Growing a business is the most non-linear experiment on the planet! Where are you in the process? 😁 -- just starting -- right in the messy middle -- on an upswing -- on a de-escalation -- building towards a bigger future There are SO many phases to business, but these tools and this conversation will touch on them ALL. If you need a deep escalation into some serious (and fun!) Growth Problems, join me for the webinar this week! You can register here 👉...
Published 04/22/24
Published 04/22/24
I'm studying class-growth. Infinite-being-style class growth. Energetic class growth. 😁 (Find out more here: christeljoycrawford.com/letsgrow) I was tapped out for awhile so with me tapping back in, I'm devouring, editing, studying, taking notes on this structure thing. Why, you ask? Because I've been in waaaaaaaay too much pain. And doing WAY too much doing. Dain was talking today, on the 15 Billion call from last week, about how humanoids don't change anything until they're done...
Published 04/15/24
Have you ever dove head first into a tool and discovered how much of YOU you haven't been? 👀 I have really been exploring the tool of destructuring...everything. My body, my money, my relationships, my business...everything. Oof, it isn't always pretty. What I am finding is me. The me that was under all of the presumptions, assumptions, and judgments. Oh how I have missed me! 🥰 I am returning to the ease and space of creating with and as energy. This...this is where all possibilities...
Published 04/13/24
Every hard thing in your life is a structure. Every ease is you. In this episode we: ✨unpack destructuring,✨look at where we might be doing structure unconsciously ✨start to make space for the ease to show up. What could destructuring create for you? And if you want more, join me for one call this Friday!! 👉 https://www.christeljoycrawford.com/offers/q9r6TPat
Published 04/10/24
Who or what would you destructure if you went all-in on you? 😱 Raise your hand if you've been using some energy for structure. :::raises hand::: Instead of flowing energy into you, have you been maintaining ways of doing things that aren't working that well? What if you flowed energy into what you want, what you're all about, how you function that is so unique it is a wild invitation to living? The amount of energy I've been using to hold structures in place (that aren't even mine!) is...
Published 04/09/24
Are you running an internal race you can't explain? 😩 To be the best? To get there? To get it all right? To be perfect? To not let anyone get ahead of you? To never be wrong? But deep down - you feel less than? Not enough? Flawed? Lacking everything good? Today's key has me by the short and curly's. When I first read about No Competition, I ignored it completely. For five years, I knew it wasn't relevant for me. And then, I read it again. It was so my thing that I had discarded...
Published 04/03/24
Have you always wanted to change the world? 🤗 Me too. My mom bought that religion would get us there, and so we did that. Judgment soup. I absorbed and excelled. My mom was harsh. But also gentle. When she was gentle it was sunshine. When she was harsh it was, of course, my fault. With that as my childhood education, adulthood and relationships were confusing and hard. I tried to be nice. It didn't work. I tried to be good. It didn't seem to matter. I tried to understand. It...
Published 04/02/24
Structures are brutal. (Also, check out the new class: https://www.christeljoycrawford.com/offers/4JMzwLWC/checkout) A quick story 👇 I hurt my knee over the weekend. It was ouchy AF. But I - was different. I cried when I fell because sweet lord - have you ever subluxated your kneecap? It is NOT nice. But inside I felt - peaceful. This peace has been very different from the last time my kneecap fell to the side. The first time was in Panama and I was drunk and in a huge reaction. I'd...
Published 04/01/24
We talk about questions A LOT in Access Consciousness. But why? Because when you live as the question your whole world is always full of possibilities, and when you take action on those and create from them, you get to experience the richness & fortune of living your dream. So, let's break it down. Living AS the question. On the face of it, we know what it is. But do we? Know what it is? Deep into the middle of the today's chapter, I saw where I had started killing myself this...
Published 03/28/24
Did I make a mistake? 🙈 You have a new choice in every 10 seconds. Which means there's no such thing as a mistake. To have a mistake you have to have a past and a judgment about it. You have to ruminate on it and feel things about it, and ALL of that takes you out of choosing forward. (I'll talk about how I've been doing this!) The truth is: if you were choosing forward, you'd never think about any other choice. You'd be so engaged in the current one. This all comes from chapter 3 of...
Published 03/27/24
When things are squishy and small and heavy and contracted... How do you open things up? 😊 When you're frustrated that things aren't working... Wait.... Frustration. 😤 Do you know that conclusions are the source of all frustration? This morning, sitting by the window, I opened up Chapter 2 in The Ten Keys to Total Freedom and was like: shit. Yep. Haven't been using this tool at all. You remember that scene in the Hunger Games? The Capitol has leveled District 8, which Katniss goes...
Published 03/26/24
I like to try things on. How about you? When I was 6 and 7, my mom would drop me at Montessori school. In that big open room, we were to choose what we would play at. But before I did, I would walk around and check out what everyone was playing at. After some minutes, I would finally choose. Watching everyone else's work was 100% more fascinating to me than doing my own. It was my downfall in Grade 4, when I went to public school and had to stay in my seat. I just... couldn't. Now, I can...
Published 03/26/24
Do you ever feel insecure? Unsafe? Angry because...? I'm discovering that these are symptoms of a much deeper presumptive reality. One that stretches the entirety of your life. Did you know that you would never feel those ways if you just knew you were enough? Great as you are? Completely and totally an infinite being? Which means, if you don't feel that way, you don't know you're an infinite being. You feel like you have to try and prove that you're enough. And as I'm sure you've...
Published 03/18/24
"What do the owners of extraordinary businesses know that the rest  don't?" A little quote from the book The E-Myth Revisited (that I am DYING to get into), that really does start us off. When you're pivoting, looking, seeking, searching - you KNOW something else is possible for both you and your business. You know. You're not happy with mediocre or second best. You are having the 'what else'. So, you, my friend are invited into this next webinar: christeljoycrawford.com/thisismenow I...
Published 02/28/24
Let's unpack "pivot". 😃 What if you could pivot the way you love yourself? Pivot the way you view success? Pivot the way you view time? Pivot the way you talk about you and others. What IS pivoting for you already and what could you choose to pivot, that would change your life into one worth living - for you? J oin me for this week's new webinar: This is Me Now!! For existing coaches and facilitators. Register here: christeljoycrawford.com/thisismenow
Published 02/26/24
How many of you have have to come up with new things for your business/life? Or are pivoting because things have changed? If you want things to move, questions are your best friend! For a list of 32 of my favorite reads, go to https://www.christeljoycrawford.com/reads #30daycoachsetup JUMP INTO THE SCHOOL! 🎉 http://infinitebeingschool.com/ What’s Inside: ✨ A 10-Part Video Toolkit ✨ A Reference Library of Key Shows & Mini-Bites ✨ A Facebook Community ✨ A Telegram Channel If you are...
Published 02/24/24
Today I am inviting you to join me as I talk about growing my business. What's involved? Consciousness, creativity, lot's of learnings and some inner and outer change. For a list of 32 of my favorite reads, go to https://www.christeljoycrawford.com/reads #30daycoachsetup JUMP INTO THE SCHOOL! 🎉 http://infinitebeingschool.com/ What’s Inside: ✨ A 10-Part Video Toolkit ✨A Reference Library of Key Shows & Mini-Bites ✨ A Facebook Community ✨ A Telegram Channel If you are new to Access...
Published 02/23/24
A life update. And what's coming 😍 To get a full taste of the Access tools, go to www.infinitebeingschool.com. For a free 30 day challenge, go to www.theawarenesschallenge.com. For a list of 32 of my favorite reads, go to www.christeljoycrawford.com/reads #30daycoachsetup
Published 02/20/24
Feeling a little lost about what to choose for work? When you have infinite possibilities to choose from, how do you know what kind of work will make you happy? Today, I'm exposing a little strategy for discovering more about what will make you happy about work you do - no matter what the work is! And if you want more, check out my personal book list of 32 titles that are changing the game. 👉https://www.christeljoycrawford.com/reads #30daycoachsetup
Published 02/12/24
"You can find the way forward, a path toward making a difference." Your choice to put your work, your art out, does make a difference. Even if it takes years for it to hit. A little mini gem from Seth Godin and a guy I just met: Tyler Ward. Get your copy of my 32 game-changing reads! 👉 christeljoycrawford.com/reads Day five of my 30 day video challenge for the Get Set Up Club: a 30 Day Setup Sprint for Coaches. #30daycoachsetup
Published 02/11/24
If I don't have it, I don't want it. Yep - If I'm not getting what I say I want, it's because I don't truly want it. 😱 Let's dive into this game-changing conversation from The Gift of Allowance by Gary Douglas. Get your copy of my 32 game-changing reads! 👉 christeljoycrawford.com/reads Day four of my 30 day video challenge for the Get Set Up Club: a 30 Day Setup Sprint for Coaches. #30daycoachsetup
Published 02/10/24
You've changed. The thing people say when they want you to stay where you are. What if you didn't let who you were - determine who you can choose to be? Let's be unrecognizable!! 😃 These books have changed everything for me!! 👉 christeljoycrawford.com/reads Day three of my 30 day video challenge for the Get Set Up Club: a 30 Day Setup Sprint for Coaches. #30daycoachsetup
Published 02/09/24
Why am I broke? Day two of this 30 day video challenge in the Get Set Up Club for Coaches! PM me to get on the waiting list for the next round #30daycoachsetup
Published 02/09/24
Starting new things - questions you can ask yourself! Day 1 of my new 30 day video challenge. #30daycoachsetup
Published 02/08/24