worry, I am only taking a short break, and will be back the first week of July.  I wanted to take this opportunity to have a free flowing conversation with you and answer some important, bigger picture questions that I have recently  received in my DMs’ on Instagram.  Starting with the question from Jenn Pike.  Jenn asked me a question that I...
Published 06/17/21
Speaking to Jan brought out my happy tears.  Oftentimes I find myself in deep conversations with clients about inspiration.  Clients look to me for inspiration and they don’t realize that I am being inspired by them right back.  I am only as successful as my clients. My team is only as successful as our clients are.  Client success is why we do what we do, and it is our biggest goal and priority as a company.  So hearing Jan’s success, and her development and growth throughout the 10K...
Published 06/14/21
I love a full circle moment. Tia started exploring her journey with us and fully investing in herself and her online business in March of 2020.  Tia had a mental block to overcome - and it was the fear of uncertainty “You're going to have uncertainty until you have certainty. And the only way you have certainty is if you dive in.” - Tia Slightham Tia had the choice. To grow her business slowly, and stay on the fence; Or to dive head first into that uncertainty and trust herself and the...
Published 06/10/21
Listen to your instincts.  Why is trusting ourselves so hard to do? We all have wired mindsets that dismiss our natural instincts to try and protect us, and yet these mindsets are what is hindering our success.  When you want something - go for it.  We here people say things like : I could never be successful online I cannot make money following my passions My training only taught me one direction, and I cant deviate from the path I don’t want to leave the safety of my day to day...
Published 06/07/21
I had the chance to host a panel of 10K clients that are all thriving in the program and each with a different designation.  Every 10K client has a unique experience while accomplishing the same methods to success.  Some of our clients are coming from a successful in-person practice, and are looking to shift online. Others may be creating a brand new company, and are carving their way to target their ICA.  Regardless of where you are starting, the shift of building an online business is a...
Published 06/03/21