Starting a journey of personal growth and self-improvement is something to be really proud of. It's a decision that can lead you to profound transformations and a more fulfilling life. However, unfortunately not everyone in your life may share the same enthusiasm for the changes you want to implement.  You might come across resistance, whether it's from friends, family, colleagues, or even your partner. These people may question your decisions, try to dissuade you, or even actively obstruct...
Published 10/16/23
In a world driven by ambition and success, confidence stands tall as a foundational trait that propels us towards our goals. But let's be clear—it's not just about putting on a facade of bravado or being the loudest voice in the room. True confidence, the kind that paves the way for success, runs much deeper. It's about having unwavering faith in your abilities, your worth, and your potential. In this journey to foster core confidence, we'll explore the three essential Cs that will not only...
Published 10/09/23
Published 10/09/23
In this episode, we'll delve into the process of embodying your higher self, exploring your self-concept, understanding its significance, and learning how to shift into the identity that aligns with your goals and aspirations. 🖥WEBSITE: https://www.veronicamezzettidraia.com 📸INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/veronicamezzettidraia 🎥YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3oXPXSW--kkcg9Du9_UOXg    
Published 10/02/23
In this week’s episode we are going to delve into the importance of alignment and I am going to provide you with a step-by-step guide to craft an action plan that helps you move towards your version of success while staying true to who you are. >> FREE SELF-MASTERY MASTERCLASS - REGISTER NOW https://www.veronicamezzettidraia.com/the-self-mastery-masterclass WEBSITE: https://www.veronicamezzettidraia.com INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/veronicamezzettidraia/  YOUTUBE:...
Published 09/04/23
In this episode we discuss the concept of cause and effect and the 2 things you can start doing to turn your dreams into reality.  >> JOIN THE SELF-MASTERY MINIMIND WAITLIST!! https://www.veronicamezzettidraia.com/self-mastery-minimind  WEBSITE: https://www.veronicamezzettidraia.com INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/veronicamezzettidraia/  YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3oXPXSW--kkcg9Du9_UOXg 
Published 08/28/23
In this episode, I talk all about identifying if you're living by default or by design and give you the exact steps to shift gears toward designing your dream life! >> JOIN THE SELF-MASTERY MINIMIND WAITLIST!! https://www.veronicamezzettidraia.com/self-mastery-minimind  WEBSITE: https://www.veronicamezzettidraia.com INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/veronicamezzettidraia/  YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3oXPXSW--kkcg9Du9_UOXg       
Published 08/21/23
This week we are talking about the second layer on our self-mastery journey, which is to ensure that we are living a life that aligns to OUR values.  I will share with you, what values are, how to find out YOURS and what to do with them once you find them to welcome more ease and excitement into your day to day life.  If you have any questions, remember you can reach out to me in the DMs on Instagram.  I also invite you to check out the different ways I can support you HERE and if you are...
Published 08/14/23
In our fast-paced world, many of us find ourselves striving for success, following the well-trodden paths laid out by others, and losing sight of our true selves along the way. The pressure to fit in, conform, and achieve an arbitrary definition of success can leave us feeling burnt out and disconnected from our passions and self-belief. But what if there was a way to break free from this cycle and embark on a brand new journey—one that celebrates your unique gifts, values, and desires?  In...
Published 08/07/23
In this episode we are talking about the power of Visualisation, the science behind why it works and the different ways you can create a Vision Board!  Each week between now and the end of the year, I will be taking you step by step through the things that I do (and encourage my clients to do) to prepare for the best year ahead and enter a new chapter with clear intentions and bags of excitement.  These episodes are going to be informative and actionable, so be sure to tune in and come...
Published 11/28/22
In this episode we are talking about the importance and benefits of practicing gratefulness, the different ways you can build gratefulness into your personal and professional routine and I am going to introduce you to my new favourite exercise - The Gratitude Boad.  Each week between now and the end of the year, I will be taking you step by step through the things that I do (and encourage my clients to do) to prepare for the best year ahead and enter a new chapter with clear intentions and...
Published 11/21/22
In this episode we are kicking off a new mini-series to help you end 2022 feeling proud & positive of the progress you have made and READY to kick off 2023 with purpose and and an action plan you'll actually want to stick to! Each week between now and the end of the year, I will be taking you step by step through the things that I do (and encourage my clients to do) to prepare for the best year ahead and enter a new chapter with clear intentions and bags of excitement.  These episodes...
Published 11/14/22
In this episode you get to come behind the scenes of my business and get the scoop on what I'll be focusing on over the next 12 months as I expand my business, break through old barriers and set my sights on new frontiers.  Whether you are looking for inspiration to grow your own business, motivation to dream big or simply enjoy seeing what other business owners are up to...I hope you enjoy tuning in.  If you have any questions please reach out to me via email on...
Published 10/21/22
I recently started my Human Design journey and this in this episode I share with you why I have become so fascinated by this intricate system and how I am planning to use it to improve my business and my life! Want to find out your Human Design?  You can get your chart for FREE here  Want to be one of my practice clients and received a FREE Human Design Reading?  Send me an email on [email protected] Interested in 1:1 Mindset & Business Coaching? Apply to work with me  ...
Published 08/16/22
I decided to do a Social Media Detox for the month of August and in this episode I share with you why I came to that decision, how the first week has gone and the VERY exciting things I am doing during my time away from Social Media!  Hope you enjoy!  Looking for a Business & Mindset Coach? Interest in working with me? Head over to my website and apply to work with me https://www.veronicamezzettidraia.com Want to remove your Money blocks and SAY HELLO TO FEEL GOOD MONEY with the...
Published 08/08/22
I recently had people reach out to me and ask what I am doing differently because there has been a visible change in the way I show up.  And they would be right. There are a number of shifts I have made and things I am doing differently which have allowed me to do a complete 180 over the last month, both for myself and within my business.  In this episode I share with you the specific things I have done and continue to do, to transform my mindset, actions, business and income, feel more...
Published 05/19/22
This is a raw and vulnerable one, so buckle up for a candid chat!  Ever found yourself in a rut? Stuck? Out of control and ashamed for not being able to get yourself out of it?  I know I have, very recently actually...so here is an insight into my personal experience and the steps I take to get myself back on track and on the highway to thrive city ASAP (and how you can too! )  H E L P F U L   R E S O U R C E S  BOOK A FREE DISCOVERY CALL FREE CONFIDENCE MASTERCLASS JOIN THE COACHING...
Published 05/09/22
Need help?  WATCH THE FREE MASTERCLASS HERE FOLLOW ME ON IG: @veronicamezzettidraia Over the weekend, I sat down before doing some gardening, made myself a drink and turned on the microphone. I really wanted to talk about something that is both deeply personal but also all to common in the online space. I hope that through sharing my own experiences, observations and raw thoughts with you, you'll feel both reassured and inspired to keep going.  I also talk about one fundamental shift...
Published 03/29/22
In thise episode I share why I waited 14 years to pursue one of my biggest dreams, how I finally made it happen (in 1 WEEK!) and what you can do to STOP delaying your own dreams and ambitions.  Follow me on Instagram  
Published 03/21/22
In this episode I share with you some of the biggest mistakes I have made in my Coaching business and what they taught me about myself, my business and life in general. I hope that through sharing these with you, you will a) feel less alone if you are facing similar challenges b) give you some tips, inspiration and a boost of motivation to get over the hurdles and continue building the business of your dreams.  Follow me on Instagram 
Published 03/14/22
In this first episode I share with you why I decided to start a podcast, why I chose to name  'The Candid CEO', the kind of content that I want to share with you through future episodes and why I believe changing the conversations around business and success is so important. I also share with you my personal story, where I come from and how I have got to where I am today.  Follow me on Instagram 
Published 03/02/22