The Christian Outlook - September 7, 2024 Albert Mohler responds to the terror group Hamas executing six innocent civilians, including an American citizen. Greg Seltz and Don Feder, a columnist for the Washington Times, look at look at why this is about much more than just Israel, it's about civilization vs. barbarism. Greg Seltz and Tim Goeglein, a VP with Focus on the Family, discuss how our society has drifted so far and what can be done to correct the course. Eric Metaxas invites Ken...
Published 09/06/24
The Christian Outlook - August 31, 2024 Albert Mohler shares about Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, writing a formal letter to the House Judiciary Committee that accuses the Biden administration of limiting speech on the platform. Owen Strachan, host of the "Grace and Truth” podcast, invites Vanessa Sivadge, a courageous young nurse from Texas, to talk about her experience in speaking up over so-called “gender-affirming care” for minors, and how it ended up costing her job. For the entire...
Published 08/30/24
The Christian Outlook - August 24, 2024 Albert Mohler takes a look at the Democrats' strange and dark fixation on abortion as made evident by the abortion trucks at the 2024 Democrat Convention. Greg Seltz turned to Catholic pro-life activist Frank Pavone to look at the pro-abortion and pro-infanticide record of Tim Walz, the Governor of Minnesota, who is now the formal running mate of Kamala Harris. Bill Bunkley turns to Mat Staver of the Liberty Counsel to look at Amendment 4 in Florida,...
Published 08/23/24
The Christian Outlook - August 17, 2024 Greg Seltz and David Harsanyi of The Federalist discuss the importance of faith in politics, arguing that excluding religious values from political decisions is absurd. Harsanyi emphasizes that shared ideals, often rooted in faith, are crucial for national unity. Dr. Albert Mohler discusses voting your Christian conscience in the 2024 presidential election. He critiques David French's argument for voting Democratic to save conservatism, asserting that...
Published 08/16/24
The Christian Outlook – August 10, 2024 John Hall and Kathy Emmons talk with Sarah Zylstra, an editor for the Gospel Coalition, about the implications of social media on children. They address the concerns raised by the Surgeon General, highlighting the detrimental effects of social media on the mental health of our youth. Albert Mohler raises alarm about TikTok's harmful impact on teenagers and reminds parents to protect their children from the pervasive darkness and corrosive effects of...
Published 08/09/24
The Christian Outlook - August 3, 2024 Greg Seltz and author Jeff Crouere criticize the Olympics' opening ceremony for featuring drag queens, transgender performers, and religious attacks instead of family-friendly content. They argue that the event, meant to celebrate athleticism, unnecessarily mocked Christian values under the guise of artistic freedom and inclusion. Bob Burney condemns the Olympic organizers' shallow apology to "those who were offended", which was worse than simply...
Published 08/02/24
The Christian Outlook - July 27, 2024 Tim Clinton talks with author Joel Rosenberg about how the world appears to be spinning out of control, citing increased social and political tensions, international conflicts, and the recent assassination attempt on President Trump. Greg Seltz and Tim Head, Executive Director of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, discuss the Christian response to current political leadership, and the importance of faith, confidence, and wisdom amid perceived chaos. They...
Published 07/26/24
The Christian Outlook - July 20, 2024 John Hall and Kathy Emmons talk with Pastor Jason Charron of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Carnegie, PA, who was asked to give the benediction at the Trump rally this past Saturday in Butler, PA, where a sniper shot President Trump. We’ll hear from journalist Salena Zito who was within feet of Trump when the near-assassination happened.  Dr. Albert Mohler gives his insight into the attack and how Christians can interpret it in light of God's nature...
Published 07/19/24
The Christian Outlook – July 13, 2024 Tim Clinton invites Ralph Reed, founder of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, to offer a Christian perspective as we enter election season, pleading with us to get on our knees and ask God to have his way. Tony Perkins of “This Week on the Hill” turns to Texas Congressman Chip Roy for a candid look at the health of our President who, while possessing diminishing faculties, may be undermining America's national security. Greg Seltz talks with syndicated...
Published 07/12/24
The Christian Outlook – July 6, 2024 Eric Metaxas talks with James Como, of the New York C.S. Lewis Society, about his book, Mystical Perelandra: My Lifelong Reading of C.S. Lewis and His Favorite Book. Metaxas and Como discuss how Perelandra represents some of the very best prose ever penned and how it stands out from the many other masterful works C.S Lewis wrote. Como shares the personal impact C.S. Lewis' writings made on his mind and soul and how his hope was rekindled because of the...
Published 07/05/24
The Christian Outlook - June 29, 2024 Georgene Rice talks with Katie Daniel of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America to explain a Supreme Court 9-0 decision, which preserves access to mifepristone, an unsafe abortion pill. Craig Roberts talks with OB-GYN Dr. Ingrid Skop, who knows well the impact of mifepristone, including the death and destruction resulting from the drug’s mail delivery. Scott Furrow talks with Nicole Hunt of Focus on the Family about the new landscape the pro-life movement...
Published 06/28/24
The Christian Outlook  - June 22, 2024 In this special episode, Eric Metaxas invites British writer and podcaster Justin Brierley to share insights from Brierley's compelling book, "The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God." They explore the cultural trend of atheism in the mid-2000s, highlighting why it failed to provide satisfying answers to fundamental human questions. Then examine the renewed interest in Christianity and its role in providing meaning and purpose.  Metaxas and Brierley...
Published 06/21/24
The Christian Outlook - June 15, 2024 Greg Seltz discusses the importance of faithful fathers with Danny Huerta from Focus on the Family. Gino Geraci talks with author and veteran Jack Billups, who created an update to John Bunyan's classic "Pilgrim's Progress," titled “Christian's Walk: The Journey,” inspired by his role as a father and grandfather. The Voice of the Martyrs has marked June 29th as “The Day of the Christian Martyr,” focusing this year on the horrors under ISIS in 2014 in...
Published 06/14/24
The Christian Outlook - June 8, 2024 Craig Roberts invites Attorney Joe Murray to provide an analysis of the Trump trial, where Donald Trump was found guilty of all 34 charges against him. Albert Mohler offers insights on this tinderbox moment and the dangers that lie ahead.  John Hall and Kathy Emmons discuss with Sarah Zylstra, of the Gospel Coalition, the prevalence of smartphone usage and its impact on social interaction and the resulting decline in young male friendships. Georgene...
Published 06/07/24
The Christian Outlook - June 1, 2024 With significant changes in women's sports policies across the United States, Dr. Albert Mohler discusses the implications and potential Supreme Court involvement in the wake of the Biden administration's redefinition of Title IX. Chris Stigall discusses the upcoming fall election with Kim Russell, an Independent Women's Forum ambassador, highlighting concerns about Title IX changes. Russell leads a coalition of women on a nationwide bus tour to spread...
Published 05/31/24
The Christian Outlook - May 25, 2024 Greg Seltz talks to Jay Richards of the Heritage Foundation and co-author of the new book, “Fight the Good Fight: How an Alliance of Faith and Reason Can Win the Culture War.” They discuss our cultural struggles and how Christians have new allies with which to align and re-engage. Scott Furrow invites Jennifer Kennedy, High School Teacher at Sacramento City Unified School District, to share an update about a big win for parental rights and education in...
Published 05/24/24
The Christian Outlook - May 18, 2024 Albert Mohler warns listeners to not be fooled by Target department stores scaling back its "Pride Collection" in half of its locations. They have not changed their minds, only their marketing tactics. Scott Furrow and Jeff Johnson of Focus on the Family take a step back to look at how we’ve got to this point in our sexual and moral revolution. Greg Seltz sits down with George Barna of the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University to talk...
Published 05/17/24
The Christian Outlook - May 11, 2024 Greg Seltz talks with Cliff May, of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, about the ideological underpinnings propping up the continued unrest on university campuses across the nation, as well as the culpability of the Biden administration. Albert Mohler looks at how far gone the Boy Scouts are, even going as far as changing their name to "Scouting America" to reflect their "inclusive" position, which really means non-homosexual boys aren't...
Published 05/10/24
Christian Outlook  - May 4, 2024 Greg Seltz turns to Jarrett Stepman, of the Daily Signal, to discuss the anti-Semitic protests that continue to disrupt university campuses across the nation. Albert Mohler looks at the ideology behind it all and how its really the same people behind the BLM protests, just different shirts. Scott Furrow turns to Pastor John MacArthur, who's out with a brand new book, titled: “The War on Children: Providing Refuge for Your Children in a Hostile World,” They...
Published 05/03/24
The Christian Outlook  - April 27, 2024 Albert Mohler gives us a closer look at the antisemitic unrest happening at Columbia University in New York City. Greg Seltz talks with Star Parker, founder of CURE—the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, about the distressing antisemitic moment and what it reveals about the health of our nation. Georgene Rice talks with Doreen Denny, the Senior Advisor of Concerned Women for America, about the Biden administration's recently released set of...
Published 04/26/24
The Christian Outlook  - April 20, 2024 Albert Mohler takes a look at the attack on Israel by Iran and how it is an unprecedented move, in that Iran attacked Israel directly, and not with its usual proxy war method. Eric Metaxas turns to Michael Wilkerson, the founder of the organization Stormwall, and how this is a very dangerous period in human history, one that has all the markings of a nuclear Armageddon. Greg Seltz and Alex McFarland, a prolific author and the founder of Alex...
Published 04/19/24
The Christian Outlook  - April 13, 2024 John Solomon and Amanda Head turned to Marjorie Dannenfelser of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America about a pro-abortion statement made by former President Trump earlier this week.  Georgene Rice turns to Dr. Ingred Skop, Vice President and director of Medical Affairs with the Charlotte Lozier Institute, to talk about the abortion case before the Supreme Court, yet again. This time it's an FDA case on the approval to distribute the abortion pill by...
Published 04/12/24
The Christian Outlook - April 6, 2024 Bob Burney takes a look at the Biden Administration's proclamation of "Transgender Day of Visibility" on Easter Sunday. Scott Furrow issues a warning to parents who are considering taking their children to get gender surgeries or cross-sex hormone treatments. Greg Seltz and Dr. Albert Mohler address this issue of transgenderism and how Christians are the only ones speaking up for gender confused children, even in the face of being ridiculed as...
Published 04/05/24
The Christian Outlook -- March 30, 2024 Pastor Philip De Courcy of the ministry “Know the Truth” explains the meaning of “propitiation”–the paying of a price in order to satisfy justice. Pastor and radio programmer Alistair Begg helps answer the question of what it means to really believe in Christ by looking at 1 Corinthians 15. Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, focuses on the significance of the empty tomb in Matthew 28. Chuck Swindoll of “Insight...
Published 03/29/24