I work in the Health and Wellness Industry.  I help businesses within the Health and Wellness industry grow.  This is why this conversation is one of the most important and impactful conversations that I have had thus far on The Business of Becoming.  I have had amazing guests in the past touch on the biases and non-inclusive ways that the industry portrays and represents itself as. The conversation that I didn’t have was how we can work together to impact the growth of this industry.  ...
Published 05/31/21
This experience is a universal experience for those in the Health and Wellness field.  I experienced it through my education as a Nutritionist.  My clients have experienced it throughout their various educations as a ND, MD, NP... you name it.  In the education provided for Health and Wellness Practitioners, we are taught how to provide the care for our clients once we already established the client.  We are not taught how to get the clients in the first place.  Furthermore, we are...
Published 05/27/21
Have you ever found yourself running on autopilot, and not checking in or asking yourself “is this situation right for me?” I know I've been there.  This is a place that so many of us find ourselves in without even realizing it.  We have a list of our daily needs, the ones that we are responsible for to keep our family and households running. Then we add on work, school, entrepreneurship, friendships, relationships… The list goes on and on. I know personally, I’ve found myself taking on...
Published 05/24/21
Have you considered that the fear of investing in your online business might be the only thing that’s holding you back from living the life you are longing for? It’s hard to conceptualize.  Think about it this way. If you were opening a restaurant, you would need to purchase items like tables, chairs, food, cutlery, etc. Those purchases would be a no brainer - you simply cannot have a restaurant without them. Online businesses act in the same fashion. You need to invest in the tools,...
Published 05/20/21
I want to share an interesting fact about our 10K clients.  All of our 10K clients come into the program with different sized budgets for running ads.  Some are spending minimal amounts, and others are able to push those limits higher.  Regardless of how much money they are placing on ads, they are all using the same framework.  The framework and the mindset that’s developed is built while setting up a signature program is the same for those who go through the program with a large ads...
Published 05/17/21
If you have been following me, for any length of time, you know how passionate I am about discussing mindset, mental models and mental health.  I regularly dive into my own thought processes, deconstructing and analyzing the mental models I have in place, and try and call out my biases around decision-making as a leader. Lately, and especially during the “season” that the world has faced for over a year now, I have been noticing a strain.  I’ve noticed the added stress, tension, and worry...
Published 05/13/21
So you are a new graduate in the Health and Wellness field… where do you start? Do you rent a booth at a trade show to advertise your new business?  Do you go door to door with flyers? Or leave business cards and advertisements in local shops? How do you intend to make a buzz about your practice and attract the right clients? Dr. Stacey Goldman did all of the above, and more.  After graduation, Dr. Stacey Goldman, ND, tried all methods of attracting clients that she was told about in her...
Published 05/10/21
One of the most frequently asked questions that we receive is “Can I run my practice online while still abiding by the strict regulations within my professional licencing?” And our answer is... YES. Yes, you can.  Running an online business while abiding by your province, state, or country's rules and regulations is our area of expertise.  I always say to our audience that if you are licenced, you need to work with someone who knows the ins and outs of the regulations and laws around your...
Published 05/06/21
Molly is here to SHAKE THINGS UP.  … and I am living for it.  Have you ever felt that because someone else is “thriving” in business, that there might be less of an opportunity for you?  Or  Have you ever followed an industry leader on social media, only to find yourself getting pangs of jealousy when you see them sharing a luxurious lifestyle that you wish you could achieve? I personally see clients struggle with these feelings or mindsets when they come into the 10K Success System, and...
Published 05/03/21
How can you possibly make a signature program when you wear so many hats? How can you have an ICA when you target so many different types of people? These questions were on the top of Lisa’s mind when she joined 10K.  Lisa was rewriting her job description to suit each opportunity that came her way, and how was that possibly going to fly while working an online business? Lisa wanted spontaneity, and she was able to challenge the 10K program, allowing it to work with her, to be able to...
Published 04/29/21
We are midway through our season of “Women Who Lead”.  So what better time to talk about MONEY? Money investments, money blocks, money goals... Some podcasts would run from these types of conversations, where we lean into them. As entrepreneurs, conversations around money will always be prevalent. Wherever you are in your business cycle, having a firm understanding of your finances and investments is key.  Danielle Hayden, CEO of Kickstart Accounting joins me to discuss what elements of...
Published 04/26/21
WARNING: This episode made me cry. Tears of joy.  Loukia came onto the L&L Morning show, and shared her amazing journey from struggling and fighting bankruptcy, trying to build a business alone, to creating Midlife In Bold and her FULL-TIME career. If you have been thinking about starting a business, or you’ve been spinning your wheels during the creation process - this episode is for you. “I stopped dead in my tracks. When you said, it's not that you're not good enough. It's not that...
Published 04/22/21
This season, we are tackling conversations that are so important, and frankly, are just not talked about enough.  Have you ever heard that you were too much? Or too loud, or too bossy? I was told that… and those traits led me to an 8 figure business. Dr Stephanie Estima was also told she was too much… and she is now a leader in changing the narrative around health, fitness, sex, intimacy, longevity, parenting, mindset, and pursuing excellence. Dr Stephanie Estima challenges women to...
Published 04/19/21
Turning a side hustle into a career... That’s what most of us hope to achieve, right? .. And that is EXACTLY what Shannon was able to accomplish in the 10K Online Success System. Shannon, founder of the Thrive Formula, joins Laura and I on the L&L morning show to share her secrets to success.  From beginning steps in the WBA program, where she built her first signature program, to having back-to-back $10K months while taking time off.  Our clients' success is everything we strive...
Published 04/15/21
Are you more afraid of failure, or success? What a loaded question. It's easy to believe that our minds are wired to want success. But in all actuality, the way that our minds are wired can be a leading factor that's holding us back.  In our lives, “the longer we have sat with thoughts of doubt, the more room we gave for doubt to feel familiar. So anything and everything else starts to feel threatening. The idea of being happy and successful starts to feel threatening because we're not...
Published 04/12/21
This interview is the first in the series: “Insider Scoop: 10K Clients”  The series of interviews that I am about to share with you, over the next few weeks, is the reason that I do what I do.  These amazing leaders and CEOs are the fuel that fires my whole team.  The amount of times that I tear up throughout these interviews, and the amount of cheering that we do internally, for the success of our clients, is my whole reason and purpose.  Today, we are featuring Karen Yaworsky. Karen...
Published 04/08/21
This episode is one that I have been wanting to have for a while. We see our clients struggling with getting in front of their cameras to record their content, or to go live and “show up” in their groups.  When we ask “What is actually holding you back?”, it always boils down to lack of confidence, and unrealistic milestones that they are trying to achieve before putting themselves out there.  “I need to lose X amount of weight before I get on camera” “I don't need to show myself, I will...
Published 04/05/21
WELCOME BACK! .. And welcome to season two of The Business of Becoming. This season is all about Women Who Lead. I have had the pleasure of interviewing some AMAZING leaders in the Health and Wellness industry… so let's get right to it! For the first episode, I thought it would be best to showcase the leaders that I am fortunate enough to work with every single day - The Wellness Business Hubs’ C-Suite Team.  On this episode, Michelle, Laura and Christine join me to discuss how we handle...
Published 04/01/21
We made it.  The final episode of season ONE of The Business of Becoming.  Don’t worry - We are kicking off season two on April 1st, 2021 and we are featuring Women Who Lead - you won't want to miss out! But in this final wrap-up - I chose to go out with a bang.  In this episode, I am summing up the 5 most important habits I’ve integrated into my life to help me fast track my success.  Let me start by saying that I did not nor do I still have it all figured out. There are days where I...
Published 03/22/21
We have a really special episode for you today.  We are talking about something that I know a lot of practitioners and coaches and entrepreneurs struggle with, and that is feeling not ready, and feeling like an imposter.  I know I struggled with it. I know a lot of people struggle with it and so I was so honored to be able to have Jyotsna on the podcast to speak about taking the control back into your hands, and overcoming the dreaded imposter syndrome.  Jyotsna was able to become a...
Published 03/15/21
Are you struggling to get your business seen and heard? Do you have an AMAZING service that you can provide, yet you cannot find the right people to purchase your program? You’re not alone. Publicity is something that we see a lot of our clients struggle with when they enter into our program, and it is something that without the right tools or education, can leave your business on the ground.  Today we decided to ask Publicity and PR expert Selena Soo to join us on The Business of Becoming...
Published 03/08/21
2020 changed the game.  The pandemic has forced our hands to modify all aspects of day-to-day life, and has drastically altered the Health and Wellness industry.  Archaic systems that were put in place decades ago, are finally transforming and entering the digital world - and that has changed the industry as a whole.  We at the Wellness Business Hub, wanted to take a moment to address the changes in the industry. To speak on the trends that are happening, touch on our predictions for the...
Published 03/01/21
I just had to share this session with you.  Every time I dive into this topic, I gain more clarity in my own mental models, and I just LOVE that.  Today, we are talking about your mental mindset, and trust me when I tell you, there is A LOT to unpack here, so let's dive in.  Decision-making and understanding stable decision-making models takes practice and effort.  Understanding your own belief systems, where they came from, how they help or hinder you- takes effort.  As humans, we...
Published 02/22/21
Are you ready to talk about money shifts? Because I sure am.  I am back to talk about hitting the elusive “10 million dollars in revenue” mark, and what changes I had to make, to get there.  While reading this Forbes article a few years back, I read that only 2% of women-owned businesses surpass the $1 million mark. This statistic is one of the reasons that I do what I do, and why it's so important for me to come on here and share my experiences in business growth and financial success. I...
Published 02/15/21
This episode is a really special episode for me, as I was able to interview an amazing contact that I met through Instagram.  Brooke Gordon works for Business Development Canada as a resource for women entrepreneurs to connect them with resources to help grow and scale their business, and she came onto the Business of Becoming to do just that.  Brooke shares with us the common misconceptions that entrepreneurs tend to have about investing, banking, and everything finance. Even in this...
Published 02/08/21