The Christian Outlook -- March 30, 2024 Pastor Philip De Courcy of the ministry “Know the Truth” explains the meaning of “propitiation”–the paying of a price in order to satisfy justice. Pastor and radio programmer Alistair Begg helps answer the question of what it means to really believe in Christ by looking at 1 Corinthians 15. Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, focuses on the significance of the empty tomb in Matthew 28. Chuck Swindoll of “Insight...
Published 03/29/24
The Christian Outlook – March 23, 2024 Albert Mohler, referencing his op-ed at World.org, condemns Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign stop at a Planned Parenthood death camp in Saint Paul, Minnesota as a historic moral breach, signaling the triumph of the culture of death in U.S. politics. Eric Metaxas invites Caleb Dalton of Alliance Defending Freedom, to discuss aggressive tactics of the New Jersey government against First Choice Pregnancy Resource Center in New Jersey. John Hall and...
Published 03/22/24
The Christian Outlook – March 16, 2024 Albert Mohler discusses New York Magazine's moral case and advocation of unrestricted access to gender-affirming treatments for transgender youth, dismissing parental authority.  John Hall and Kathy Emmons talk with Dean Weaver, President of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, about Ted Gioia's analysis of the "Post-Entertainment Society" where social media addiction shapes culture and thinking, prompting a call for intentional reading and renewal of...
Published 03/15/24
The Christian Outlook – March 9, 2024 Kathy Emmons talks with Carl Trueman, author of The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self,  about the battle the Church can no longer ignore and must face, in particular, the discipling of its young people concerning sexual morality and gender identity.  Greg Seltz, sitting in for Don Kroah, talks with Tim Goeglein of Focus on the Family on the dangers of historical ignorance and the alarming lack of civic knowledge among students and adults, emphasizing...
Published 03/08/24
The Christian Outlook – March 3, 2024 Bob Burney takes a look at reporting from Politico reporter Heidi Prisabella, who tries to raise an “alarm bell” over Christian nationalism. Albert Mohler responds to the effort from those pushing the "Christian nationalism" line, citing ignorance of America's founding and even the media using it as a scare tactic. Scott Furrow talks with Todd Smith, pastor of Crossroads Community Church in Santa Clarita, California on our fast-disintegrating...
Published 03/01/24
The Christian Outlook – February 24, 2024 Albert Mohler discusses a ruling by the Alabama State Supreme Court regarding the destruction of embryos, affirming that unborn children are children without exception, regardless of developmental stage or physical location.  Brian From and Robyn Chambers, of Focus on the Family, discuss the changes in the pro-life movement post-Roe v. Wade. They highlight the Option Ultrasound program's success in supporting pregnancy centers and empowering women...
Published 02/23/24
Albert Mohler discusses the normalization of gambling in American culture, particularly highlighted by the recent Super Bowl in Las Vegas.  Bob Burney criticizes the "He Gets Us" advertisements that aired during the Super Bowl for misrepresenting Jesus by emphasizing His humanity over His divinity. Georgene Rice and Louis Anderson of Oregon Right to Life discuss the recent Oregon Supreme Court ruling that rendered 10 pro-life senators ineligible for reelection, examining its impact on the...
Published 02/16/24
The Christian Outlook – February 10, 2024 Scott Furrow talks with Jason Romano, a veteran sports reporter and host of the “Sports Spectrum Podcast.” They talk about Brock Purdy, the young quarterback for the 49ers, who has caught the attention of a lot of people, not just because of his talent, but because of his bold profession of faith in Jesus Christ. Jerry Bowyer, host of Meeting of Minds, and David Bahnsen, author of Full-Time: Work and the Meaning of Life talk about the work ethic...
Published 02/09/24
The Christian Outlook – February 3, 2024 In this edition, we'll sit in the Washington D.C. Senate hearing room with Senators Marsha Blackburn, Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley as they question Instagram and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on the harm his platforms are having on teens, where it's revealed the monetary value Zuckerberg has on your teenager. John Hall and Kathy Emmons talk with Chris Martin, author of The Wolf in Their Pockets: 13 Ways the Social Internet Threatens the People You Lead on...
Published 02/02/24
The Christian Outlook – January 20, 2024 Georgene Rice reports on the impact the Dobbs decision has had on the abortion industry, revealing that 32 states have reported a significant decrease of 31,951 legal abortions in 2022. Bill Bunkley warns about an extreme pro-abortion constitutional amendment in Florida that, if adopted, could permit abortions up to the moment of birth. Sign the petition to protect life. Greg Seltz and Focus on the Family's Jim Daly discuss the selfish nature of...
Published 01/26/24
The Christian Outlook – January 20, 2024 Bill Bunkley questions U.S. government transparency on global persecution, and Jeff King, President of International Christian Concern, criticizes the politicization of the State Department's list, citing Nigeria's exclusion due to political and geopolitical factors, including oil interests and the influence of radical Islamists.  Rick Probst and Todd Nettleton of Voice of the Martyrs discuss attacks on Nigerian Christians over Christmas,...
Published 01/19/24
The Christian Outlook – January 13, 2024 Greg Laurie and J.D. Greear, author of Above All: The Gospel Is the Source of the Church’s Renewal, discuss the importance of the Gospel, emphasizing that it is the same powerful message that transformed lives in the Book of Acts, and it remains unchanged. Rick Probst and Erin Smalley, of Focus on the Family, talk about the common issue of "the drift" in marriages, where couples can lose connection over time. Smalley suggests addressing it through...
Published 01/12/24
The Christian Outlook – January 6, 2024 John Hall and Kathy Emmons talk with Sarah Zylstra, an editor for the Gospel Coalition, about the implications of social media on children. They address the concerns raised by the Surgeon General, highlighting the detrimental effects of social media on the mental health of our youth. Albert Mohler raises alarm about TikTok's harmful impact on teenagers and reminds parents to protect their children from the pervasive darkness and corrosive effects of...
Published 01/05/24
The Christian Outlook – December 30, 2023 Greg Seltz talks with Jerry Newcom, director of Providence Forum, about a classic musical masterpiece of Christian worship that has stood the test of time, Handel's Messiah. Brian From and Pastor Steve Coble, of “The Common Good” on AM1160 Hope for Your Life in Chicago, talk with Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra, of The Gospel Coalition, talk about how our young people have been transformed by social media. John and Kathy, the Ride Home, talk to Doug Bursch,...
Published 12/29/23
The Christian Outlook — December 23, 2023 Pastors Ray Pritchard and Dave Watson joined Kevin McCullough to discuss their books on Advent and how to prepare one’s heart for the celebration of Jesus’ birth. Steve Estes provides a fresh application of the Proverbs for this Christmas season on the Georgene Rice Show. Alistair Begg helps create in us a sense of how much was fulfilled in the birth of the Christ child.  Albert Mohler explains how many Christians get the Christmas story...
Published 12/22/23
The Christian Outlook – December 16, 2023 Albert Mohler looks at the massive problem on our nation’s southern border, highlighting record-breaking numbers of illegal entries and gotaways. Eric Metaxas turns to Thomas Homan, former acting director of ICE, to share what’s behind the intentional subversion of the United States of America and its laws. Georgene Rice talks with Michael Johnson, President of the Slavic Gospel Association, about how many who escaped the attacks of Russia in...
Published 12/15/23
The Christian Outlook – December 9, 2023 Georgene Rice commends Tim Head, the Executive Director of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, for sharing insights from the Faith and Freedom Coalition trip to Israel, emphasizing its emotional impact. They discuss specific policy recommendations, including funding for defense measures and mediating relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel.  Scott Furrow and Pastor Robert Jeffress discuss the anticipation of an eventual end of the world in human...
Published 12/08/23
The Christian Outlook – December 2, 2023 Georgene Rice talks with Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation about antisemitism in the nation taking a bizarre and ugly turn.  Paul Gleiser, in for Mark Davis, talks with Pete Peterson, Dean of the Pepperdine Graduate School of Public Policy, about how the October 7 attack on Israel by Hamas shined a light on university campuses and how many have become havens for vile hatred of Jews. John Hall and Kathy Emmons talk with Timothy Paul Jones...
Published 12/01/23
The Christian Outlook – November 25, 2023 Bob Burney looks at how, even in the midst of struggle, we can still be thankful to God. Dr. Albert Mohler reminds us of the apologetic of Thanksgiving: being grateful and thankful should be directed towards the Giver of every good and perfect gift. John Hall and Kathy Emmons, of The Ride Home, talk with historian and NYT bestselling author Stephen Mansfield about the history of Thanksgiving and why it is deemed a controversial holiday when it...
Published 11/23/23
The Christian Outlook – November 18, 2023 On Tuesday, hundreds of thousands marched in the nation’s capital in support of Israel. Rachel Goldberg, the mother of one of the hostages taken by Hamas, spoke at the event in an effort to bring him—and all the other hostages—home. Albert Mohler discusses how elite media outlets have been forced to admit the truth about Hamas seeking to kill as many Jews as possible. Mike Gallagher, sitting in for Don Kroah, talks with Bishop Paul Lanier about how...
Published 11/17/23
The Christian Outlook – November 11, 2023 Scott Furrow and Yael Eckstein, President of The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, discuss the challenges of providing aid to communities who were attacked in Israel.  Gino Geraci talks with Don Sweeting, Chancellor of Colorado Christian University, about an article, Pro-Hamas protests expose the massive failure at the heart of American higher education that illustrates what's happening with our young people.  Bob Frantz laments the...
Published 11/10/23
The Christian Outlook – November 4, 2023 Albert Mohler explains how The New York Times—and other elite media outlets—immediately tried to frame Texas Representative Mike Johnson, the new Speaker of the House, as some kind of crazy Christian. John Hall and Kathy Emmons invite Jerry Bowyer to give his analysis on the latest developments in the Israel/Hamas war, as well as the efforts to frame the war as somehow illegitimate. Georgene Rice invites Robert Jeffress, the voice of Pathway to...
Published 11/03/23
The Christian Outlook – October 28, 2023 Georgene Rice turns to Robert Greenway of The Heritage Foundation to discuss the concerns about Iran's role in the attack on Israel by Hamas. Chaim Goldman of The Word FM 100.7 in Colorado Springs turns to Rabbi Schneider, the voice of “Discovering the Jewish Jesus” to describe what it was like during the massacre that unfolded on October 7, with missionaries and ministries touring Israel while missiles were flying overhead. Bob Burney invites Gino...
Published 10/27/23
The Christian Outlook – October 21, 2023 Georgene Rice turns to Dexter Van Zile, of the Middle East Forum, to discuss the barbaric atrocity done to Israel by Hamas on October 7th.  Albert Mohler explains why Hamas is a terrorist organization and why schools like Harvard should not allow student groups to basically advocate for the genocide of Jews. Craig Roberts and Jonathan Keller, president of the California Family Council, discuss California’s Assembly Bill 665 which would “amend,...
Published 10/20/23
The Christian Outlook – October 14, 2023 Eric Metaxas and author Joel Rosenberg, who is in Jerusalem, detail the barbarism and raw calculated evil of Hamas in the attack that happened in Israel over the weekend. They examined the possible endgame of Hamas and Iran, highlighting the need for Israel to protect itself. Albert Mohler points out the unique position of Israel as a democratic, constitutional government in the Middle East and underscores the ongoing challenges it faces due to...
Published 10/13/23