To function well as a believer you must have several times of refreshing and retreat in a year. Believers must take time at the end of cycles (end of the year, end of a semester, end of working at a place, etc.), to reconfigure themselves because seasons can change and you must be discerning. The growth of every believer can be traced to discipleship, but also special and spiritual gatherings.
Published 11/13/24
Published 11/13/24
God is always ready to communicate with us, but our ability to listen and yield to His guidance matters. Divine leading is a privilege granted through justification, and God can speak to anyone, including sinners. In times when we think God is silent, what do we do?
Published 11/13/24
When it comes to divine leading, God is always speaking. Like a radio, you must tune into the right frequency and channel to listen correctly. Other voices that can lead you are; 1. Voices of friends and family. 2. The voice of the flesh. 3. The voice of false prophets. 4. The voice is fear. 5. The voice of circumstances.
Published 11/13/24
More than how to hear God in Bible days was that God could speak to anybody. It was, and will always be about God’s ability and willingness to do so. We tend to think that God speaks through the spectacular things just like Elijah thought. But the truth is that God was in the ‘still small voice’, the least expected experience to hearing God. Don't limit God in your life. He wants to speak to you about everything possible, as long as your heart is willing.
Published 11/13/24
The mere idea of purpose presupposes the existence of a creator, and when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. Many people feel empty because they have not discovered their purpose. There is a greater reason why man was created by God. It is so that His ultimate plan of filling the earth with His knowledge will be fulfilled.
Published 10/30/24
God in us, is better than God with us. The primary infrastructure for hearing God is the Holy Spirit within us. In your bid to hear God clearly, avoid searching for mysterious and mystical ways to do so. Leading by the Spirit comes from an inner witness within us that first confirms we are God’s children. So the same witness for your salvation is the same witness for your leading. God can, and He wants to lead you. You only have to learn discernment by His Spirit within you.
Published 10/29/24
The biggest proof of divine leading is salvation. It started morally before directionally. Those little nudges are leadings- going to church, reading your Bible. It is dangerous to ignore the leadings of God. Every time you ignore the nudges of God you desensitize yourself to His voice but every time you follow the little you get stronger in recognizing what He is saying next time. Your passion, zeal, and Godly jealousy can be pointers to the leadings of God.
Published 10/29/24
God sees beyond what we can see so He knows how best to guide and lead us. Being led by Him is a privilege because He knows the outcome of it all. God's love should influence our theology of hearing from Him. It is important to know that every believer can be led by the Spirit of God. Not because of your level of fervency, but because God said He would lead us!
Published 10/29/24
Leaps and Bounds Conference Day 2 As we celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Catalyst Church, we are careful to recognize how the sufficiency and zeal of the Lord have brought us this far. The zeal of the Lord is God’s jealous commitment to his plan. To experience the zeal of the Lord, you must align yourself with the purpose of God. Believe with all of your might and your soul, what God has spoken and the zeal of the Lord will perform it.
Published 10/18/24
There are two things you need to know about the Glory of God: 1. The glory of God is a message. 2. The glory of God is also an atmosphere. The message of God is Salvation through Christ Jesus. You hear the message, the message brings you into an atmosphere.
Published 10/18/24
Remembering the extent of the work of Christ will always bring you to a place of consecration. Devotional fervor is something you can experience consistently. But it requires discipline. The cure to prayerlessness is prayer, even when you don't feel like it. A key to sustaining your spiritual fire is surrounding yourself with other believers.
Published 10/05/24
Overcoming temptation requires a response that is controlled spiritually because how you react ultimately influences the outcome. To truly conquer temptation, it's essential to respond not with your thoughts, but with the Word of God.
Published 10/05/24
To be made in the image of God means that you have an inherent resemblance to God in your being, including rationality, morality, freewill, and spiritual nature. This is fundamental to your existence and your relationship with God. The image of God you've been created in should not react negatively to devotion. So, whenever you find yourself not fully devoted and submitted to God, it indicates a distortion of your image. When this happens, remind yourself that you have been transformed...
Published 10/05/24
As the Church of Christ the moment the Holy Ghost came, He showed us that we were created to worship God, as God's harvest, to serve Him. Worship is deeper than the singing of songs randomly, our hearts must connect. There is a posture to respond to God in worship; if your heart is connected, your body will respond. Can you respond much more to God, than you do to other things?
Published 09/24/24
Before God made man, he created a system and an infrastructure for man's survival, including everything on the earth such as water and plants. This has everything to do with our devotion. We must learn to create an atmosphere before the activity, by setting structures to sustain our devotion. If you leave it to chance, your devotion will suffer. Don’t wait till you are already on the edge to start building these infrastructures to keep you in check at all times.
Published 09/24/24
Throughout Scripture, love for God has always been presented as something delightful. If that is not the case for you, you must work on your heart, because salvation is a miracle of changed desires, and this should be evident in the life of a believer. God must command your passions above everything else. You must learn to treat the things of God like a treasure.
Published 09/24/24
Just as the Marines have embraced a lifestyle of unwavering faithfulness to their mission and one another, believers are called to exhibit a selfless commitment to God. A deep understanding and full realization of Christ's sacrifice should naturally cause a response of consistent and devoted faithfulness in all aspects of one's spiritual life.
Published 09/24/24
The Islam religion will say that the Bible has been corrupted because of the different language translations over the years, and many other reasons. However, they are unable to prove their claims against Christianity. We are taught how to respond to these claims against the Christian faith, and answer questions relating to the two possible arguments faced when we speak to Muslims- approximations and supposed Biblical text contradictions.
Published 09/23/24
As believers, we have been given the ministry of reconciliation. We are saved to save others, and so we are to be ready to give a defence for what we believe. Jude 1:3 In this teaching, we answer the following questions: 1.⁠ ⁠What's the difference between Allah and Yahweh? 2.⁠ ⁠What are the differences in the beliefs (Islam and Christianity)? 3.⁠ ⁠How to respond to their questions as believers.
Published 09/03/24
You have to be ready to give an answer when you’re asked about what you believe Jude 1:3 We explained the trinitarian nature of God 1.⁠ ⁠God is one 2.⁠ ⁠⁠God is three distinct persons 3.⁠ ⁠⁠each person is fully God The Muslims believe that Allah is absolute and he is one and there’s no division in God. But in Christianity, we still hold the fact that God is one but what differs is that we believe that he is not just One but he also exists as three different persons, God is...
Published 09/03/24
The confirmation of the Gospel is essential; it serves as an assurance or guarantee that the message is true. It solidifies the authenticity of the Gospel. We must learn to give God room to confirm His word. He is always ready to work miracles in our lives if we make room for Him to act.
Published 09/03/24
One of the things you'll have to defend the Christian faith is the authenticity of the bible. The Bible is inspired by God and as a result, it is inherent and infallible. In this sermon, we learnt how to answer the following questions: 1.⁠ ⁠How did we receive the Bible? 2.⁠ ⁠Was the bible properly copied? 3.⁠ ⁠Are there contradictions in the bible? 4.⁠ ⁠Were verses or books removed from the Bible? How about the apocrypha?
Published 09/03/24
The existence of evil does not contradict the existence of God”- is one of the lessons we learn from this teaching. Answers to common and uncommon questions about the existence, the goodness, and the hiddenness of God, the solution to evil, and the judgment of our sins, are given and explained. Biblical and logical approaches are considered while answering these questions.
Published 09/03/24
In this sermon, we are taught Christian evidence as a defence for our Faith. Christian evidences are evidences of the truth of the Christian God to show that God, demonstrated by the argument of Natural theology, has revealed Himself in Israel's history, in Jesus Christ (which ultimately is the true revelation of God) and in scriptures in a special way. We provide such evidence through; 1.⁠ ⁠Biblical prophesies 2.⁠ ⁠The claims of Jesus 3.⁠ ⁠The Miracles of Jesus and His Resurrection...
Published 08/13/24