When the Holy Spirit came to live in you, you became God’s temple The temple in the Old Testament was a shadow of YOU Therefore, you can learn a lot about yourself by looking at what God did in the Old Testament temples If it was instructed that fire be burning in the Old Testament temples then it must be your reality that fire is always burning in you.
Published 04/19/24
Published 04/19/24
At salvation, the moment the Holy Spirit came to live in us, we became his temple. We became a house of prayer. Prayer should be a constant activity in our lives. The bedrock of sustenance is consistency. Being a house of prayer requires discipline and consistency. As much as it's our life, there's a walk of consistency you must do to call out who you really are, which is a house of prayer.
Published 04/17/24
Prayer is an activity carried out in reverence and consistency by man which involves verbalizing his desires, petitions and requests unto God. God’s plan for every believer is that he grows and prayer is one of those things every believer needs to be taught in order to get it right. This teaching answers some frequently asked questions on the concept of prayer.
Published 04/17/24
The Bible instructs us to pray without ceasing. Prayer to a believer is like oxygen to man. It keeps us alive spiritually. The Apostle Paul would not have given that instruction if he didn't believe prayer to be an effective part of your spiritual well-being because whatever you have to do non-stop has to sustain you. Therefore, we must pray always, in-season, out of season and without ceasing.
Published 04/17/24
The one subject one can't claim to have mastery on is eternity. As believers, we have the assurance of eternity because we have a risen saviour. It's only someone who has died and rose again that has the right to tell us what happens after death. This teaching answers the following 1. Is there really life after death? 2. Do we really have hope of continuing our existence after we drop this body? 3. If there is such a life, how do we know?
Published 04/17/24
False doctrine has been rampant since Bible times. We must be careful not to be deceived by false prophets. This is why we must know what the Bible says and take heed to who teaches what, and what kind of doctrine they teach. We must also not entertain any form of mockery or insults against the Christian faith.
Published 04/15/24
Following a spiritual father is a big part of growth in discipleship. A spiritual father is one whom God has given to someone for their spiritual well-being. Scriptures give us solid backing for this sort of relationship. We see examples with Paul and Timothy, and Elijah and Elisha. Through observation, following instructions, and learning to stay, you will grow.
Published 04/07/24
Ministry gifts are vital for church development, and this is God's strategy for building and equipping men. In order to be mentored by a spiritual father, service within the church is essential because this fosters discipleship and character building. Elisha showed great tenacity to learn, observe and be in close proximity with his spiritual father (Elijah) which only a follower would possess. By observing your ministry gifts closely and seeing what is possible in their lives, you can see all...
Published 04/07/24
Our idea on discipleship should be from the scriptures, you need to put aside your own idea and accept scriptures, The church of Christ must be a church of disciples, Your walk with Christ is an instruction, A lot of people are saved but not discipled, you need to be discipled.
Published 04/07/24
To be a student of the Word, it is important to prioritize going to church to be taught the things of God. Honor and take seriously, the structures that have been set for you in the church. The structures are put in place to aid your spiritual growth. This is the way to be a disciple.
Published 04/07/24
Jesus set a structure for how the church and the gospel would continue to move forward in His absence. This was His final instruction before His ascension. He gave them a template of what He had done with them to do with others. He said, “Go into the world and make disciples…” As such, the church of Christ is not meant to be a mere assembly of members but a community of devoted disciples.
Published 03/20/24
The Spirit of God brings order into the lives of his children who align themselves to the vision of God- preaching the gospel to all men. God is willing and able to bring order into every area of your life including your health, your finances, your academics, your business, and your family. Align yourself to his will, and you will experience his order. This teaching on order by the Spirit sheds more light on this.
Published 03/20/24
A lot of people get saved without being taught in church. You must be taught and be ready to listen to instructions. A man is saved by faith in his heart that by the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, you are saved.
Published 03/20/24
Effectiveness in understanding and living the Word of God requires retaining in your consciousness all you have learnt. To grow in the things of God, you must set adequate structures to keep you in check. Neglecting these structures would lead to inconsistency. A decline in your faith is not sudden, but rather a summation of failed structures. It is therefore important to prioritize the things of God.
Published 03/20/24
The Bible works together, you don’t judge scriptures by your feelings, The scripture is correct no matter how you feel, from scriptures we see that the law was not cancelled but fulfilled, The law was never to make man righteous.
Published 03/20/24
The law was not meant to make us righteous it, revealed God's righteousness. e know God's standard from the words he gave in the law. The law was to show our inability to meet God's standard. Join us a we uncover what the law really means
Published 03/20/24
There is a position that men need to take in God to be the person God originally designed him to be. For this to happen, he must recognize that God has placed in him everything he needs to fulfil destiny. There is a generation awaiting the manifestation of men who understand and perform their roles as fathers, husbands, leaders, and priests.
Published 03/03/24
Men must take heed not to be used as instruments in the hands of money, sex, and career. They must be the ones who control these things in the appropriate ways. From one man, families are formed. It is from the family unit that communities, nations, continents, and the world at large exist. This is why it is important to get the constitution of a family right.
Published 03/03/24
Before the Mosaic Laws, a law already existed. That law was the instruction God gave Adam in the Garden of Eden because where there is no law, there is no sin. Disobedience of this first law then brought sin into the world. To understand the nature of the new man in Christ, we must first understand the nature of the old man. This will help us appreciate the gift of salvation better.
Published 02/25/24
There is an approach to studying the Bible. The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed and the New Testament is the Old revealed. This means that to properly understand doctrines and concepts, we must understand their origin in the Old Testament and their revelation in the new; this includes the new creation.
Published 02/25/24
Scriptures instruct us to go into the world and preach the gospel to the whole world, there’s no part of scripture that excuses you from going out to teach and in the society we live in, the truth is being suppressed and people rebel against God, There’s a world out there that has defined things differently and we have to step in. Join us as we discuss about a worldview called Pantheism
Published 02/25/24
God is a great example of evangelism because He did not only instruct believers to do so, He led the charge through the life of Christ who came to die for the sins of the world. Our duty therefore as believers is to respond in obedience to the mandate of reconciling men to God. We must evangelize with a competitive mindset, knowing that our adversary- the devil is also competing for souls. We must also be as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves while at it.
Published 02/16/24
We've received graces and gifts but it won't matter the grace on your life if you don't put it to use. Irrespective of the grace on your life, there's still a place for labour so it won't be in vain. In this sermon, we looked at the opposition to bravery and how to handle these oppositions.
Published 02/11/24
To see what the early church saw, we have to do what they did. The boldness we see them move with in the early church should also be seen in our days. As a man of the Spirit, you have to be brave with all God has asked you to do!
Published 02/11/24