In this episode, we pull back the curtain to give you an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at one of our Empowerment Calls featuring the incredible journey of Artist and Business Owner, Sarah Jones. Her business skyrocketed, but she found herself working more than desired. The turning point? Our Empowerment Call, where we guided her to regain control and find balance. Listen today to:  Discover how to structure your time efficiently as a business owner. Explore the freedom in tweaking...
Published 01/08/24
In this episode of our Christian Business podcast, we're all about reflection and taking a moment to look back at what has brought us to where we are today in our women in business podcast journey. As believers, we understand the importance of learning from the past to make intentional plans for the future. Join us as we revisit the risks, challenges, and triumphs that have shaped our path, with a special focus on Christian podcasts for women and our unique perspective on women in...
Published 01/01/24
Have you ever felt like you are too loud or too much for some people? Or maybe you’ve felt like you’re not enough. You don’t have the right credentials or experience. Or maybe you’ve even been told that being a woman disqualifies you from what you thought you were called to do. Today, as we celebrate Jesus’ birth, we also celebrate that he brought an upside down kingdom.  He didn’t come to sit in a palace and talk to rich people. He came to seek and save the lost. Jesus also came to elevate...
Published 12/25/23
If you have been in business for any amount of time you know that growth and change are part of owning a business.  When it is time to change and pivot, inevitably anxiety follows. Pivots are a huge part of owning a business. It is a constant evolution. Today on our Christian Business Podcast for Women, we are talking about Overcoming Pivot Anxiety in Entrepreneurship.  Stop the Pressure Hate to break it to you, but no one is paying that close of attention to you and your business. Don’t...
Published 12/18/23
This time of year can be focused on getting - new clothes, new household items, and lots of other amazing gifts. But what if we took a few moments to think about what we need to eliminate? What is it in our lives that we need to leave behind in 2023? Now is a great time to hit unsubscribe to whatever is holding us back.  The three areas we’re going to explore today are related to your business, your mindset, and your personal life. As we’re hitting unsubscribe, keep in mind that some of...
Published 12/11/23
Have you ever struggled with your pricing or your marketing? If you haven’t…you might be a business unicorn! We all struggle with this from time to time and we are here to help you uncover some gold when it comes to your value, marketing and pricing. This week on our Christian Business Podcast, Lisa is covering Insights into Effective Marketing and Pricing. Effective Pricing: How Do You Know What to Charge? Pricing is such a struggle. When we first start, we often just pick a number out of...
Published 12/04/23
You don’t have to feel behind when the calendar rolls from one year to the next. You can actually put your business ahead by doing some work now in December. What you need is an action plan. On today’s podcast we’re not only talking about how to create that action plan, but also why you should plan for the new year in the 4th quarter.  December is Typically a Slower Month Start planning ahead now while business is a little slower. Don’t take the whole month off. It can shoot you in the foot...
Published 11/27/23
Happy Sales Overload Week! You get so much thrown at you this week for Black Friday! And there will be some great sales out there - with good advertising that pulls you in. We want to help you make solid decisions about what to buy, and not buy, this weekend! This is a great weekend to step into being the CEO of your business as you make a purchase - either way, it’s business buyer beware: don’t get duped!  What Do You NEED for Your Business?  Take a minute to write a list of what you...
Published 11/20/23
Wherever you go, you bring your energy with you. When Sarah was a school administrator, no matter what meeting she had just attended - which might have been heated - she had to work hard to bring the right energy with her as she went about the building. The same goes for Lisa in her business. The traffic on the way to the photoshoot might have been terrible, but the customer needs a friendly face and a confident photographer. How you show up in your business will radiate out to your clients....
Published 11/13/23
Raise your hand if you have ever thought that you would never make it, that you aren't good enough, that you will never be as good as...fill in the blank. Everyone feels this from time to time. The key is not to get stuck in it. Today on the Christian women in business podcast, we are talking about some tips and reminders that you can use to combat the dreaded imposter syndrome. It is time to get out of that habit and finally overcome imposter syndrome! Define Success for YOU Stop looking...
Published 11/06/23
Are you ready for a curveball in your business like a medical diagnosis, an accident, or some other crisis you might face? Find out what you need to do in your business when life throws you a curveball and how our special guest, Jennifer Starbuck, responded to her own crisis that came her way in February of 2023.  Jennifer runs Highlands Ranch City Lifestyle, a local magazine highlighting influencers and business owners in the area. She is a journalist by trade and also a writer. This year,...
Published 10/30/23
It’s really easy to get stuck in a cycle of thinking “I’m not a success” or “my business isn’t working” and it can be downright discouraging! But it’s not necessarily true - we’re just stuck in a moment. We have to have a way to define success and measure it so we can see clearly what we’re actually experiencing in our business. Let’s work together to redefine success with a side of encouragement for the weary entrepreneur!  Take an Inventory Write down what success looks like for you. Take...
Published 10/23/23
It’s that time of year! We are out of the start of the school year honeymoon period and we’re about to be thrust into the holiday season. We’re just stuck in October. So what’s nourishing your soul in this season? It’s time for a breath of fresh air to bring a little new life into your month!  This isn’t about doing more…it’s about being intentional about how you spend your time and making an effort to choose activities that actually bring life to our souls!  What’s Nourishing Our Soul:...
Published 10/16/23
We’ve all been there: on the edge of a breakdown. The overwhelm comes, the stress gets to us and our brain goes “that’s enough!” It looks different for everyone, which can make it a challenge to identify when it’s coming. But there are always red flags we can pay attention to. Today we’re breaking down how to navigate breakdowns because we all experience them and it has a real impact on us, our business, and on those around us. Are you ignoring these red flags? Why Breakdowns Happen When we...
Published 10/09/23
Luck favors the prepared. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Or Sarah’s personal favorite, Proper prior preparation prevents poor performance. Whatever saying you choose, they are all true - especially when it comes to Black Friday Sales. The pressure is on to do a sale or Cyber Monday special during Thanksgiving week - or is it? We’re diving into the power of preparation and how to have a successful Black Friday sale - or not.  You Don’t Have to Do It You have permission to say no....
Published 10/02/23
You asked. We answered. This is a question we’ve gotten a lot: what’s the difference between being a Christ-owned business and being a Christed-based business. It really comes down to which kind of audience you want to serve. We’re breaking down how you can decide what’s going to be best for you  and your business when it comes to Godly entrepreneurship and how you can show up as a Christian in your business.  There Is No Right or Wrong Don’t let anyone “should on you” about your business...
Published 09/25/23
Today on the women in business podcast, we’re highlighting the story of Lisa’s other biz bestie, Jo Espejo! She is a branding photographer from Florida who has learned the power of pivoting and aligning her business with her values. Listen in as she talks about nailing her niche and how she exploded her business last year.  Niching Down + Thriving In Her Business When it comes to niching down, covering it in prayer and seeing what was working and what wasn’t really helped Jo be able to make...
Published 09/21/23
In a world dominated by digital platforms and the allure of remote work, you've likely come across enticing claims like, "I only work 2 hours per day" or "I run my business in just 10 hours per week." These declarations of a seemingly luxurious work-life balance can be incredibly captivating, sparking both inspiration and skepticism. In this episode, we dive deep into the truth behind these alluring promises and the work they have done to be able to work only 10 hours per week. We are also...
Published 09/18/23
Time for a science lesson today on the women in business podcast! Newton’s 1st Law of Motion says that an object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion. What does this have to do with business? Everything! We have to be ruthless about eliminating anything that comes in our way as a business owner that either slows us down or stops our work. Today we’re breaking down: is instant gratification killing your business momentum? Short-Term Mindset When the ticking clock...
Published 09/11/23
From the beginning, our dream for this women in business podcast was to host retreats. Both of us have been on retreats, including business-focused retreats, in the past and knew the benefits of being surrounded by other sisters in Christ. But we also knew we were going to do ours a little differently. If you are feeling alone in your business, you need to listen to the reflections from our Christian Business Retreat. Listen in today to find out about our retreats, why you should come on our...
Published 09/04/23
Are you wearing pajamas or comfy clothes while you listen to this podcast? As a small business owner, the benefits of working from home are amazing - like being able to wear what we want while we work! But, there are also some downsides, too. There can be a tension between work and life, handling family being around home, and the boredom of sitting in the same spot day after day. Today we’re breaking down 10 strategies that you can try as you are a work from home CEO.   How to Be a Work From...
Published 08/28/23
In this women in business podcast episode, we're diving into the common struggle of feeling stuck in our businesses. We’re dating ourselves here, but U2's song "Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of," has some real truth to it. So we’re talking about the various reasons that might be holding you back from progress, such as lack of knowledge, resources, time constraints, or fear of failure. Sometimes, all we need is a clear action plan to break free from the stagnation and get the ball...
Published 08/21/23
Being a Christian business owner in 2023 is not for the faint of heart. Between a shaky economy, reluctant buyers, and crowded industries, it can be easy to lose our courage to keep going. Toss in our own mindset challenges around our gifts and abilities, as well as money, and being bold in our faith, and it can be downright overwhelming.  Today on the podcast, we’re talking through the good, the bad, and the ugly around money anchors, as well as what God actually says about taking risks,...
Published 08/17/23
If you've ever felt stuck or unsure about what steps to take next to make more money in your business, this episode is for you. We'll discuss four key points that can help you generate revenue and achieve financial success as you rev up your revenue to finish 2023 financially strong. Focus on Revenue-Generating Tasks When you're unsure about what to do, prioritize revenue-generating tasks. Ask yourself, "What are my revenue generating tasks for today?" Whether it's making cold calls,...
Published 08/14/23
We are 31 weeks into 2023! Do those New Year’s Resolutions you created feel like they are now outdated or simply forgotten? At this point in the year, if you can’t even remember what they were, it’s time for a new plan! The beginning of school can be like the start of a new year for you in your business to help you reignite your business for the rest of 2023! Treat August Like a New Year There can be a lot of self-imposed pressure about setting goals on January 1. You’ve just come through...
Published 08/07/23