Midwife Joy and I recorded last year I actually got sidetracked with this track and took me a while to get it all back together, and what a delight to finally find it again! This conversation was so amazing. Joy become pregnant at the age of 19 and at the time was living the ideal nomadic life in a bus. We talk about her bus birth, her steps into midwifery and how she trained with traditional midwifes. She lives on a boat! She is amazing and I need to write no more, dive into the podcast! Its...
Published 11/04/18
What if we looked at the birth experiences so graciously shared with us in absolute awe of how amazing women are in birth? Jessie’s story is one of these incredible experiences, where she tuned in to her safety and autonomy. For the next hour you will be podcast blessed with Jessie and her family’s journey, finding out how birth does not always have to be something we endure, survive and see as a painful event that should be over with as quick as possible. During this podcast Jessie talks...
Published 09/08/18
Welcome to an epic and absolutely essential podcast to listen to. I decided not to split it up and you can enter in and out of this beautiful journey with Katherine and I. So why are we feeling that home birth is no where in a space to celebrate in Australia and worldwide? This story will unravel some of the mysteries of why women are still subjected to an absolute barrage of political, business and oppression driven birth culture. This story is a hard reality of a woman that wants to be...
Published 07/14/18
Could you ever imagine your whole house set up with cameras? A film crew sleeping near by and all anticipating the moment they are called in? Coming into a space so sacred, so intimate and so powerful to a primal woman’s right of passage…. Well Emily has gone above and beyond with gracious love to invite this whole experience of the birth of her fourth baby. I am so excited and so deeply honoured to bring this podcast to you before this film’s release on Mother’s day, 2018. What is the film...
Published 05/10/18
Homebirth Consortium Australia [HCA] is a newly formed working group made up of representatives from local homebirth groups around Australia. HCA’s aim is to show their support for homebirth midwives and fight for changes to government policies so that midwives can return to working more autonomously and within their full scope of practice. By supporting our homebirth midwives, we support home birthing families and accordingly aim to protect homebirth within Australia.   Media Release for...
Published 04/28/18
Wise women are all around the place in all stages of the life cycle and in all forms of nature. Vickie is one who I was deeply honoured to have on the podcast. This story from Vickie is quite an amazing story of strength, love, hope and possibility where Vickie speaks about walking and navigating the birth and death paths. Vickie’s life has been a colour of experience and has guided her to grow into the exemplary woman she is right now. The story begins when Vickie was the young age of 18,...
Published 02/20/18
Freebirth, or birth outside the system, is returning to our communities. With the increased pressures and costs and reduced accessibility of privately practicing midwives in Australia, more and more people are deciding to take full responsibility for their body and birth. This is where birth outside the system, freebirth, unassisted birth, or whatever it needs to be labelled, works well for many. Natalie and I connected after her interview for the 7.30 report aired on the ABC in Australia in...
Published 01/21/18
  🌀This is a small snippet of the amazing folk that brought their wisdom to the 32nd Home Birth Conference in Sydney, Australia. I got to sit with some of these people and find out what messages they brought to the conference, what they were seeking, their thoughts on the state of the maternity system in Australia, their feelings around men at birth, how they feel we can best support homebirth in Australia and, most importantly, what they planned to bring back to their community. As a...
Published 12/12/17
🌀While ‘birth’ and ‘death’ may feel very distant from one another, they are in fact so close together that life would not occur without them. As a birth keeper myself, I am completely compelled to learn more about death, and the more I connect the richer the tapestry of my life becomes. I start to weave life with a brighter thread. I become aware and open and increasingly more accepting of the death path. So, when I connected with Amy from Little Silk Wings, I felt so connected to the work...
Published 11/23/17
    🌀Want to find a real depth into the value of continuity of care? This episode is with Aimee Sing, the current editor of Birthings magazine, an e-magazine released by Homebirth Access Sydney. Aimee takes us through a very informative journey, from miscarriage with bleeding episodes and working through trusting her body, having a placental abruption and a home birth transfer to caesarean, to then having a home birth after caesarean with her second baby. If you really want to understand...
Published 11/12/17
    🌀Lets go on a journey here, this is a beautiful story of birth told from the words of a mother that has encompassed her work and life with the gifts that each child brought her. Meet Julia, specialist in the body from a background of anatomist to working now with women in pelvic mapping and Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®. We head on an interesting journey here and learn extensively about what each birth can teach us and how we can embrace the journey and find ways to...
Published 10/23/17
  🌀Ever wonder how a birth worker with over 12 years of births experiences her first journey into motherhood? Sharing this episode with Jerusha Sutton Birth Photographer and birth worker has been an absolute oracle of wisdom! This is a first time mammas birth journey including a pregnancy of co-creating a documentary, Vipassana meditation at 30 weeks, pelvic mapping, homebirth preparation and a complete mammoth blessingway that had her labour started not long after! Jerusha interprets the...
Published 10/01/17
  Sometimes we recognise one moment that shifted our whole being into what we never knew could exist, like something was waiting in that very second to serve us with one of the biggest awakenings in our life. How does that shape us?  Sunni Karll presented one of those moments in my life. Her book Sacred Birthing, shifted me from thought to process this book was gifted in the most amazing circumstances after an acupuncture session by a wise woman that cleared so many blockages and opened up...
Published 09/13/17
  Doula’s, they are becoming more and more well known in the realm of maternity care. I had no idea what a Doula was until I was pregnant with my first child in 2010, and I thought I was rather aware! So now that I am one, I just love them, and in particular one very well loved Doula Angela Gallo. Why? How can we not feel drawn to the radiant energy that Angela throws out, her life experiences have brought her to this work, to serve, to advocate and to honour a woman in this life changing...
Published 08/23/17
  The body moves when we birth inside and out we are dancing to the beat of the earth the woman roars and we become mother. After this interview with the amazing Talulah from Making Sacred, I felt all my senses heightened, I felt in awe of this journey and a closeness to all mothers, women, in what ever form. These four birth stories will truely take you on the road of transformation. Finding out how important we are in this process is crucial and Talulah shows us in each of her journeys,...
Published 08/04/17
  Ever wondered what happens in the mind of a psychologist while giving birth? I do! You gotta love the mind in birth. This show delves into an induction process with a diagnosis of gestational diabetes with a real positive outlook on this birth. How would you feel when facing this? This show we are joined with Dr. Erin Bowe, even better Erin is also a Hypnobirthing practitioner! Lots of developments and changes in this story. Also hear how Erin helped integrate her dogs with a new baby in...
Published 07/25/17
🌿 When we look at serving women in the sense of a traditional midwife what do we see? Our modern version of a midwife is perhaps rather distanced from the true ‘with woman’ perspective. Traditionally ‘call the midwife’ was in that literal sense; birth, death and in between, the midwife, red tent, with woman and the feminine. This podcast I am so delighted to talk with this amazing woman Jenny Blyth. Jenny is a co-founder of Birthwork, Author and producer of some amazing materials covering all...
Published 07/08/17
🌿 I truly know there is no coincides in life, there is a sure reason that I have another story back to back to show how variable our estimated due dates really are. If you have not listened to episode 35, then go check it out after this amazing story. I love sharing these journeys where a family have taken responsibility of their decisions, are supported around that, listened within and birthed their baby at 42.5 weeks. Even better this story is a first time mother, and, typically its the...
Published 06/22/17
🍃 How do we all approach our EDD, I am sure most of us coming on and past this time find the upwelling of anxiety, talk of inductions, cesarian sections and missed out opportunities for home birth. Also the feeling of being ‘over it’ is common, first time mothers may find this unbearable and then all of a sudden you can slip into to major worry. Step in Jessica! This episode is so so inspiring! Have a look at what the 40 to 44 weeks look like, see how Jessica truly went within and used the...
Published 06/13/17
Midwife Jo Hunter shares her amazing birth journeys, this episode is inspiring for those wondering about private practicing midwifes and their role in the community. 🌿 Jo talks about her inspiring births then her amazing journey to becoming a midwife, advocate and now filmmaker! We hear detail about #birthtime – New upcoming Australian documentary on birth & more. 🍁 Great episode for birthworkers, midwives, students and most definitely pregnant mammas that need some inspiration and...
Published 05/21/17
Hospital and Home Birth Stories 🌱 This episode is with the very Empowered Woman, Mother and award winning Hypnobirthing Practitioner Shari Lyon 💜 I love, love, love listening to Hypnobirthing stories. And this episode left me feeling a whole lot of goosebumps! Have you ever had real fear surrounding birth, do you have fear around birth. Its hard not to with the fear that is out there and surrounding us as parents. Shari growing up was told by her mother that if she birthed her naturally,...
Published 05/01/17
  PART 2 🎙 of this amazing conversation on birth, anthropology and how in awe Robin Grille is of the birth of his daughter 🌿 We continue the conversation on the history of the rise of the patriarchal society and how this in Robins research has affected the outline for birth and what that means for all of us as a society. So we carry on with healing and birth trauma. What does this mean to have had a traumatic birth? What avenues can we go to for prevention rather than cure? We discuss all...
Published 04/17/17
Part 1 – Yes this recording was that good that it went over 2 hours..  Over and over again I am in awe of my guests and in awe of their unique journeys into birth in what ever way that may be. This recording has been absolute flow of conversation and team that up with my second recording with a father, is no doubt a podcast not to miss! We not only talk birth we talk parenting, sociology, psychology, cultural changes, anthropology and just good old connections to how we be, and are as...
Published 04/11/17
  Birth stories shared from a midwife is one of my favourite kind and this podcast is definitely right up there as it shares a deep rich tale of how passionate midwives can be in serving women. Hannah Dahlen probably knew from the first moment she witnessed a birth as a young teen living in the middle east that midwifery was in her bones. The roots of Hannah’s story runs right into the core of the wounded feminine, Hannah, a white female growing up in the middle east saw and felt what many...
Published 03/16/17