E27 – Fast Food to Clean Living Better Birth Outcomes – Hospital and Home Birth Stories
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Imagine finding your life changing for the better through each of your pregnancy and births.  We are joined with Gwenn and she talks about her first birth experience. From the moment finding out she was pregnant things become difficult, headaches began and Gwenn talks about trying to seek help about her weight gain and why she was feeling so poorly. During the pregnancy Gwenn was studying medical science and she got placement in Kenya where she had an ‘eye opening’ experience, she saw how connected to earth, the use plant medicines were creating such ease for the local community there. Coming home she become seeking further into her own health journey and how this may shape her birth experience. Gwenn wanted a natural birth and wrote a birth plan. Her birth she described as difficult, with a barrage of interventions and not being in tune with the processes. The labour lasted 42 hours. After receiving an epidural Gwenn was able to sleep, yet during this time she was giving Syntocinon and her daughter (who was posterior) flipped around very quickly, her heart rate dropped and she was born very fast and distressed. Gwenn found this experince, exhausting, scary and describes feeling powerless and worthless. After this birth Gwenn experienced post partum depression and breastfeeding issues. After this experience, Gwenn, was still in medical school, she began to question more and more into her own health and what this all means. Gwenn asked herself why are we not using nutrition to better our outcomes in brith and pregnancy? Right after she weaned her first daughter, she become pregnant with her next baby and during this time Gwenn become connected with a home birth community and the people around her were progressive in thought and lifestyle. Wanting to have this experience she found an experienced midwife who taught Gwenn about posture, positioning and exercises that can help with helping better the positioning of her baby, exactly what Gwenn was seeking in her first pregnancy. Gwenn talks more about her journey into nutrition. After her husbands cycling accident, she began to read about raw food diets and nutrition within that, she describes her past triggers as using food as a comfort measure and the cravings for ‘junk food’ she made a sudden change to raw food, yet found it created a havoc with her digestion and needed to find a better way of making the adjustment into healthy ‘clean’ living. The more she read and the more she understood the science behind this Gwenn was eating more plant based foods and the headaches and morning sickness almost disappeared. Things were looking better! The labour process for her second birth was vastly different, Gwenn was doing many different exercises and she talks about how a few days before labour she was doing a certain movement and felt her baby move, from then on all the back sensations she was having went away. She had a gradual increase of contractions and the midwife was called. Gwenn was in labour for about 4 hours before immersing her self into the water this took so much of the intensity and pressure away. Her body was allowed to open up and she found her self ‘floating’ in between contractions. Not long after baby come with a few little pushes. She describes the feeling of euphoria, and when he was born she felt the complete rush of love and empowerment. Third time around with her next son, Gwenn never thought it could be better than the last, she felt great and was riding her bike right up into the end of the pregnancy. She found her self more hydrated by eating more fruit and vegetables loaded with water, juices and smoothies. Her birth was again at home and he come earlier than her due time. This labour was only 3 hours and Gwenn describes this as a almost painless experience. She puts it down to her gut being healed and balanced by
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