 BEFORE YOU LISTEN… ⭐️ If feel at this time this is possibly one of the most important topics that need to be spoken about..death.. We take a little twist this interview and talk with an absolutely inspiring woman that has worked with birth and death for many years. So open up your heart and minds and really sit with the word death, its very normal process, such is birth and life. Denise begins her story by talking about her journey into nursing and how as a young student she was fortunate...
Published 02/22/17
 TO ALL THE DADS AND BIRTH PARTNERS WORLDWIDE 🌎 🕺🏻 I have been waiting so long to have our first official dad’s birth story podcast! We are joined with an absolute winner of a man in birth and womens health and fertility. Dr. Alex Perry joins us to share a fathers and birth partners perspective on birth and how in his profession he is assisting many women in fertility, pregnancy and birth outcomes. Firstly, we talk to Alex about his first brith being a very long, slow and posterior labour....
Published 02/03/17
Imagine finding your life changing for the better through each of your pregnancy and births.  We are joined with Gwenn and she talks about her first birth experience. From the moment finding out she was pregnant things become difficult, headaches began and Gwenn talks about trying to seek help about her weight gain and why she was feeling so poorly. During the pregnancy Gwenn was studying medical science and she got placement in Kenya where she had an ‘eye opening’ experience, she saw how...
Published 01/25/17
“I’ve had this inkling,” I said to my doula, rather sheepishly at 37.5 weeks pregnant, “that I’d like to home birth.” “Yeah?” she replied, totally unsurprised. This was the words from Joelle describing her empowering and supported home birth. This episode looks deep into the decision making processes surrounding birth and as Joelle describes getting wrapped into the ‘program’ of having a baby. Joelle is a mother of 2 children, her first was an transformative experience from maiden to...
Published 01/05/17
  This episode is not to be missed! Elena would have to be one of my most inspiring people that have come into my life path and I feel so honoured deep in my heart to spend this hour listening to her incredible journey of birth, life, birth into being and dolphins! We begin this story with Elena with her journey from 1982 as a political activist and involved with many movements in Russia trying to make life better. She stumbled across Igor Charkovsky who was pioneering, birth and water...
Published 12/22/16
  Birth Stories from a Midwife, Mother and Birth Alchemist! We are joined in this podcast with Registered Nurse and Midwife Faye Read from SoulBirth. This episode really drills into the deep connection and soulful nature of what birth is with four beautiful hospital, birth centre and home birth stories. This episode is great resource for many listeners as Faye, in between her birth stories, talks about her experiences as a midwife. Faye talks delayed cord clamping, natural endorphins, birth...
Published 12/06/16
BIRTH AROUND THE WORLD – CIRCLE OF BIRTH PODCAST SERIES 🌍  💫  – HOLLAND 🌷 I am so excited to introduce Yvonne as my first guest talking birth around the world! Yvonne is going to share her take on the birthing system in Holland, what her job is in birth and postpartum care and then tell us her own birth story in a hospital in Holland. We hear firstly about the model of care you can choose in Holland that being you can choose an obstetrician or midwifery care. There is a struggle here with...
Published 11/29/16
  ROCKCAST! The new podcast!… Welcome to another empowering birth journey. We are joined in this podcast with fellow podcaster Shalome from Rockstar Birth Mag, podcasts and TV. I found the magazines just before I was about to birth my daughter and loved the collaboration, beautiful imagery informaiton and stories from all over the world. Shalome is inspiring many families through her work to find avenues to empower their experiences, so I thought it was time to hear her three birth...
Published 11/15/16
In this episode I feel very connected to the story from Maha Al Musa. This episode brings cultural elements with a journey of finding feminine and connecting in full potential to the birth… Maha beings the story with her background where she talks about her grandmother and birth houses in Arab culture. Taken from her mother at 6 months old and finding her again 33 years later in Lebanon, Maha describes the connection and similarities (such as using the same lip balm) with her mother upon...
Published 11/10/16
BEFORE YOU LISTEN – POTENTIAL TRIGGER – MISCARRIAGE – If you are currently pregnancy or planning. This may not be the right episode to listen to right now please come back it at more approprite time – Any one facing miscarriage or been through, this is a story that is speaking truths of her birth as a woman with and though her own child birth experiences. Please keep an open heart in a space not to judge, but to listen and connect with all our experiences in birth. So this is essentially...
Published 11/06/16
  Midwifes, Birth workers, Doulas, Childbirth Educators and the all important pregnant mothers this podcast is informative and full of life experience! Hospital to Home Birth, becoming a midwife, creating the Indie Birth community, a wonderful life is with a family of 7 children and I would say a pretty supportive husband! Enter Maryn Green and Indie Birth. I could have listened more and more to this womans insights, she has come from an array of experiences across all levels. 8 births, and...
Published 11/03/16
  Curious about home birth, lotus and en caul stories? In this podcast you will find your self oozing the lusciousness of birth, richness of community and the strength of an empowered, nurtured & conscious mama! Tune into a beautiful 50 minutes with Nicole Moore from Birth into Being. Nicole’s first birth was the first baby in six years on the intentional community that she and her husband moved into from the busy city world. She talks about how the community embraced her homebirth and...
Published 10/27/16
  I love transformation and this interview I was honoured to have Shamanic Craftswoman and former home birth midwife – Jane Hardwicke Collings. Transformative, empowering and inspiring. Jane values her truth and the truth in her story reflects on her teachings. Surrender and the red thread.. Personally, the word surrender is so heightened now by listening to these stories of birth. What does it really mean to surrender? Surrender sounds to many like losing power, losing control. We are...
Published 10/20/16
  If you find you’re wanting to fuel yourself with some birth empowerment in your pregnancy, well this episode is for you! Avalon, Birth Keeper and Soul Guide creator of Blossoming Woman shares her three birth journeys. What I enjoyed here listening to Avalon was her absoluteness. Nothing was going to get into the beautiful spectrum of Avalon during her birth journeys. She knew her intuition and this is why her calling is into the work she is doing now. Birth, and showing us we can have a...
Published 10/13/16
  This project has grown into more than birth stories and I am so honoured to just sit in space with the wonderful calming voice of Angela Fitzgerald – Birth Healing. The work she is currently doing is completely fitting to the journey and the growth of the world of birth and beyond. Angela recently retired as a midwife (in the professional sense) in 2015 and found her calling in birth healing. She is providing a space to essentially ‘birth your truth’ So I have been thinking about the...
Published 10/05/16
  This show is really coming together with some super self aware conscious people and this episode is just that! We have the inspiring mamma Zoe Naylor on to talk about her birth experiences and her journey into motherhood. You may know Zoe from the fun loving series McLeods Daughters, her experiences from the professional media world, life and love, has been a part in her ‘finding awareness’ and she is sure giving back. KaftanMama is her insights into awakening, motherhood and all things...
Published 09/28/16
    So excited to publish this story! Here is one of the many reasons that this podcast started! My midwife! Yvonne come into our lives half way though our pregnancy as our backup midwife, we were a bit apprehensive at first as we already formed such a solid relationship with our main midwife. However, after spending the first hour with Yvonne we were all giggles and love! We found her to be a compassionate, skilled midwife with so much integrity. Here Yvonne tells her birth Journeys...
Published 09/26/16
  BEFORE YOU LISTEN – Check out Catherine’s first two episodes E3 Part 1 – Episode 5 Part 2.   This time I got to hear the last two birth stories from Catherine. We see here why informed birth preparation puts you in a great position to have a positive, informed direction on your birth and how the journey progresses. In this episode you will hear how Catherine listened to her intuition and looked upon her past births to prepare her self for fast birth, and she was right! Both births were...
Published 09/21/16
::::TRIGGER WARNING READ BELOW::::: BEFORE YOU LISTEN: You will hear of a heightened hospital experience and also a honourable journey of birth and a death. If you are not in a position to hear this now especially if you are about to birth, please leave this episode and make sure you come back to it at another time. This journey is a beautiful one and definitely needs to be shared as you will hear of a life that what we feel may be very short lived was filled with love, support and choice....
Published 09/15/16
BEFORE YOU LISTEN: LISTEN TO PART 1 – EPISODE 7 …..For those first time mammas and partners out there this podcast is a great listen to remind you about solidifying your support networks and informing your selves (and birth team) leading up to the birth, so you can have an empowering first birth and be prepared for what ever the outcome may be. For those that may have had a diffucult birth experices this is it, you will hear first hand on how you can find the path to healing and acceptance....
Published 09/09/16
  What is a Doula? This would have been my exact reply 6 years ago when I was first pregnant. Now look at me I have become one! What a insight I have gained over the years into my feminie self backed up with some super personal development. So to me Doulas are the real deal in birth and beyond, not one is the same! They can all offer different journeys and experiences to bring you some great possibilities in your pregnancy and birth journey. I was happy to hang out with a few of the...
Published 08/31/16
  BEFORE YOU LISTEN: With this birth there was some healing and lots of awesome personal development that I had to overcome, when you listen you will hear on why its so important to take a big note of your support networks and the information that you receive in birth. This is a good learning story that has me where I am today! So here it is! My first and upmost transforming birth experience that shifted me to WOMAN! So, there was some healing that I had to overcome from this birth, and it...
Published 08/28/16
  BEFORE YOU LISTEN: For those first time mammas and partners out there this podcast is a great listen to remind you about solidifying your support networks and informing your selves (and birth team) leading up to the birth, so you can have an empowering first birth and be prepared for what ever the outcome may be. For those that may have had a diffucult birth experices this is it, you will hear first hand on how you can find the path to healing and acceptance. and its never never to late!...
Published 08/23/16
  This podcast with Tanya Strusberg, Lamaze childbirth educator was uplifting, it felt great to know that there is light in the birth tunnel! These birth journeys show the importance of support and definitely childbirth education such as Lamaze.  Tanya tells of her two births that take place while she was living in Israel. You will hear about the birth system in Israel, how she found her mentor, friend and Lamaze educator Rachelle Oseran and how this aided in her choices in childbirth....
Published 08/11/16
BEFORE YOU LISTEN – Check out Catherine’s first birth story Episode 3….  So secretly I really want to spend more time with Catherine and her fruit buns! I have just enjoyed being a part of the family and then listening to the birth stories, I am glad she is doing what she is doing, becuase it just makes sense. Prepare and inform your self is really really open you up and connect you to super mammas such as Catherine! NB – Audio contains 1 explicit word and lego shuffling!  This story is...
Published 08/05/16