I offer no apologies for giving you a very simple Savasana style relaxation meditation today! Sometimes we just need to let go and hit the reset button, and sometimes we need a little help to get to sleep or get back to sleep and this is what today's mediation is all about. Savasana is a vital part of any yoga class - the part that we all look forward to - but it is also most definitely a type of meditation. Being present enough to fully relax and let go is not as easy as it sounds! I hope...
Published 05/07/24
Dr Joy is a licensed Professional Counsellor and is a specialist in addiction and self love, having overcome food addiction and halved her weight. Her weight loss journey is not necessarily what you would expect as it was through medical methods, however, the spiritual side of Joy's journey has been just as, if not more, significant. In this episode we talk about the shame, lack of self-love and genetic influences on addiction and how to traverse the tricky journey out of addiction using...
Published 05/02/24
In working with my clients one of the most frequent questions that I get is how to discern between the ego and the Higher Self. How to listen to our intuition. This is not a straightforward situation as within us we have narratives flowing continuously within our minds. If we have a busy brain and a constant flow of ideas and thoughts, sifting through them to find the wisdom of the Higher Self amongst the many thoughts that float unbidden through our minds can be hard. It is important to...
Published 04/30/24
Dr Mary Sanders has an incredible mix of talents and skills that make her a fascinating and very educational guest! Her natural talent of intuition that arose from being born with a 50% hearing impairment that was not diagnosed for the first three years of her life, alongside her skill as a seasoned chiropractor, her experience as a business owner and her deep understanding of the Subtle Body, the Chakra System and Auric Fields, plus her extensive travels have created a unique skill set that...
Published 04/25/24
It is often said that change is the only constant in life, and it is an absolute truth! In order to flow with life we must let go of our resistance to change because all that is is fear of losing something. Acknowledging that everything changes, our emotions, our relationships, our bodies, our "things", our work, our inner understanding, the external world... the list is endless because everything changes! In this episode we meditate on the impermanence that is constant in our lives. Much...
Published 04/23/24
I figure that if I suffer with something that most likely, some of you out there will too! So today we are meditating to heal a headache or even migraine. Personally, it is peri-menopause that is gifting me these moments of weirdness where a headache/migraine can make me feel nauseous, emotional, irrational and somewhat removed from reality! So, of course I go to the chakras to help me heal. In this meditation we are trying to find out where in our bodies (apart from the obvious place - our...
Published 04/16/24
Billy Lahr is a Mindfulness and Intentional Living Coach, he is a digital nomad living and travelling in the Far East. We discuss living with intention, following your purpose - not your passion, and how to live mindfully. Our conversation also encompasses the issues around midlife crisis and much more! It was a really fun and energetic conversation with someone fully invested in their journey in life, living with self-awareness and humour. You can find Billy at all these places - Wesite -...
Published 04/11/24
The importance of being kind to ourselves can never be underestimated! When we are facing difficulties in our lives they are usually around relationships - with other people, with work, with money, with food - whatever the issue, bringing kindness into the situation will always bring relief. Noticing when we are not being kind to ourselves is the first crucial step, because when we are kind to ourselves we can be kind to others (or the thing that we are in relationship with, like work, food...
Published 04/09/24
In today's meditation we are tapping into the energy of the Spring Equinox, the renewal, rebirth and new growth that is all around us. Using a visualisation we are setting intention in order to use the energy of renewal and rebirth of nature to foster this same growth within us all. Even if you are in the Southern Hemisphere and coming into Autumn this is still valuable work to do! We are finding a seed of intention to nurture as we enjoy the burgeoning springtime energy that Mother Earth...
Published 04/02/24
Michelle Rose Kennedy is a Reiki Master, an Akashic Records Guide and an Author. Our conversation was wide reaching and we touch on subjects as diverse as Light Language, Faeries, the 15 chakra system, raising our vibration to reach 5D and of course, Reiki and having an Akashic reading. Michelle is a a true Starseed and a source of much wisdom. It was a joy to spend an hour with her and I hope you enjoy it too! To reach Michelle you can do so on Insta  @myreikihealermichellekenne3856  and at...
Published 03/28/24
We all experience self-doubt, sometimes it can be crippling, and other times simply an irritant. But however it comes up we want to see it for what it is - our ego coming out from the depths to de-stabilise us. It's important to remind ourselves that this feeling of self-doubt will have it's roots most likely in childhood where we felt criticised, berated, humiliated or bullied. Healing this with kind words to ourselves and reminding ourselves that we are merely human and cannot be perfect is...
Published 03/26/24
Leslie Draffin is an ex journalist and TV news anchor who is now working as a Somatic Psychedelic Guide, Sensual Embodiment Coach, and Menstrual Cycle Educator. Psychedelics, cyclical living and womb healing have been Leslie's journey from anxiety, depression, PTSD, burnout, grief, alcohol abuse & eating disorders. In this really juicy conversation we discuss the trauma that women hold within their wombs, how education around our cycle is not serving us and how to manage your cycle to...
Published 03/21/24
Today's meditation is a very personal one. And it will be for you too, if you have experienced loss. In my case, I have lost a very dear friend and I have no idea why - so the emotions that I am working through are confusion, sadness and of course, I am blaming myself. We all will experience loss, and there are no standard emotions, it will always be intensely personal, so I hope that this meditation will help you in working through your circumstance of loss. If you want to reach out to me...
Published 03/19/24
This meditation is for that moment in the middle of a hectic day when you just need 5 minutes to gather yourself and sit back into some peace. The meditation itself IS only 5 minutes long and I hope that it helps you on the days when you simply need a super quick fix to get you centred once more. Save it for quick access for when you can hide in the toilet for 5 minutes and take a well earned 5 minutes to yourself! Much love Rosanne Website - https://chakra-way.com/ Instagram -...
Published 03/12/24
I have a FREEBIE for you today! Do you remember Erin Garay? She is the author of Establishing Equilibrium, a truly wonderful book all about the Chakras and her magnificent Counter Chakra System. Erin has very kindly offered me a number of Promo Codes so you can download the Audible version of her book for FREE and I am giving them away! First come first served, so send me an email and I will send you the codes. I only have a limited number so hurry! Plus they are only vaild for people in the...
Published 03/05/24
In delving deeper into our meditation practice, it has to be understood that sitting with our own thoughts is a step towards sitting with a quiet mind. We must be able to allow thoughts to rise up and float away without engaging or attaching to them if we are going to eventually find a solid, silent meditation. I feel the benefits of guided meditation are so great but we need to start to flex the muscles of sitting in silence and observing what comes up for us. Watching how the brain reacts...
Published 03/04/24
In our chat we discuss Heather's work to release herself from "perfectionism" and how she uses her work as a yoga and meditation teacher and as a holistic nutritionalist to manage racing mind, panic attacks and anxiety. Heather has created an app where all her knowledge is available for you to find and use when you need it and she is offering a 14 day free trial. To find more info please go to your app provider and search for "Cultivating Calm" or check out heatherlillico.com/getcalm You can...
Published 02/29/24
Today we are using the potent symbol of the Lotus Flower within our meditation. The Lotus flower is so important in symbology within the chakra system because the Lotus represents spiritual enlightenment, beauty, fertility, purity, prosperity and eternity. Its roots sit deep in the mud under water and the long slender stem reaches for the light and air above the water line. Without our roots deep in the dirt we cannot grow. If we are feeling stuck in the mud it is a wonderful reminder that...
Published 02/27/24
Kali is a Goddess amongst Goddesses! She is strength, fierceness, empowerment. Her symbology is fascinating and today we invoke her by chanting a simple mantra for Kali. I hope you will find some images of her and do some research so that you can invite her energy into your life - she can be so powerful. Using the Mudhra, or hand position, during a yoga practice will bring strength to your practice and here we use it as we sit to meditate on her. Please take a look at the pictures so you have...
Published 02/20/24
Katrina Bos is a Tantra Teacher, an author, a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and runs courses, writes books and is totally inspiring. I adored our chat together and I hope you do too. You know it's a good conversation when we hit the hour long mark..! In this conversation we delve into some sexual content, so those of you who are of a sensitive disposition, look away now! We discuss intimacy and how we can intertwine spirituality into our sexuality. Tantra is many things but is best known for the...
Published 02/14/24
In today's meditation we are grounding the Sacral or Svadisthana Chakra. I ask you to lie back in Supta Baddha Konasana or reclined Butterfly pose with support under the outer thighs and hips, so that you are truly comfortable for the meditation. Grounding work through each of the chakras is vital, especially for the lower, "earthly" chakras, and in this mediation we visualise or feel into a whirlpool of energetic water, the vortex of it's tail connecting deep into the Earth and the energy of...
Published 02/13/24
Rosie Peacock is not only a phenomenal coach - business, life, mindset - and a positive psychologist but also an experienced medicine woman who has led many Ayahuasca and Psilocybin retreats. She is an expert in the healing benefits and spiritual deepening that these ancient practices can afford us. In this chat we discover about how and why we might choose to do this work and how we integrate this work into our lives. You can find Rosie at https://rosiepeacock.com/ or...
Published 02/08/24
In this episode we are continuing with the theme of Greek philosophies of love and today we will look at Philautia which is self-love. Philautia is self-compassion and as Aristotle put it “All friendly feelings for others are an extension of a man’s feelings for himself.” or as RuPaul says "If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love somebody else?". Love that quote! There are 8 (but probably more because I haven't yet found the word for love of chocolate or music) types...
Published 02/06/24
Rebecca is full of wisdom on how to conquer your Inner Critic, that voice that tells us that we are not enough in some way, and in our chat she uncovers where that comes from and how to overcome imposter syndrome, how to get unstuck from these thought patterns and how to build a consistent practice that will aid us in silencing the inner critic and setting ourselves free to achieve our hearts desire. You can find Rebecca at deeprootedbliss.com Much love Rosanne Website -...
Published 02/01/24